The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1629: Exhausted

Derek’s explanation continues, but the subsequent words have gradually evolved into echoes, and finally disappeared completely, until Derek turned and left, while Cody and Caleb and others were hugging and celebrating each other. The faces weeping with joy hugged Lan Li one after another, using all their movements to express their joy and happiness.


   Lan Li still responded politely and decently, but was always ignorant of knowing that there is no sense of reality.


  Paul, survived?


"Lan Li?" A timid voice came from his ear, interrupting Lan Li's thoughts. The floating soul returned to his brain from a thousand miles away. He turned his head and saw Mei. Duo.


Paul's family members were celebrating, but Mei Duo didn't join in, instead, her eyes widened, and her eyes were pure and stubbornly staring at Lan Li, "Dad, are you all right...?" She needs an answer, not a doctor. Yes, it was Lan Li's. It seemed that only Lan Li had confessed it personally before she would believe it.


Staring at Mei Duo's eyes that resemble Paul, the chaos and confusion deep in Lan Li's mind quietly disappeared. He nodded lightly, tried to show a shallow smile, and gave an affirmative answer, seeming to perceive Mei Duo's Not sure, Lanly said again, "Yes, Paul is all right."


   Mei Duo covered her face with her hands, and sobbed with a "wow", she couldn't say a word, she just cried bitterly. All the grievances and fears, all the worries and uneasiness were all released at this moment, she just stood in place and released all emotions.


   The cry of crying made people feel distressed.


   Lanli took Mei Duo into her arms with both hands, patted Mei Duo's back lightly, and whispered, "Paul is all right."


   seems to be convincing Mei Duo, and also seems to be convincing herself.


   Mei Duo still couldn't say a word, so she cried dimly, as if she finally found her after losing the whole world. That kind of heart-breaking resurrection, crying so badly, she buried her cheeks stuffy in Lan Li's chest, releasing her sorrow and pain wantonly.


   The cry of crying fell in Lan Li's ears, and his eyes became slightly red.


  Paul, survived.


  Paul, survived!


  God, oh god!


   "Paul, it's okay." Lan Li kept repeating it softly. As he talked, his voice became dry, but he knew that he could not fall, and Mei Duo needed him. As a result, he choked his voice, straightened his waist forcefully, forced all his emotions together, and supported the weight of the night with his shoulders. The hot forehead made his brain chaotic, but he always Remember: He can't fall yet.


   Mei Duo cried so much that he almost lost his strength, and finally fell asleep in Lan Li's arms groggyly.


Lan Li stood on the spot, his muscles stiff, even a little numb, and could hardly move. With the help of Meryl and Caleb, he hugged Mei Duo to rest on the sofa next to him; but Lan Li still stood in his original position. Because his muscles were a little numb and unable to move for a short time, he waved his hand to Cody, indicating that he was okay, but he just needed to slow down.


At this time, the consciousness in his mind finally slowly awoke, all the memories began to flood in his mind, until Derek confirmed Paul's survival, the tremor of fear began to invade waves after waves, Lan Li I just felt afraid after a while, my knees were a little weak, and I almost couldn't support my body. The pain in the waist muscles suddenly lifted the seal, and it rushed like a tide, leaving no room for reaction at all, and I tried my best to maintain my own body. Standing in a standing posture, I found that I couldn't find a trace of strength.


Just when Lan Li was about to lose his footing, a soft and tough force came from him, supporting his body, and a faint warmth came from the palms of his fingers, which made the slightly trembling muscles slow down. He calmed down, turned his head, and he saw Rooney's petite and determined body, standing firmly behind him, her eyes shining brightly.


The smile at the corner of Rooney's mouth rose slightly, and she whispered, "Paul is alive." Her voice trembled slightly, with some nasal sounds, but her smile was extremely firm and bright, as if she was giving Lan Li more confidence and confidence. power.


Lan Li opened his mouth and tried to say something, only to find that his voice was choking in his throat. He could only nod in embarrassment, expressing his approval, his nose was slightly sour, and all the coffee he had just drunk turned bitter, from the tip of his tongue. All the way to the stomach, all the sorrow and pain became clear again.


  Paul survived.


After exhaling a long, long breath, Lan Li's tight shoulders finally relaxed, and her upright and loose posture slowly slackened. Turning around, Lan Li opened his arms and lifted Lu. Ni hugged her in her arms, leaned her weight down slightly, and then whispered in Rooney's ear, "I'm going to be unable to stand anymore. Help me to sit down, okay?"


Rooney only felt a warmth in her eyes, but she had no time to take care of her emotions. She quickly raised her right hand to support Lan Li’s body, and came to the side calmly, supporting Lan Li’an to sit. Come down.


Lan Li supported the last bit of strength and didn't let himself completely lose control. After slowly taking his seat, the sharp and turbulent pain hit like a downpour. He couldn't even tell whether it was his waist, thighs or something else. I just feel that my whole head is confused, I just feel like I am in the stormy sea like this, there is nowhere to escape.


At this time, Lan Li was like a hot stove. Rooney was only flustered, but she still took a deep breath, calmed down, and turned to look in the direction of Andy and Roy, "Andy, Lan Li seems to have a fever. , You can find a wheelchair and we will take him to the emergency room."


   Andy and Roy quickly exchanged a glance, and hurriedly stepped forward.


In a trance, Lan Li could feel the chaos around him. He tried to speak and said that he was okay, but a little tired and sleepy. After a good rest, he could recover after a good night; but all the words murmured and murmured in his throat. He mumbled words that he couldn't hear, and then fell into the darkness like this.






   woo woo woo.


Above the eardrums, there was a continuous chaotic noise, like the echo of a valley, the distant and empty space surging randomly in the entire space, as if thousands of flies swarmed over at the same time, making people try to escape, but Finding that flies are everywhere, I have nowhere to escape.


