The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1460: Open and aboveboard

After a simple introduction and greetings, everyone took their seats again.

Jack Gyllenhaal's big clear eyes were faintly confused and dazed. Although they had introduced each other, he still didn't understand what was going on today.

A smile appeared on Andre’s face, “Don’t be nervous. Before I came here today, I didn’t know what was going on, and Eaton didn’t know what was going on. You are not the only one. In fact, I have known Lanly for more than fifteen years. But I still don’t know what happened to him now."

Jack laughed happily. "Really? I thought I knew Renly well. Isn't he an actor? His dedication and focus are really admirable, do you know? Not long ago, I I watched his performance in the crew, God, that strength and tenacity is really wonderful."

Andre exchanged glances with Renly, and he understood what Renly meant. Although Andre doesn’t know much about Jack’s acting career, it can be seen now that Jack is another idiot. Essentially, Jack and Lan Li are both of the same type. Therefore, the content of the negotiation should not be the same. Too difficult.

"If you want to praise, it's best to wait until the person concerned is no more, so you can praise it to your heart's content. Otherwise, when the person is around, you also need to pay attention to the praise, how uncomfortable." Lan Li said solemnly. Both Andre and Eaton have become accustomed to it, and only Jack laughs chucklingly by himself.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, cast a triumphant gaze towards Andre and Eaton, and then cut into the business, "Jack, I made a special appointment to ask you out today, and there are two strangers here at the same time, hope You won't mind..."

"No, of course not." Jack cut off Lan Li's words and waved his hands again and again.

Lan Li smiled, and then said, "In fact, there is a job I want to recommend to you."

Jack was taken aback for a while, and then he suddenly realized that he seemed to remember something, and then he couldn't help but wave his hands again and again and laughed, "No need also specialize...haha. Last time I was on the crew with Jessica. It’s just for fun, you really don’t have to take it seriously."

"What?" Now Lan Li was confused and didn't understand what Jack meant.

Jack’s smile couldn’t help but closed. "Isn’t it? Not long ago, Jessica Chastain and I went to the crew to visit the crew, because Ryan Gosling was also there. We joked that we could find it once in a while. A job opportunity, it’s a bargain..." But as he talked, Jack noticed Lan Li’s smile, and then he realized it, and said in embarrassment and jerky, "So, don’t you really know?"

Lan Li did not answer directly, but patted Jack on the shoulder, "No matter what the reason is, you should have confidence in yourself. You are an actor, and I am also an actor. I recommend works to you, or The only reason I recommend you to the project is because you are the most suitable one. That's all."

Not because of friendship, not because of commitment, not because of compassion, but because of fit.

Facing Lan Li's uprightness, Jack suddenly said "Ah", "So there is such an explanation." The simple and honest appearance really made people laugh.

Lanly took the "Nightcrawler" script from Eaton and placed it in front of Jack.

"This is the script written by Dan Gilroy. I passed the script through my agent. I personally like it very much. Although there are more and more books of this style, it is true that it can burst out such terrifying energy. Limited. However, after serious consideration, I think you are more suitable than me. Although I am reluctant, I can only get something if I don’t want to. I still hope that this work will be given to the right actors to make it shine."

Jack was not in a hurry, but listened carefully to the ins and outs. Instead, he carefully looked at Lan Li again. After confirming Lan Li's sincerity, he couldn't help but struggle deep in his heart. In the end, there was no courtesy or unfamiliar. He said neatly, "Can you give me a brief introduction? What story does this script tell?"

"Of course." Lan Li agreed.

Next is the time for Lan Li and Jack.

Lan Li simply described the outline of the entire story and described in detail the characteristics of the role of Louis; and Jack just listened attentively at first, and then gradually began to ask questions about the role, about the story, about the structure, etc., he also I am keen to express my opinions and opinions, and I have sketched out an outline before flipping through the script.

Between you and me, in less than fifteen minutes, Lan Li and Jack completely entered the world of "Nightcrawler".

When they first met in Berlin before, the two people were like this. When talking about movies and performing, they always have their own ideas, actively speak out, and communicate with other film lovers, and this is also true today.

