The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1498: 2 consecutive 3

The 70th Venice Film Festival officially kicked off.

"Gravity" made its debut as the opening film, and vigorously raised the banner of the 70th anniversary celebration, whether it was the thunderous applause that lasted for 15 minutes or the enthusiastic crowd that did not want to leave for a long time after the screening, all All of this shows that this movie has undoubtedly become the most anticipated explosion!

Unfortunately, because "Gravity" did not participate in the main competition unit, the official journal did not include relevant media reviews of this work. This also made the audience lose the platform for the first time to concentrate and stream professional media reviews. The feedback information becomes fragmented and cannot be accurately connected.

In a sense, for most audiences, praise goes to praise, but there is almost no substantial content. The movie is still covered with a layer of veil, and the mysterious temperament is always lingering. Makes the expected value further climbed.

In fact, Twitter and Facebook have ushered in the first wave of praise.

"Undoubtedly the best of 2013!"

"Every frame is a visual enjoyment, the most splendid movie-watching experience after'Avatar'!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"The best viewing experience in film history? This may be controversial; but the best viewing experience after the millennium? No doubt!"

"Perfect! From the director to the acting, from the script to the visual effects, everything is perfect!"

"The correct way to open the'gravity': walk into the cinema, choose IMAX and 3D, and truly feel the charm of the light and shadow of the movie."

"Ahhhh, the best of the year! Absolutely and definitely! A movie beyond words!"

"If someone has watched the whole movie on my knees, then you will feel the same when you walk into the cinema."

"Stand up and applaud! Personal best of 2013! Even though Lan Li has dedicated a wonderful work of "Drunk Country Folk Songs", the shock brought by "gravity" is still irreplaceable!"

"Please let us collectively witness the second Oscar of Lan Li-Hall! Thank you!"


The mighty voice of praise has completed the screen-sweeping achievement on the social network platform. In just 24 hours, it has already posted more than 100,000 comments, not only the audience who are participating in the Venice Film Festival in Watertown. We, and the audience waiting quietly in the North American continent, everyone is crazy!

"Welcome to Toronto! Renly-Hall!"

"I'm ready to queue for forty-eight hours! "Gravity", if I don't see it in Toronto this year, I will definitely not stop!"

"The countdown is six days! I now finally understand what it feels like to live a year! Who can save me, I really want to see the gravity of the earth!"

"Ready! Venice's message has been received, and now it's our turn to debut in Toronto!"

"Is it really that good-looking? It's the biggest expectation of the year! The "Drunken Country Folk Song" has not been officially released yet, is "Gravity" coming? I'm so excited!

"What should I do, my hands are already shaking now, Master Lan Li is coming to Toronto!"

"I heard that the Toronto media has already robbed the head, and even the reporters have begun to tear it up. What should we do? Can we still see it this year?"


"The New York audience said: Hearts are ashamed, there are still three weeks to count down."


All praises were praised by everyone. Judging from the feedback from the audience at the premiere, the praise index has broken the table, even surpassing the praise boom of last year's "Avengers" media session, and it has easily become the first in the past. The most highly anticipated work on social networks in years.

It is hard to imagine that the "gravity" that is still not optimistic in the preparatory stage has turned into the biggest hit of the year in just one year!

But after in-depth analysis, there is also a certainty in accident——

In the past twelve months, from "The Edge of Tomorrow" to the EGOT Grand Slam, from the "Drunk Folk Songs" of Cannes to the "Gravity" of Venice, Lanly's position in the industry has completed a triple jump. He is a well-deserved top actor, and his influence and appeal on the market are even more different than before.

So far, including the lowest box office "transcendence", Lan Li still maintains the proud record of the quality of the works, and can be called the most venomous actor in the industry. It took only three years to complete EGOT's feat, and it was definitely not an empty glove white wolf.

To put it ugly, even if the quality of the finished product of "Gravity" is not satisfactory, it is even worse than the works of "Cut Throat Island" and "Future Water World" that failed to set a Guinness record at the box office, the audience is willing Venture into the movie theater to see how Landy suffered from Waterloo.

This is Renly's absolute dominance in the North American market now-at least from the perspective of the discussion boom.

What's more, now that "gravity" has ushered in the mad praise treatment in Venice, the expectations are naturally rising, and all of the major social network platforms have become the world of this movie for a while.

