The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1440: Lift weights lightly

The scene just now is undoubtedly wonderful, Damien can clearly feel it.

It turns out that the opponent scene can be so superb. When filming the scene where Fletcher slapped Andrew in the face, Damien could already feel it; but today it has taken a higher level, active and passive, upper and lower positions, control and control. Anti-control, restraint and break free, all the tension permeates through the performance of the two actors, and the ups and downs to complete the changes along with the drumming performance, which is amazing.

Damien's eyes couldn't leave Renly at all.

Lifting weights lightly, madness alive, and superb, Lan Li’s performance truly reveals the essence of art, not only Andrew’s drum set, but also Lan Li’s acting skills.

Even if Damien is a layman in acting, he also knows that for an actor, the explosion of such a state requires countless energy and physical strength; moreover, there is no way for the actor to stay at the peak state all the time, just like an athlete. It is impossible to break the world record forever.

However, the first reaction in Damien's mind was: he needs to add close-up shots.

To be more precise, he needs to supplement the performance details of the two actors, and capture all the details of the confrontation and transformation, especially the performance of Lan Li. If only the drum is shown in the lens, then this Such a waste. Originally, Damien thought that drumming was drumming. All performances and emotions were hidden in the drums. Performance was very difficult, but he obviously underestimated and misestimated Lan Li.

There were so many thoughts in my mind that when I blurted out, the words became, "But...but we still need to take a supplementary shot."

There was no head or tail, unclear or white, all the sights of everyone on the scene shot over, staring at Damien incredulously, like a man on his back.

Even without these sight reminders, Damien realized that he had caused a misunderstanding. He closed his eyes in annoyance, quickly sorted out his thoughts, then cleared his throat, and quickly explained, “It’s not your performance problem, you guys. The performance is very good! Perfect, I am serious, just perfect!"

"It's just that I need to add some close-ups of the lens, Lan Li's eyes, hands, and back. The tension in these details is really outstanding. I hope to be able to use a quick editing method to fit the drumbeats and make this scene. The tension is further pushed to the extreme.” Damien quickly expressed his thoughts, “Of course, JK is the same. I need to take some close-ups.”

Andrew's transformation.

Fletcher's transformation.

There is also the transformation of jazz bands and drums.

If the three can be combined and the permutations and combinations can be completed using the editing methods of film art, this is bound to be very interesting. Damien is already eager to try.

"I know, you are very hard now, but...but..." Damien became embarrassed as he said, and ravaged his instant noodle head in annoyance.

Seeing Damien, who was constantly scratching his head, he was about to pull out his hair. He was nervous and annoyed. He was in a dilemma. The smile on Lan Li's mouth rose slightly. After all, he did not continue to be embarrassed. Mein, said in a relaxed tone, "I have no problem."

Filming and acting, this is originally the job of an actor.

In many cases, actors are actually the chess pieces in the hands of the director. Even if the actors are no matter how good they are, they still have to repeat the shooting for the pictures and shots in the director's mind. A truly good director should know how to use actors skillfully and bring out the talents and abilities of actors.

Damien is already regarded as a merciful director, the "detached" director Tony Kaye is simply a model of negative teaching materials, and "The King of Sunglasses" Wang/Jia/Wei is even more typical of torturing actors.

When filming "Chun/Guang/Zhang/Xie", Liang/Chao/Wei didn’t know anything, even the role and script were uncertain, it was because of Wang/Jia/Wei’s Invited, he agreed to go to Buenos Aires to shoot this work——

Of course, at the beginning of the filming, even the director himself didn't know what he wanted to shoot. There was only one frame, and this frame was completely different in the subsequent shooting, almost just thinking while filming.

At that time, Liang/Chao/Wei had other film appointments. It was completely for Wang/Jia/Wei and Zhang/Guo/Rong to go to Argentina to shoot this work. He had agreed with the King of Sunglasses beforehand that he could only After staying in Argentina for a period of time, after the time expires, he must rush back to Hong Kong/Hong Kong.

The King of Sunglasses nodded and agreed.

But after entering the crew, the King of Sunglasses was filming and thinking while filming. A scene was filmed back and forth seventy or eighty times. He did not tell the two actors what he was looking for, so he let them. Wandering in front of the camera is an endless torment for the actors and crew. Later, the scene was filmed for nearly two weeks, but in the end, all the movies were deleted, and there was no picture. Leftover.