Because Jack hasn't read the script yet, so he starts the discussion more through the social reality and ideology reflected by the character. This is a further step, showing the original intention of Gilroy to create the script-at least with Jack. And the way that Lan Li understands.

"Wow." Jack couldn't help but began to sigh, "Are you sure you want to introduce this script to me?"

"I think this project is really suitable for you. Not long ago, those media reporters just crossed the line and did such an excessive thing. Now starring in such a work is definitely the best way to fight back!"

"What's more, I think it is really interesting for you to challenge a dark character. I have already begun to imagine what the finished product looks like in my mind. Your performance will definitely be very exciting!"

Jack is a real personality. The excitement and excitement in his expression can hardly be hidden, but he still suppressed his impatientness for the time being, and focused his attention on Lan Li, and politely expressed his advice; moreover, the words The sincerity in the eyes and the sincere expression in the eyes are not mixed with water at all.

"Thank you for the compliment." Lan Li gently chinked his head to express his gratitude, and then met Jack's gaze. "Are you serious?" Before Jack answered, Lan Li added, "I mean, you are Are you serious about letting me play? Another way of saying it, Jack, are you really not interested?"

Jack's expression suddenly became jerky.

Andre squinted his eyes slightly, cast his gaze at Lan Li meaningfully, and a smile appeared in his eyes——

After more than a decade of rolling in the entertainment industry, he still maintains such a sincere and sincere character. How did Jack survive? However, Gyllenhaal is an acting family. His father is a director, his mother is a screenwriter, and his sister and brother-in-law are both actors. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Jack can concentrate on acting.

So, how did Jack, who is so honest, become friends with such a cunning Lan Li?

However, Lan Li shrugged calmly, without worrying about Andre's exploration, and then picked up the coffee again, waiting slowly for Jack's answer.

Jack seemed to struggle, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "No, yes...I mean, I'm interested. You can feel it just from the description of the conversation just now. This is a very interesting script. "After speaking, Jack let out a sigh of relief, as if finally relieved, and then he saw the faint smile on Lan Li's face.

Thought for a while.

Jack understood that the conversation they had just now was not necessary at all, it was just going around in the same place. Lan Li knows the excellent script, and Lan Li also knows the challenges of the role, but after careful consideration, Lan Li still chooses to introduce the script to him. This is the best conclusion.

He doesn't need to struggle, but just react honestly.

Thinking of this, Jack smiled again, "Len Li, I want to appear in this project. Thank you." In the final analysis, Jack and Lan Li have too many similarities in their performances. Such a straightforward and straightforward Jack. , It is precisely the actor who talked with Lanly in Berlin.

"Even if you regret it now, it's too late." Jack added again, but he felt a little embarrassed after speaking. He laughed twice and scratched his head Li did not fight back either, but turned to point at the two people on the opposite side, "I will re-introduce it again. This is Eaton. He is a stylist. In the future, he may be responsible for the selection of costumes for the characters in the crew, but he is a layman. It's still groping now, so it can be regarded as a newcomer; this is Andre, the founder of Sisyphus Pictures, the project of'Nightcrawler', if not unexpected, he will take over the investment production and subsequent release work. "

Jack opened his mouth wide.

It's getting bigger and bigger. Immediately, Jack realized that the action of opening his mouth was not very polite, so he slowly covered his mouth with his hands, and at the same time slowly began to recline, until he leaned on the back of the chair, then stopped. Although nothing was said, the vivid expression was enough to explain everything.

"Nice to meet you, Jack." Andre stretched out his right hand again and shook hands with Jack.

"Don't worry, Lan Li ambushed all of us today. Eaton and I have very limited understanding of this project, but I believe in Lan Li's vision, just like you believe in Lan Li. I am asking Lan Li to serve as this work. The producer of, I hope he can participate in the production process. At the same time, I am also very looking forward to working with you."

Frankly and sincerely, Andre prescribes the right medicine for the case. In the face of Jack being such a pure actor, Andre did not make too much demand, but chose a relatively simple way. After all, it is still in its infancy, and it is to make independent films. He can focus more on quality instead of thinking about how to save costs now.

Jack slowly stretched out his right hand and held Andre's right hand, "Wow, of course, this is my honor."

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