But how much box office can these hot spots turn into? Also, how much water is mixed in the praise? This is questionable.

As we all know, when major film companies launch publicity, they will more or less release public relations drafts, especially internal screenings or press screenings, as well as fan screenings of movies adapted from comics. After these screenings, generally speaking, all of them will be released. It is praise, but there is not much substantive content. It is more of a publicity plan, because film companies and distribution companies need to warm up with praise and create topics.

The most obvious is the Marvel movie. Every previous comment on the social network must be "Marvel's best". It seems that every work is constantly being upgraded and improved, but even the most diehard Marvel fans are also Knowing that this is impossible. Everyone still has their own personal preferences. Appreciation and taste will naturally vary. What's more, it is almost impossible to make progress every time in the series.

But as time progresses, after Rotten Tomatoes and the media review open comments, whether it is a mule or a horse, will this reveal its true face.

Although "Gravity" was screened at the Venice Film Festival, the quality of the audience and media of the film festival is still worthy of trust; but "Gravity" this time only appeared as the opening film, and there is still some water in the praise. Yes, if you look at the current commentary trend, "gravity" almost has to sit on the throne of "the best in film history", this is obviously too exaggerated.

Therefore, for most viewers, it is still looking at flowers in the fog.

The Twitter frenzy creates hot topics, which is also a distinctive feature of the Internet era and the era of smartphones; the media comments that follow are ushered in an objective review. Both positive and negative reviews must be pulled out for a walk. The audience can more accurately complete the positioning before entering the movie theater.

Although "Gravity" is not the main competition film, as the opening film of the 70th anniversary of the Venice Film Festival, major media reporters have paid enough attention; plus the regret of missing Cannes, there are also two private parties. Warm-up, almost all the reporters came out on the night of the premiere. Their feedback was a little late, but it still arrived as expected.

"This is the most perfect discussion of the balance between business and art since'Batman: The Dark Knight'."

A simple sentence reveals two messages, one is "The Dark Knight" and the other is "Perfect". Even without reading the full text of the review, you can clearly feel the excitement and admiration from the critics ; And when you notice the name of the writer and the media that you work for, the weight of this comment becomes even more incredible.

This is a film review from Michael Phillips, a famous film critic of the authoritative professional magazine "Hollywood Reporter". He did not hesitate to send the most lofty admiration, expressing his admiration and love clearly and clearly.

"In the'Dark Knight', Christopher Nolan explored the definition of justice and evil in a profound and profound way. The game between the three characters of Batman, the Joker and the double-faced vividly explained this philosophical proposition, writing It is an insurmountable monument in the history of superhero movies.

But in order to highlight the complexity and philosophy of the story theme Nolan had to sacrifice the brisk pace and climax/trend stacking of commercial films, which also made the film's artistic quality more prominent, while the commerciality was slightly inferior. However, Batman's own comic attributes still have a broad mass base to make up for this shortcoming. Nolan's efforts and attempts are absolutely worthy of recognition.

This time, in the “gravity”, Alfonso Cuarón used a light and ingenious approach to explore the origin of life and the meaning of existence, and other esoteric themes rich in philosophical reflection, and went further in the field of business and art. I found a delicate balance point, making watching movies a real enjoyment.

The simplified narrative style preserves the ups and downs of commercial movies to the greatest extent, and the precise rhythm control completes the perfect connection between the climax and the pavement. The audience is absolutely ups and downs and exciting.

At the same time, the far-reaching picture composition and the long-lasting performance details complete the fusion of characters and stories, themes and reflections invisibly, and the philosophical concepts hidden in them are pure enough and mysterious enough.

The simplicity of business and the depth of art should be contradictory two things, but in the lens of Alfonso-Caron, they have reached a balance and harmony, which truly interprets the perfect state of film art. Perhaps, it is not the best commercial film, nor the best art film, but it is definitely the best model of art commercial film! "

If you pay close attention to Michael’s words and sentences in the film review, you can find that, in fact, Michael did not perform spoilers or analysis. Instead, he explained the profound film experience from the audience’s perspective to the greatest extent, and praised him from an objective standpoint as much as possible. This is precisely the most successful and most touching part of "gravity".

This is not all!

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