This also caused Liang/Chao/Wei to run out of time and had to go back early. The King of Sunglasses directly seized Liang/Chao/Wei’s passport and refused to release the people. He left Liang/Chao/Wei on the crew for a long time, so that the latter was almost depressed, and waited until the shooting was over After that, Liang/Chao/Wei almost fleeing back to Hong Kong/Hong Kong, and swearing and complaining to the King of Sunglasses.

However, the King of Sunglasses didn't care at all. Later, when he was planning to shoot "In the Mood for Love", he found Liang/Chao/Wei again.

Compared to the King of Sunglasses, Damien is really a very amiable director, even guilty and shy. This is really a very interesting thing.

Looking at Damien in front of him, the smile on the corner of Lan Li's mouth bloomed.

Those who are familiar with Lan Li can feel that at this moment, it is Lan Li, not Andrew, sitting behind the drum set. At this moment, although Lan Li’s energy and physical strength are slightly exhausted, the overall state is still maintained. After being stable, the whole person still looks energetic and energetic, which is really a rare situation.

Let’s not say it far, during the time when "Burst Drummer" just started filming, the line between Renly and Andrew was always blurred, making people silly and unclear. Sometimes, facing Renly, "Andrew" shouted. I still blurted out involuntarily, and later I was trapped and surrounded by paparazzi; but today, this feeling is slowly fading.

This is a vague feeling. It's like meeting a pair of twins. Sometimes it is impossible to distinguish clearly, but sometimes it can be recognized immediately. It is the temperament of the other party, but also his intuition.

This is not an illusion. The fact is also true.

Lan Li is now sober. He can indeed feel the core meaning of performanceist acting. The actor can be immersed in the role, but cannot get lost in the role. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to maintain the performance continuously at a high level. It will make the entire performance out of control.

However, the current Lan Li cannot be regarded as expressionist, nor can it be regarded as methodist. He has broken the shackles of different factions and methods, and found his own way of performing. Although it's just the beginning, the overall feeling has begun to change. Therefore, he is very awake now.

At this moment, Lan Li, he can invest in shooting again at any time, and the situation Damien is worried about will not happen.

"I have no problem." After Lan Li said simply, he turned to look at Simmons and cast a questioning gaze.

Later, Lanly could perceive that Simmons was not able to escape.

Simmons was still completely immersed in Fletcher's state, excited, timid, excited, and reverent. The contradictory mentality made him fall deeply into his own thoughts, and no one else could tell. Discovery——

Perhaps, at this moment, Simmons is replaying the previous performance over and over again in his mind; perhaps, Simmons is fantasizing about Andrew becoming a problem after Charlie Parker; perhaps, Simmons is marveling at Andrew's skills; perhaps, Simmons is reminiscing about the moments of educating Andrew; or maybe Simmons is imagining the moment when he breaks the shackles and achieves the pinnacle...

The strange world in Simmons' mind is naturally unknown to outsiders.

But his whole person seems a little trance, standing in front of him, he seems to be isolated from the world, forming a space by himself, floating up and down in the gap between reality and the movie.

Lan Li was slightly worried, because after Andrew completed/killed/fathered, Fletcher was on the weaker side. No one knew what thoughts he would have and how he would deal with such a situation. Everyone has it. The difference is that the same is true of Simmons's thinking now. If you don't pay attention, you may go to the other extreme-collapse.

The movie does not show and how Simmons figured out Fletcher's psychology is totally unknown.

Participation in the drama is too deep, and even schizophrenia occurs. In the end, the drama will affect real life regardless of the fact. This is definitely not a joke. In reality, it has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen. In fact, Hollywood's top actors are more or less equipped with their own psychologists, and they must regularly relieve their psychological pressure, otherwise, their work will be unsustainable.

There was a hint of worry in Lan Li's eyes, but he couldn't help, because everyone's situation is different, and he cannot generalize. His knowledge of Simmons is still too limited, and he is not a psychiatrist. ; However, Lanly is very good at handling such a situation-after all, he has experienced it more than once.

"Fletcher?" Lan Li raised his voice, "Wait for my prompt."

A simple sentence, like a hypnotist's signal, lifted Simmons' blockade, and his eyes gradually regained clarity. It seems that the situation of being too deep into the play is not as serious as imagined.

However, Simmons was still a little stunned, and the expression was a bit difficult, "What? What...what?"

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