The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1580: Break the boundaries

"My relationship with Rebecca..." Paul paused for a moment, and then sighed lightly again. In less than ten minutes today, he sighed more often than in a whole year. What kind of dramatic conflict, it’s just that things didn’t succeed. We were all too young at the time. After all, we were not able to continue. We finally chose to break up peacefully."

"It's just that Rebecca hopes to give Mei Duo a quiet growth environment, rather than being surrounded by countless paparazzi in Los Angeles; while I hope to pursue my career as an actor. To be honest, I don't know what I can do besides being an actor. What. I have no way to refute it. So we reached an agreement and Meituo stayed in Hawaii and I came back to Los Angeles."

After a pause, Paul said in annoyed tone, "I don't know if the original decision was correct. I just missed Meadow's entire childhood. When I was young, I always made the wrong choices."

Renly knew that Paul was now in a self-blame mood and couldn't help himself, and carried all his faults on his shoulders. In fact, Paul never left Meiduo's life, and did his best to accompany Meiduo's growth.

Of course, Paul's words are not completely wrong. With the distance between his parents, Hawaii and Los Angeles, Paul really can't wait for May to grow up all the time.

But life never has the right answer, has it?

"Suddenly at a certain moment, I found out that I can't read Mei Duo. I know, I all know, this is the inevitable result of the growth process, but I still can't help but worry if she leaves forever like this What should I do?" Paul said in a deep voice.

After being silent for a long time, Paul closed his eyes like this, and his fatigue and confusion were revealed between his undulating breaths, and he sighed deeply, "Lan Li, I'm really panicking. I don't know what to do. It seems that everything is wrong."

"Paul, you should look at it from another angle. No matter what you do is right and wrong. The only difference is, have you told Medot these thoughts?" Lan Li couldn't give the correct answer. The answer, his persuasion sounds like nonsense, but it is an innocuous perspective from God. Therefore, he still hopes that Paul and May can communicate with each other, and the key to solving the problem is still in their own hands.

"Len Li, I don't know how to communicate with Mei Duo." Paul's words are also a bit irritable. His attempts and efforts are always going on, but Lan Li's words seem to imply that he has not worked hard at all. , The mood will inevitably begin to become impetuous.

"I don't know. Because there is no correct answer to this matter." Lanly didn't care about Paul's attitude at all, and still responded positively, "There is only a suitable answer, the answer between you and Mei Duo," Even Rebecca can’t participate in it. You should tell Meiduo what you really think. This is not an easy task, but it is the best way to build a bridge between each other.”

After a pause, Lan Li took a deep breath, "Paul, why did May choose come to live in Los Angeles? Have you seriously thought about this issue?"

The soul chicken soup, Lan Li can come at his fingertips, but what Paul needs now is not so great comfort, but a real experience.

"Isn't it because she needs to go to college?" Paul subconsciously said: from Hawaii to Los Angeles, life has become more colorful, but also can have more choices, Mei Duo is still young, Rebecca does not want The choice to restrain her daughter, but hope to let Mei Duo go for a break and find her own future. Paul thinks so too.

"Paul, think about it seriously." Lan Li said in a deep voice, "If you want, Mei Duo has many choices. Rebecca's family also lives in the mainland of North America, don't they? The point is, Mei Duo hopes to be able to come. Stay with you. Not for the future planning of the university, but because she knows you love her."

Paul's voice suddenly became obscure, "...really?"

"Fake." Lan Li spit out mercilessly, and the sentimental atmosphere suddenly became happy, and Paul on the other end of the phone also became dumbfounded. "Paul, these are just my rhetoric, and I don't know. True or false, the only one who can know the answer is you. You need to talk frankly with Mei Duo."

"But... I can't let go. At least there is no way now." Paul shook his head in frustration, but his tone was a little lighter, and his mood seemed to clear up at last.

"Worrying that children are the work of parents for the rest of their lives, there is no way to stop." After Lan Li finished speaking, he couldn't help but pause for a moment. The figures of George and Elizabeth appeared in his mind, but they were fleeting. There are scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the Walker family is the same as the Hall family. He already possesses a lot and can no longer be so greedy.

