The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1604: Late encore

"Len Li, you know, this is your moment."

Justin Timberlake smiled at Renly Hall standing in front of him, his eyes filled with sincerity and sincerity, and he didn’t need much words. The deafening noise in the entire Madison Square Garden was the best evidence, as The waterfall roared continuously from all directions.

To be honest, Justin was jealous.

As an actor whose job is a singer, Justin knows better than anyone how rare and crazy such a thunderous encore is. Even if it is a singer’s solo concert, which gathers his own **** fans, he may not be able to enjoy such treatment; not to mention a temporary platter concert, and it is free of charge.

This is really incredible.

At first, when he first entered the "Drunk Country Folk Songs" crew, Justin had a more or less unusual meaning deep in his heart, trying to prove that he was the biggest and most popular one in the entire crew; but this idea soon I cut off, because there is no comparability between the two people, and Renly's professionalism and devotion are absolutely unparalleled.

More importantly, for his secret rivalry, Lan Li didn't care at all, which made his deliberateness and care suddenly become ridiculous. The frustration is indescribable, and he can only comfort himself:

That's the crew, that's Renly's site, that's the away game, and he needs to return to his home court-when he stands on the stage, the situation will naturally be completely different, and his performance skills during his 20-year debut Not to be underestimated, he can easily control the audience and firmly grasp the advantage in his own hands. Just so confident!

Tonight, Justin changed his mind again.

It is not that his performance is not good enough, nor that his control is not enough, nor that his popularity is not top-notch enough; it is just that Lan Li is destined to be the focus of attention when standing on the stage, and that unique temperament that has precipitated. Given the unique taste of each performance of Lan Li, Justin as a professional naturally understands it better.

Now, the whole performance is over, and the audience is still calling for the appearance of Lan Li.

Of course, Justin can comfort himself. This is just a gap in popularity. The box office of "gravity" is decimating and setting records. The appeal of Lan Li is naturally extraordinary; but Justin is unwilling to deceive himself and admits the excellence of others. An important step in self-improvement.

What's more, there is no battle between winners and losers in stage performances, right?

It’s not just to make excuses for his surrender, but Justin now finally understands Lan Li’s feelings. In the "Drunken Country Folk Songs" crew, Lan Li showed a state of incompetence and devoted himself to the world of performance. Chinese, not because he doesn’t care about winning or losing, but because there is no such thing as winning or losing in the art field——

When an artist starts to care about winning or losing, he is the loser.

Justin stared at Lan Li sincerely, and said again, "You have to be on the stage, otherwise I strongly doubt whether the audience will take down the stage directly."

The ridiculous statement made Lan Li also laughed blankly. He could faintly feel that there have been some changes in Justin, which cannot be accurately described in words. After all, they are not familiar with each other, and many emotional details cannot be described in detail; but changes do exist, which is a good thing.

"Sorry, I need to go out to meet the cheers that belong to me." Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly and said solemnly, and then everyone could be heard laughing.

If Lan Li did not say that, everyone would inevitably be a little strange, just like the theatre stage in the West End of London. Shouldn't the final curtain call involve the entire crew on stage together? Only when the entire crew is standing on the stage can the protagonists step forward to accept the cheers.

But now that Lan Li said it in a relaxed and playful way, that little bit of strange feeling disappeared.

Lan Li turned around and stepped onto the stage again.

Similarly, there were no special special effects on stage, and Lan Li appeared in front of the audience again, standing under the bright spotlight; but Lan Li did not sit down anxiously, but closed his eyes. Quietly listening to the sound, as if drumsticks hit the chest, then the heart began to slam strongly, one more time.

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

The thunderous noises rushed over again, because it was too ferocious and too hot, so that the footsteps were almost unsteady, and then the muscles of the whole body were subconsciously tightened, standing firmly on the spot, with your head upright. With my chest and head up, I greet this Encore storm with a swagger.

So noisy, yet so peaceful.

