The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1467: Philosophical height

"Othello" is about the greatness of mankind, while "Interstellar" is about the insignificance of mankind?

What is this inexplicable comment?

But Christopher did not get angry, but was full of confusion, because of Lanly’s expression-human beings are humble when standing in front of nature, while humans who oppose nature are great. This is "Othello"; human beings stand in time The long river is insignificant, and humans who try to fight time are even more powerless. This is "interstellar crossing".

In this case, does it mean that the motif of "Interstellar Crossing" is more magnificent and more profound than "Othello"?

do you mean this?

Christopher was thinking carefully, but Lan Li suddenly stopped. He knew that Lan Li's words must have not been finished, so he couldn't help but cast his sights. After all, the emotions of curiosity and anticipation could not be restrained and endured. He couldn't help but urged, "What then?"

When it comes to calmness and wisdom, when it comes to dealing with people and things, Christopher is far from Renley's opponent.

Lan Li was also not proud. After breaking Christopher’s social mask a little, he immediately returned to the professional field and kept calm and said again, “But it is precisely because of the vastness and magnificence of the time that this also reflects the human nature. Warmth and eternity. Even if death separates people from each other, even if time and space become an insurmountable gap, the fetters of human emotions still cannot be cut off and will never disappear."

In the second half of the story of "Interstellar Crossing", Cooper is trapped in a five-dimensional hypercube.

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, it’s impossible to go back to the past. Even if you enter high-dimensional time and space and spy on the past, you still can’t. Impact.

Cooper, who is trapped in the five-dimensional space-time, can see all the time, from the past to the future. It is simply understood that time is a physical linear object, and Cooper can see everything from beginning to end. The moment, and then with the help of gravitational waves, has an impact on what happened at a certain moment in the past.

Cooper, who entered the hypercube, realized that he seemed to be caught in an eternal time loop, and he might never go back again. This made him start to fear and panic. He was afraid, afraid that he would return forever. Not going, afraid that I will never be able to fulfill the promise to my daughter.

So, when he saw the past through five-dimensional time and space, his childhood daughter Murphy.

At that time, Cooper was still staying on the earth, and Murphy and Tom were still by his side. Cooper tried to shake the bookshelf through gravitational waves, attracting Murphy's attention, and reminded Murphy through the code of the book that he hoped that Murphy could leave himself on the earth at the time, instead of participating in this time-out expedition. On the journey.

However, he failed.

To understand from the first dimension, Cooper's belief in going home with one heart and one mind overcame all difficulties. Like "Othello", he wrote an epic of mankind; moreover, the story environment extends from the sea to space, and the whole is magnificent and vast. The temperament has become more and more majestic.

From the second dimension, even if Cooper cannot go home, Murphy still firmly believes in his father. The bond between them crosses the barriers of time and space, and cannot be erased or cut off. , This is the greatest and most determined core meaning in the long history of human existence.

In Lan Li's view, even if "Interstellar Crossing" is interpreted from the first dimension, it is already great enough; but if it is only limited to the first dimension, it will inevitably deviate from the original intention of the Nolan brothers in writing the script:

Emotion and time, which is more important?

The answer to the first dimension is the former. This is also the perceptual interpretation of human beings from the emotional level. Because emotions are rich and mixed, the fetters and connections of joy, anger, sorrow and joy have been performed in the long history of mankind, deducing countless classic works, and It has become the basis for the construction of human society.

The answer to the second dimension is the latter, which is an interpretation of human nature from a rational perspective after the sensibility has been stripped away. After all, human beings cannot defeat time, and the imprisonment of time and space cannot be broken after all; but the greatest emotional entanglement of human beings can break through time itself, and the more it gets older and better.

In a sense, the interpretation of the second dimension is based on the first dimension, with more deepening from a philosophical perspective, adding a link of "seeing the mountain is not the mountain", and finally returning to "seeing the mountain or the mountain" The starting point of the film, which also makes the film more possible to interpret.

Of course, from the director's point of view, there will be no essential changes in the way of filming; but from the perspective of screenwriters and actors, there are still subtle differences in what they need to add and understand.