Lan Li went on to say, "You will always worry about Mei Duo. But you still need to learn to let go. What Mei Duo needs, what Mei Duo expects, these things can only be discovered by you. I believe that she still has no regrets before choosing. Come to Los Angeles, otherwise, she would not come to the crew and be discovered by me, would she?"

This is a white lie.

Lanly still hopes that Meiduo can tell Paul in person, "I love you, Dad". After all, such words still require conversations between the parties. The third party's narration seems to lose the warmth of the words.

Lanly's words worked, Paul chuckled and shook his head slightly, "Is she begging, you better not let me know."

"Yes." Lanly admitted frankly, which made Paul laugh more happily. "But I told her that I can't help it. I'm always on your side."

"Haha, she must be angry." Paul laughed freely, as if Mei Duo was stomping angrily in his mind.

Lan Li's mood also eased a little, and said in a spitting tone, "Now, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief and concentrate on work, right?"

"Huh... don't worry, I'm fine, everything is fine." Paul replied nonchalantly, "Those dangerous stunt scenes and shots are all handled by professionals, so don't worry about me."

But Lan Li couldn't help it.

As November 30 is getting closer and closer, Lan Li's mood is getting more and more anxious. He can't settle down, but he doesn't know what to do.

He knew that the accident in the previous life happened outside the crew. When Paul and his friend Roger-Rodas were traveling in private, they lost control because they were too fast, which led to the heartbreaking accident.

But he couldn't maintain sufficient reason and calmness. As the day approached November 30, the nervousness and anxiety became more and more turbulent. He told himself that his little butterfly has changed the historical trajectory, and the historical trajectory will no longer follow the pattern of the previous life, but after all, he still cannot convince himself-or that he dare not take risks, even if there is He couldn't forgive himself for the slightest possibility of repeating the same mistakes.

He knows he is very, very selfish, but the reality is that he has missed Heather Cross, and he has no way to miss Paul Walker. He needs Paul to live, he needs this friend to still be by his side, and he needs him to accompany him to move on.

He wants to be selfish once.

"Paul..." Lanly's voice hesitated and hesitated. If he listened carefully, he could even catch a slight tremor at the end of the voice, revealing his anxiety and anxiety.

"Huh?" Paul asked suspiciously.

"Can you not drive a Porsche, even if it is driven by a friend, you should not sit in the passenger seat", "Can you not drive a car for the next month, even if it is a sports car", "Can you On November 30th, stay at home obediently and don’t go anywhere"...

Those words whirled on the tip of the tongue, but after all they couldn't say it, "Paul, can you come to Iceland to explore the class after the filming has reached a stage?"

If Lan Li remembers correctly, the filming of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 7" will be divided into different periods. This week will end all filming in the Los Angeles area, and there will be some adjustments for a while, and finally there will be some endings. As well as the re-shooting of the scenes, reschedule the schedule and then complete the shooting.

The accident in the last life happened during this rest period.

"I am going to travel around Iceland by car. I heard that the landscape there is very magical and magnificent, but you also know that my driving skills are, do you have time?" Lan Li pretended to say lightly. If Paul leaves the Los Angeles area, away from Roger Rodas, can that tragedy be avoided?

"Wow, Iceland?" Paul exclaimed, "Why do you suddenly want to travel around Iceland?" But Paul didn't delve into it. He didn't like to doubt others because of his personality. "I don't know, I need Let’s meet with Mei Duo and see, I still don’t know how Mei Duo is."

"If Mei Duo wants to you can bring her over." Lan Li added, "It just so happens that you can travel together to see and communicate."

Paul was slightly stunned, "Of course. Of course! I will ask Meiduo... Ah, I forgot it." Meiduo still refuses to answer his call now, "Why don't you ask Meiduo if she If you like, of course I have no problem."

"Ha, I will send an email to Mei Duo." Lan Li's tone still remained relaxed, and said jokingly: It's an email, not a text message.

Paul breathed out again, and the dullness in his chest seemed to be finally relieved, "Lan Li, thank you."

Lanly knew that he was despicable. He took advantage of the problems between Paul and Medo. He also used Medo’s trust in him. More importantly, he stepped over that line and manipulated Paul in his own way. His life is like God, trying to use his power to control the power of life and death.

He knows, he knows it all.

But after all, he still couldn't stand idly by. He still couldn't do it after all.

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