In the squally stormy rain, Lan Li captured a trace of his own peace, and the whole world fell silent. He could even capture the rhythm of sound waves and heartbeats, hitting his chest hard and hard, and then he once again Become Levine Davis, standing on the stage, looking for the direction and motivation to keep going——

Not those shouts, but the enthusiasm and determination hidden behind the shouts. Once, Levine’s partner Michael also had this passion and perseverance, but he was eventually lost over the long road; now, Levine once again felt the weight and temperature of Michael above his heart, and life became a reality. Can bear it.

Lan Li thought of Rooney Mara.

Before the concert, Rooney sent a text message that read, "So we arrived, a lonely place that can't be returned. But now on this lonely place, you are no longer alone."

Tonight, Rooney is sitting in Madison Square Garden, becoming an ordinary member of the 20,000 audience, just like the concert two years ago, enjoying the concert quietly with the mentality of an audience The meeting is beautiful and moving, with Don Quixote's mentality, following Lan Li into that lonely place that can't be returned, indulging himself wantonly for the sake of dreams.

She always knew.

Lan Li stood there for a long time. At this moment, Rooney's text message reappeared in his mind. On this vast and cold solitary place, there was no way to go back and no direction to move forward. , But now there are more and more people gathered, chasing an illusory fantasy like Don Quixote, like a lunatic in a rebellious way.

Such a scene is really too beautiful and too moving, and it makes people intoxicated.

Gradually, gradually, the Encore sound finally calmed down, but there was still a billowing heat wave still surging in the air, the whole audience was pitch black, and only the spotlight in the center of the stage was left alone, shrouded in Lan Li's figure. , The boundless darkness makes people have the illusion that "he is the only one left in the world".

Justin, Ed and others also came back to the side stage, quietly enjoying Lan Li's encore performance.

Lan Li finally sat down, picked up his guitar, and slightly retracted his chin. The bright light pierced through the messy hair and thick eyelashes, caught the smile at the corner of his mouth, and the world brightened up like this.

"Just in the background, I was chatting with Justin and Ed. Maybe we can jointly hold a music festival and provide a stage to invite folk singers from all over the world to perform. This is not an easy task, and more importantly, , We are not sure how many viewers are willing to come."

Lan Li is serious, they were indeed discussing this matter in the background.

"But when Robert Redford founded the Sundance Film Festival, he didn't know that Sundance could become a mecca for independent films in the United States. He just insisted on a belief and did it. What if it fails? Then it failed, at least he used to go all out for his dream."

"Folk music festival, can we also try it? I think maybe we still need to have a little hope and a little confidence after all, even if it is an unrealistic idea, otherwise, everything in life can be foreseen. How boring and boring, what do you think?"

Lan Li just sat on the chair and talked quietly, with a faint smile in his voice. He could hear his lightness and joy, and the corners of every listener's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"But... they said they gave me this task. I expressed a strong protest. God knows how clumsy I am, lazy and forgetful, and absolutely not suitable for such an organization. My fans will know about it. However, my second album hasn't seen anything yet."

Lan Li's self-tackling made the audience laugh collectively.

After a pause, Lan Li's smile became brighter, and her lowered eyes hid her emotions in the Moreover, I still owe someone an encore until now. "


Could it be...

Lan Li twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, trying to say something more, but found that his words became pale and weak. Language seemed to be unable to express the true inner thoughts, let alone all the thoughts.

Two years ago, on this stage, she was looking forward to an encore and waiting for an encore—an encore exclusive to her, but he refused to honor it because he wanted her to stand on the stage in person. Complete this encore and realize this dream; unfortunately, she failed to fulfill the promise.

Later, standing on the Grammy stage, he completed the encore, but she never heard it anymore; the Grammy stage was not Madison Square Garden after all, he thought he would never stand here again, But I didn't expect to get a chance after going round and round, even though two years passed so quickly.

Time flies, and now he is finally ready. He is going to finish this encore tonight, two years late for the encore, but he still hopes to be able to draw the final end to the concert that belongs to only one person.

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