In Lan Li's view, the Nolan brothers created the "Interstellar" script. The core of the idea is indeed magnificent, and the finished film does indeed raise humanity to the height of time. However, the lack of philosophical thinking makes the huge idea of ​​the film appear. Somewhat simple-the presentation is a little simple, so that it is a bit of a stick.

Not bad, but not enough.

The great and detached Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, Italian director Federico Fellini, Russian director Andrei-tarkovsky, etc., why can they be called masters? ?

The fundamental reason is not that they can complete philosophical speculation, but that they can present such philosophical speculation through lenses and pictures.

The presentation of dreams, the construction of illusions, and the capture of real scenes. These lens images without lines are precisely the essence, including those with metaphorical objects or furnishings, mental refraction actions or plots, etc., in this way The deep meaning of the soul level is presented-

Either religion, or family, or trauma, or poverty, or disaster. These factors have formed the existing personality and have derived human words and deeds.

If anyone is curious about the difference between a screenwriter and a director, then these directors’ images are the best answer. The screenwriter is responsible for telling the story, and the director is responsible for building the entire world. Someone once said that Ingmar Bergman's lens is "divine", which is the shock that the movie brings, even the actors and screenwriters can't match the height.

In Christopher Nolan's finished film, his shots only show the meaning of the first dimension, which prevents the film's discussion of time and emotion from being able to expand further.

Of course, this is not a criticism.

For any director, it is very rare to show the core of the first dimension; moreover, it is closer to the appreciation level of the general public-after all, not everyone is keen to explore the spiritual world and soul depth Yes, this is also Christopher’s widely praised as the best director for "finding a balance between business and art." After Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, he has been in the past two decades. The third director to win such an evaluation.

This is not even the discussion and analysis of Lan Li as an actor.

It is an interpretation as a philosophy lover. In other words, it is actually one of the influences brought by the education of the nobility. After they have received more influence in philosophy, literature, and art, it is inevitable that they still hope to be able to explore more deeply. If it's pure popcorn like "Transformers", then forget it, just relax and enjoy it; but "Interstellar Crossing" obviously has more possibilities, so I can't help but explore it.

By the way, the best and most powerful alternate in the history of space movies is "2001: A Space Odyssey". In fact, the original English name developed by Stanley Kubrick is "2001: a-space-odyssey (2001: a-space-odyssey, in other words Therefore, Stanley Kubrick was trying to film an Odyssey in outer space.

But the reason why this movie can be recorded in the annals of history is the content that Lan Li just discussed——

With lenses and pictures presenting a more expansive content, and more thinking on a philosophical level, the film not only explores human nature, but also explores the ultimate speculative topic of divinity and human nature in the majestic starry sky.

This foundation and ability has surpassed the basic story of the "Odyssey" itself. This is also an important reason for Stanley Kubrick’s admiration. Even Christopher Nolan bowed his head to this top In the year, Christopher took over with a heart of admiration." The film restoration work of "2001: A Space Odyssey" landed at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.

Renly and Christopher had a debate.

As one of the screenwriters, Christopher refused to give up. He believed that the world of scripts he and Jonathan had constructed was enough to support the entire core idea. If we go further, the balance between art and commerce will collapse; and Lan Li's speculation and deepening have all been reflected in the script, and there is no need to continue the discussion. ——

The philosophical debate between emotion and time is too profound and too complicated. There is no need to explore too much in commercial films.

Lan Li did not show any weakness. He agreed that the movie should abandon part of the tedious thinking for the commercial part, but he disagreed with Christopher's view that "this is enough". The movie can be a simple picture, one flashback and one imagination. Contemplation, etc., take a step deeper on the philosophical level, leaving the audience more room for reflection——

If it is an ordinary audience, then it is good to enjoy it as popcorn; but if the audience is willing to calm down and think, the audience can generate more thoughtful cores through the film.

During the quarrel, Lan Li even released a cruel remark:

"The reason why the'Dark Knight' can become a classic lies in the debate between justice and evil. Even if it is a clown, no one can completely deny his approach, because he has his own rationale. This kind of thinking is both right and evil. It is precisely the reason why the film has risen to a new height. Inception and the Dark Knight Rise are only an 80-point work. The real reason is that the thinking in the film is single-threaded, Paramecium Way of thinking."

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