The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1436: Step by step

"I understand!"

Simmons finally found the most critical piece of the puzzle. The entire blueprint was like pulling away the clouds and mist. He quickly recalled the ins and outs of the whole scene just now in his mind, and finally realized that the whole face became brighter-nothing like it. It was Fletcher, but he looked like an old urchin.

"If the power is similar, then you can give it a go. The king and heir are the same; but the power gap is too large, even if you don't want to give up, you can only give up. At this time, choosing to give up is a wise decision. The king should have this. Wisdom. Fletcher is the same, he realized that he was originally eager to create the next Charlie Parker, even if it is not compromised, and now Andrew has chosen not compromised methods, so what? Because he has succeeded! "

"So, Fletcher thought, why didn't he become a part of Andrew's great achievement? Whether it is a leader or a stepping stone, he has also become a part of greatness. For the mediocre Fletcher, it is precisely him. Dream. He doesn’t care about the process, he only cares about the result."

Simmons stood in place and muttered to himself. After all his thoughts were completely connected, not only today’s scene, but the entire shooting process in the past became clear. He couldn’t help but began to nod and mumble. Some meaningless fragments of syllables organize their own performance ideas.

Damien immediately snapped his fingers to express his affirmation, "Andrew has realized his dream, and Fletcher has also realized his dream. Does this mean that this is still a story about dreams?"


This is a story full of countless possible interpretations, but dreams are precisely the one that is farthest away. Of course, Andrew and Fletcher are both fulfilling their dreams in their own way, but, in the final analysis, this is a story about art, about perfection, about breaking through, not about being wrapped in a dream pink bubble.

Facing Damien’s boastful expression, Lanly and Simmons turned around silently at the same time, ignoring him, then you talked to each other, and walked back to the stage side by side, staying Damien stood alone in confusion--

"Eh, what's the matter? Do you want to re-invest in shooting? Wait, give me a moment, I will set up two more cameras, the angle just now is not right. Wait!"

The plot of "Killing/Father" is more of a spiritual level. Naturally, the tension between the two actors cannot be directly shown through physical collision. This also puts forward higher requirements on the director, how to use light, perspective, and The composition and other shots show the chemical reaction between Fletcher and Andrew. This is the real movie art.

Fletcher's perspective is from top to bottom, and Andrew's perspective is from bottom to top; later the positions of the two people are reversed, creating a switch of momentum and position. This kind of lens change is the most basic and simple.

In addition to this, there is also a change in the overall composition.

For example, at first, Andrew and Fletcher stood face to face, and Fletcher was backlit, then Andrew was shrouded in Fletcher’s shadow; later, the lighting changed, and Andrew’s shadow was elongated, and Fletcher’s position remained unchanged. , But pulled the camera back slightly, creating the illusion that Andrew's shadow was projected on the wall behind him like a giant, looking down at Fletcher.

This kind of psychological change created by the composition of the picture is exactly the reason why the film is called the "director's art".

In order to set up the camera, Damien and the photographer were busy for nearly half an hour, which wasted a lot of time, so that when they returned to filming, both actors had to find the rhythm again. The main reason is that the whole mood and rhythm of the scene just now came together in one go. It was cut off suddenly, but it couldn't be connected immediately. It still needed to start from the beginning.


The sound of drums revolved in the Alice-Tutt room again.

The dense, powerful, uniform and enthusiastic drumbeat seemed to be venting the dull air gathered in the chest, and it broke through Andrew's boredom and bitterness bit by bit, and in a trance, he quietly blended into the drumbeat. Among them, those drums can clearly show the changes in the soul——

He was straightening his waist, little by little he became an indomitable giant.

Fletcher was completely stunned. He looked at Andrew in disbelief, bent slightly, got close to the drum, and asked, "Andrew, what are you/mother/what are you doing?"

"Wait for my prompt." Andrew raised his head, staring at Fletcher in parallel, and responded calmly.

Not only words, but also eyes, showing the changes in state and position in all directions.

Strong and weak, control and obedience, these two opposing emotions are quietly changing their positions. Anxious Fletcher has become a disadvantage, while the calm Andrew takes the initiative, unless Fletcher is now able to interrupt it recklessly. Andrew's performance, then he is in an absolutely passive situation.

