The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1582: Father and daughter visiting

Paul Walker appeared in Iceland and left Los Angeles far away.

Does this mean that the fate of the last life has been changed in this way?

Lan Li knows that this idea is very simple and simple, but he must admit that he has never been so happy to see a friend come to the crew to visit the crew. Even though the scenes in recent days have been heavy and hard, the smile on the corner of his mouth still bloomed greatly. , Did not hide his joy and briskness at all.

But immediately, Lanly noticed the wonderful atmosphere between Paul and Maiduo. The two stood not far away, without sight communication or any dialogue. It seemed like...

"You really seem to be a couple who are arguing. Do you know? In Eastern culture, it is always said that the daughter is the lover of the father in his previous life. Because he could not give up this relationship, he reluctantly followed this life. So, this Does this statement describe your current state?" Lan Li chuckled happily, joking uncontrollably.

Then you can see that Paul and Maiduo both showed bewildered expressions at the same time: Paul scratched his head awkwardly, while Maiduo bit his lower lip depressedly. Although the movements were different, his expression and charm were like this. Similar, the genetic inheritance of the father and daughter can be captured between the eyebrows.

Even when I saw that they were "arguing" at this time, Lan Li's mood brightened, and the smile on his lips became more joyous.

While they were talking, the same actors came over to say hello. Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, David-Gyasi, and other actors in the Iceland squad who had a role in the Iceland squad, all came to say hello. One after another appeared. It can be seen that they and Lanly get along very well, so when Paul came to visit the class, he took the initiative to say hello.

After the hustle and bustle, everyone turned and left, leaving space for Lanly and Paul again.

Because of the small social greetings, the atmosphere eased. Lan Li did not deliberately ask about the state of Paul and Medot who had just arrived. He actively changed the subject, "First it was a long-distance flight and then a long-distance driving. This journey must be exhausting. Now, let’s go, let’s go back to my van, lie down and go back to the hotel. Let Nathan drive your car back."

Mei Duo did not move, but looked up and down Lan Li, with a look of surprise and surprise in her eyes.

After a long time, Lan Li reacted. She was still wearing a spacesuit and was extremely awkward; the quick-drying underwear under the suit was almost soaked, and it looked like she had just taken it out of the water. His current appearance and posture are indeed not suitable for "leaving the crew", a bit too shocking.

He couldn't help but shook his head lightly, and teased in a relaxed tone, "The two works both play astronauts, and the roles seem to overlap a bit. I have adapted to this state; moreover, both directors like to pursue realism. I now deeply believe that it was a bad decision to not go to NASA for professional training of astronauts."

"Are you really planning to go to NASA?" Mei Duo's eyes suddenly brightened, and she asked curiously-she seemed to be more interested in NASA than in movies and performances.

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a chuckle, "Of course, why not? NASA is always willing to support such a professional film project. This is a natural promotional film. When shooting'Gravity' before, Alfang Suo personally asked the professional astronauts to make sure that the film is professional enough. Maybe, I can really experience the training of astronauts and even become a professional."

"Professional astronaut?" Mei Duo showed a skeptical look, as if he didn't believe in Lan Li's words.

But Lan Li had a calm face, and he met Mei Duo's sight without any guilty conscience. Such a generous expression made Mei Duo uncertain. The question raised just now shakes again: Isn't Lan Li here? Kidding?

Paul standing beside him shook his head with a chuckle, "Lenly means that he can experience the training courses of astronauts, really feel their experience, and use this to figure out the movements, mentality, and demeanor of the astronauts. Wait, this is very important for his performance. But this does not mean that Lan Li can become a real professional actor."

Paul pierced Lanly's diorama at first sight, showing the appearance of protecting a calf. But Lan Li didn't care, just spread his hands calmly, and smiled to meet Paul and May's eyes.

Unknowingly, the situation of silent practice was broken, Paul spoke, and then Mei Duo spoke, but neither of them noticed the slightest strangeness.

Mei Duo turned her head to look at her father, "You mean, it's as if Lan Li shut herself in a coffin during the filming of'Buried alive'. Did Lan Li really experience the experience of being buried alive?" She had heard of this before. Fun fact, after getting the affirmative answer from Paul, Meadow then looked at Lanly, "It's like my dad has been a racing driver for so many years, he is still not a professional racing driver, right?"