The eyelids seemed to be heavy and could not be lifted heavily, and a faint pain came from the back of the head. The nerve in the spine seemed to be pulling one after another, making the muscles of the whole body tense, and there was a vague voice. The restless, limp limbs can't feel much strength.


Finally, the eyes finally opened, and the bright white light projected through the gap in the eyes, which was a bit dazzling, but the slight tingling made the head a little awake, but instead opened the eyes smoothly, and then the line of sight was a little bit. A little bit clearer.


At first sight, Lan Li saw Rooney lying next to the hospital bed, her brown chestnut short hair hanging scattered, and the stubborn and cold facial lines loomed, revealing a sturdy temperament, like an empty valley. The orchids that broke out of the ground seem to be delicate but contain wild nature.


Lan Li raised his right hand, and gently traced Rooney's eyebrows with his fingertips. He couldn't help but gently outlines a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. The expression in his eyes became gentle, but he didn't want to be so small. The action still awakened Rooney, she opened her eyes suddenly, sat upright, and looked around vigilantly, finally meeting Lan Li's sight.


  Rooney rubbed her eyes, her voice filled with surprise, "Are you awake?"


   "Yeah." Lan Li replied softly, and then realized that his throat was so hoarse and severely dehydrated because of fever, he raised his eyes and looked around.


Rooney reacted immediately and took the water bottle beside the hospital bed and placed it beside Lan Li’s mouth. This made Lan Li burst into laughter, but the corners of her mouth were still slightly heavier and could not be lifted up completely, "I just It's just a small cold, not so serious that I can't do these things."


"Ha. Ha." Rooney laughed dryly, ignoring Lan Li's protest, handed the kettle over with both hands, and put the straw in Lan Li's mouth, watching Lan Li carefully and swallowing a few. After drooling, he took the kettle away and asked in a low voice, "Is it still needed?"


   Lan Li shook his head, but asked another important question, "What about Paul? How is his condition now?"


Rooney reluctantly put the kettle on the bedside table again, "Why don't you worry about yourself first? If your condition is not good, how can you take care of Paul?" Seeing Lanly try to defend, Rooney He opened his eyes and expressed his determination with his eyes.


   Lan Li did not protest.


  Rooney continued, "What the **** is going on with your body? Why don't all of us know that you are injured? Even Nathan didn't notice it?"


   Things happened too fast, there was no chance. What's more, Lan Li didn't think it was a major event, but just hanged Avia for a few hours. "Why, did the doctor say the problem is serious?"


Rooney couldn't help but catch the key. Indeed, the doctor said that the problem was not serious, but the main reason was bruises. You only need to relax the muscles through massage and take a hot bath. This is no problem; the current situation It was just that the muscles became stiff after over-exertion, and Renly insisted on standing for several hours, the muscles became as hard as a rock, and they could recover after recuperating.


   As for coma, low-grade fever is the main reason. There was a severe overdraft from physical strength to energy. I didn’t rest well all afternoon and the whole night. After the tight nerves suddenly relaxed, I fell into a coma, hanged some drops and got a good night’s sleep. As long as the fever subsided, there would be no rest. Problem.


  Rooney's silence fell in Lan Li's eyes, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.


   Lan Li did not chase him, and then added, "How is Paul?"


Rooney shook her head helplessly, but still couldn't help Renly, "Paul is still in a coma. Ryan just came over and visited Paul, and then came to visit you. The doctor said that Paul's operation was very successful, but his brain The operation requires a longer recovery time. The next period of time, as long as Paul wakes up, everything will be fine."


"Yeah." Lan Li lightly chin his head and raised his head to look at the surrounding environment. He is only sleeping at this time, and there is no drip rack beside him, which means that his treatment has also ended, "I How long have you fallen asleep?"


"Twelve hours." Rooney replied, "It's only three o'clock in the afternoon. It's only half a day since Paul's surgery is over, and he needs more time to recover slowly. Don't worry, Paul has gone through the most difficult level. coming."


   Lanli still has no sense of reality.


From the escape in Iceland, to the reappearance of yesterday’s nightmare, to today’s escape from the dead, everything happened too quickly and too ferociously. He thought everything was calculated, but after all, he was still screaming. Helpless, what about now? Has Paul's destiny really changed?


   "I'm hungry. The doctor said, do I need to pay attention to my diet?" Lan Li calmed down again.


   Rooney still has a skeptical sight. In the past twenty-four hours, Lan Li's performance is so abnormal that she has to question it.


Lan Li's mouth pulled out a slight smile, "I need to eat something, and then go to the critically ill patient lounge to visit Paul. I know that now only family members can go in, I just want to confirm it outside. …To confirm if Paul is still lying unharmed, I need to check with my eyes."


   Plain words, no special ups and downs and emotions, but Rooney's eyes couldn't help but feel sour again. She could feel the fear and vulnerability hidden behind the words, which reminded her of the time when Heather died.


  Rooney nodded emphatically, "The doctor said, you need to eat some light food. Nathan has already prepared it in advance. I will let him heat it in the microwave now."


   After speaking, Rooney stood up and prepared to leave, but didn't want to, her right hand was held.


   is Lan Li's right hand.


Lan Li's broad palms wrapped Rooney's right hand, and the palms of both hands regained the temperature, a faint warmth, he just lightly outlined in her palms, and the numb touch fell softly, letting the palms rest. It itched slightly, and then drew a gentle path along the palm of the palm, and slowly moved away from the fingertips.


   She couldn't help but slightly twitched her fingertips. The fingers of the two people were entangled in this way, and they squeezed slightly, leaving the temperature of each other's palms before releasing them.


   There is no language, but it is better than a thousand words.

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