Fletcher couldn't believe his eyes or ears. He stood up slowly and slowly, staring at Andrew strangely. In the face of the vigor and surging vitality, he was a little bit awkward. He retreated, because the powerful impact of his concentration and focus made his irritability and anger impossible.

Unconsciously, Fletcher straightened his waist and tried his best to maintain his condescending momentum, drooping his eyelids, looking down at Andrew, just like his usual behavior; but now, this sense of distance The advantage brought about by the dislocation is slowly diminishing, and Fletcher can even clearly feel his guilty conscience and panic.

The feeling of dangling his feet without the bottom made Fletcher have the urge to burst out completely.

But he can't. This is a trap he set up in advance to allow Andrew to throw himself into the trap; if he chooses to break out now, then he is tantamount to shooting himself in the foot. He can't give up, he can't give up, and there is still no conclusion about the outcome, right?

After realizing this, Fletcher suddenly remembered the four hundred strikes again: Andrew has absolutely no way to challenge the four hundred strikes. Should he re-direct the band to play and guide Andrew to the cliff edge of the four hundred strikes? Lost all the rhythm in front of the audience?

Fletcher stepped back two steps later, preparing to conduct the band, and start the problem again.

And Andrew?

Andrew didn’t realize Fletcher’s mental activity at all. He was completely immersed in his own hitting. He was hitting, hitting hard, and he could feel the sense of **** accompanying the muscles. Little by little tension swallowed and submerged himself, and the familiar feeling during the practice invaded again.

But this time Andrew didn't panic at all.

Those light brown eyes were staring at his drum kit intently. The jazz drum beat with his left hand stopped temporarily, and his right hand began to beat the sling lightly and with high frequency. He was speeding up little by little. Hundred hits! Two hundred and forty hits! Three hundred hits!

The intensive blows have reached the limit of his body, and Andrew's eyes condensed more and more, like a ray of light, falling on the hanging. Suddenly, he closed his eyes, and his mind appeared again. Buddy-Ricky's drum beat melody, the lower jaw unconsciously began to gently conform to the beat, the muscles not only did not tighten, but also slowly relaxed.

Hold on.

Hold on!

The right hand holding the drumstick was firmly controlled on a horizontal line, using the power of the wrist and fingertips to slowly and slowly increase the frequency, but the position of the tiger’s mouth was completely relaxed, and the fingertips were controlled and shaken. Under the light and shadow, there were waves of dust flying, and gradually a phantom was stirred up, and it was almost impossible to capture the specific position of the finger.

At this moment, the whole world is left with Andrew and his drum set.

Standing on the side stage, Jim Neiman was stunned. He stared at Andrew in the creamy halo in disbelief, even if he was a complete layman, even if he didn’t have any good feelings for drums and jazz, but at this time At this moment, he could also feel the shock brought by the dense drumbeats, his expression involuntarily stretched out slowly, and he cast his gaze in amazement.

Standing in front of Fletcher was also stunned. His mouth opened slightly, trying to say something, only to find that any language was pale and weak at this moment. He suddenly realized that maybe Andrew really has The talent, and the talent far beyond his imagination, is now shining brightly little by little.

Fletcher’s gaze began to struggle as if the devil and angel in his mind were in a tug of war, on the one hand he wanted to give up and surrender; on the other, he wanted to struggle to resist and rebuild authority. , That intricate mood was surging violently in the depths of my heart, just watching Andrew quietly, there was no way to go back, but there was no way to move forward.

The rhythm has begun to speed up.

The brilliance and crispness of the sound gradually became heavier in the beat of the drumsticks, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, and Andrew seemed to have entered a state of selflessness, and his facial muscles were slowly closing Tight, but the body muscles are slowly relaxing, the lines from the shoulders to the arms present a tight but not tense state, and the control of the details becomes clearer and clearer——

Three hundred hits. Four hundred hits.

That was... that was a perfect four hundred strikes, an impeccable four hundred strikes, he did it! He really did it! Moreover, the strength is still improving bit by bit, it seems that I completely control my arms and palms, and the uniform and stable power output makes the rhythms that flow continuously become full and magnificent, fiercely and heavily. The ground hits the heart of every listener.

Listen, that's the sound that the soul is agitating: dong dong, dong dong.

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