Professional racer.

Lan Li's heart contracted slightly.

In the last life, after Paul regretted the accident, someone once sighed and sighed, relied on speed to start his own business but ended his life because of speed. Is this a reincarnation for Paul? After all, he still has no way to escape from life time and time again like the surviving actor in the movie.

Or is it fate?

But Mei Duo and Paul didn't feel the emotion of Lan Li at all, but both chuckled lightly.

Paul also protested, "Although I am not a professional racer, my car skills are already very good, okay? I did most of the shots in the movie. Have you forgotten? You made an agreement with me before. Now, when you’re sixteenth birthday, I’ll teach you how to drive.”

At this time, Mei Duo seemed to suddenly remember that she was arguing with her father recently, so she raised her chin proudly, "I have changed my mind now. I think Lan Li can teach me to drive. Of course, the premise is that Lan Li has time. if."

Lan Li?

Paul pressed the corner of his mouth, but after all he didn't hold it back, and turned his head to hide his smile. Although he knew it was wrong to laugh at his friends, he couldn't help it at this moment after all.

Mei Duo looked at Lan Li without knowing why.

Lan Li shrugged slightly and said frankly, "My driving skills are not as exaggerated as a road killer, but obviously I have hardly driven a car since I got my driver's license. This time, I made a special trip to bring your father over. , Just to make him a driver. So, I’m not sure whether I’m a suitable candidate for coach, of course, my theoretical knowledge is very solid.”

Mei Duo looked surprised.

Lanly then raised his jaw, passed Meadow and looked at Paul standing behind, and said, "Mr. Paul Walker, you can laugh. I don't care."

Paul suddenly laughed happily, and even Mei Duo couldn't help but laugh out loudly: It is really not an easy task to see Lan Li's embarrassed appearance; in many people’s impressions, Lan Li sees It seems to be proficient in everything, who knows that appearances can deceive people?

Lan Li ignored the two happy father and daughter in front of him, and pointed behind him, "I will change my clothes now. See you later."

Wearing a spacesuit, turning around and moving is really not an easy task. Lanly can only move forward slowly step by step. It looks like a penguin playing a stand-alone game. The movements are a bit clumsy and a bit funny, and naive.

Seeing Lan Li's back, Mei Duo smiled happily, and even Paul's eyes were full of smiles.

Paul turned his head to look at Meiduo, staring at his overjoyed daughter, with mixed emotions in his eyes. He still likes this moment of getting along better, but he doesn't know when it will start or why. Filled with quarrels, he sincerely hopes to change this way of getting along, but he has no clue.

Take a long breath, maybe this time coming to Iceland for a self-driving round the island can be an opportunity? Vaguely, Paul had other expectations for this trip.


The self-driving trip around the island officially began the day after Paul and Meadow arrived in Iceland.

What about the filming of "Interstellar Transition"?

In fact, Lanly only arrived in Reykjavik three days earlier than Paul and his daughter. After adjusting for the time difference, Lanly was involved in the preliminary work of the crew.

"Interstellar" chose to start shooting in Iceland because the landforms here do not look like the earth at all. Countless people use the "surface of Mars" to evaluate Iceland's natural landscape, which allows Christopher Nolan to simulate it. The environment and sights of other planets on the surface The crew is about to complete the filming of two different planets here, one is a planet with all water on the surface, and the other is very similar to the earth but with a much lower temperature Planets, which means that the crew must wait for the weather—they took the lead in filming the scene of the first planet, and then waiting for the snow to cover the entire Iceland before filming the second planet.

But no matter which planet is being filmed, the crew still has a series of preparations to complete.

On the one hand, it is necessary to convene a local shooting team in Iceland, especially a professional team for exploring glaciers; on the other hand, it is necessary to retest the lighting and photography. Christopher hopes to be able to shoot different textures of different planets on the same land. The link put forward more requirements.

Coupled with objective factors such as time difference and long-distance travel, it is more difficult to start working immediately within a short period of time.

The whole day’s work today is exactly the same as it was in Alberta. I continue to shoot panoramas to test lighting and composition. Not all of these shots will be edited into the film, but for the finished film. But it is very important. In other words, Lanli still has a few days to rest and adjust.

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