The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1642: Air cage

? "No. No no no. No no."

Lanly repeats this over and over again. He is watching the disaster repeat itself. He is watching himself turn and leave Paul. He is watching Paul step by step towards the abyss of death. Pretending to be aloof and pretentious, he chose to sit on the sidelines.

Do not.

Things shouldn't be like this, he has already sent Heather away, and he has no way to send Paul away. He can't do it, he really can't do it. This is too difficult.


The heart-piercing pain erupted in the depths of my mind, and the entire head was completely submerged with lightning speed. The sharp and turbulent pain instantly made the painful nerve reach its endurance limit, and the mountains whizzed with tsunami. Before the screams had time to scream out, they cut off all the painful feelings, leaving only a piece of tinnitus, just like the "beep..." after the heart stopped beating.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world escaped into darkness.

"Don't let me go. Murphy!" His voice finally broke through the shackles, and cried out in a choked voice, "No, no, no, no, don't let me go. Please! Please, don't let me go." If he does. If he turns and leaves like this, disaster is about to happen; if he turns and leaves like this, it may be a farewell; if he turns and leaves like this, he may regret it forever.

"Don't let me go! Don't! Don't!" He shouted desperately like this, the hot tears had completely blurred his vision, even his nose and saliva were no longer taken care of, just whispered over and over again. But... after all, it didn't help, so he just turned around and left the room.


He was almost suffocating.

Repeat the same mistakes. He once again watched the fate return to its original trajectory again, nothing changed, so cold and cruel.

Watching his figure start again, his anger and despair could no longer be suppressed, he exhausted his whole body strength and launched a final counterattack, like a trapped beast, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, cruelly He slammed the bookshelf in front of him, "No! No! No! Stay! You idiot! Stay! Stay!"

He roared continuously like this, and his clear eyes could clearly and accurately capture the scarred and bruised soul who was roaring in despair, like a wounded lion, bursting out all the energy in the desperate situation. People couldn't help but began to hit the barriers of time and space severely.

Do not.



In his sight, he once seemed to finally feel the powerful force and stopped. Before leaving the room, he turned around, glanced at the figure lying on the bed, and then glanced at the direction of the bookshelf.

He and himself looked at each other like this.

Through the shackles of time and space, they looked at each other like this: stay, please stay, otherwise you will regret it for a lifetime, you will bear this regret and you will never be able to get rid of it, stay, Paul needs you to stay, That lonely and helpless Paul needs you to stay with him. do not leave!

"Stay! Stupid, stay!" He just yelled silently, tears and nose slid down, the voice has completely disappeared in pain, just repeating word by word, "Stay", if you can , He would rather replace Paul's stay with his own disappearance. He can't take it anymore, he can't take it anymore.

He is just a coward.

He always uses all kinds of excuses to hide his vulnerability and fear, but deep down, he is always a coward. I dare not face the self I once was, I dare not face my mistakes, or even the fear of being alone.

But because of him, Paul once again stood on the edge of the cliff.


"Stay!" Please stay, okay?

But... the sights of the two were interrupted after all, and the oneself in the sights finally left, and the figure completely disappeared behind the door panel.

He just stayed still in place, looking at the silent door, completely cutting off the hope of survival, and then the whole world fell into silent darkness.

He widened his eyes like this, the focus of his pupils collapsed little by little, big and big tears slipped silently, but he couldn't catch any crying, even the sobbing was gone, it seemed that the brain had stopped. It works normally, now there is only one idea in my entire mind:

He failed to change history. He failed to keep him. He was not able to save him.

He is a fool, he is the most arrogant and stupid fool in the world, he has the opportunity, but he just let it go so foolishly. He is a fool, he is a fool!

Stay, please stay, okay?


The whole crew was silent.

Although Lan Li is in mid-air, his performance cannot be observed close at all. They can only feel the power of the performance through the monitor screen, but the struggle, regret, despair and pain make people sad and unable to cry. He didn't make a sound, as if he was stuffed with cotton in his chest, which was uncomfortable.

This is just a scene.

What's more, they all know that Cooper finally formed a communication with Murphy, and Murphy finally decoded the Morse code left by Cooper and successfully saved Cooper.

But at this moment, every staff member present truly felt the same. All the chaotic thoughts settled down. They just watched Lan Li quietly, feeling the powerless and helpless sadness, the desperate sadness. As if tearing the texture of my heart bit by bit, it was so painful that I couldn't speak.

"Ka!" Christopher stood on the ground, picked up the megaphone, and shouted, "Lan Li, very good, very good, let's adjust the position of the lens, and then shoot the next scene. Next... …"

Christopher’s voice was not able to go on, but was interrupted by Emma Thomas. Christopher looked at his wife without knowing it, but Emma shook her head gently, with a bitterness in her eyes. The uncontrollable pain barely made her utter a sound, Emma just motioned to the monitor.

Christopher cast his gaze subconsciously, and then saw Lan Li in the lens.

His hands are trying his best to grasp the bookshelf, but the power of his fingertips is still fading slowly. He put the helmet of the spacesuit against the bookshelf and closed his eyes tightly, but the painful cry was still suppressed. Constantly overflowing lightly from his mouth, big and big tears slid continuously from his eye sockets, that kind of heart-wrenching sadness was crushing all his defenses, and he just hung helplessly in mid-air, fragmented. .

Christopher was just stunned.

Emma turned her head unbearably, endured and endured, after all, she didn't hold back her embarrassment, so tears broke completely.


The unconscious appearance of Paul in the hospital resurfaced in his mind. The whiteness of the sky seemed to swallow him completely at any time, and then he would leave forever and ever.

He once grabbed Paul's right hand, he once had the opportunity to keep Paul, but... he still let go, he let go stupidly.

Now he regrets it, but he is powerless and can only resign himself to fate.


Paul-damn-Walker! Would you please stay? I need you to stay. I need you.

He finally couldn't hold on anymore, he just fell apart like this, all his strength, all his reason, all his calmness had been completely shattered, just like this completely collapsed, and then he started crying loudly, and the fear was firmly grasped. I lost my heart and contracted hard and hard, unable to breathe at all.

Because it was so painful that he lost control of his body, he could no longer hold onto the bookshelf, and then the whole person gradually drifted out like this, using only a Wia to hold his body, hanging in the air, and there was no way to leave. There is no way to hide, no way to cover up, and no way to control, so he is trapped in the air cage and has nowhere to escape.

It's like Paul who is trapped on a hospital bed now.

He closed his eyes tightly, but his emotions had completely burst, and he cried completely out of control. The bitter regret and despair dragged his ankles down continuously, and the boundless darkness was surging like a rolling tide. At this point, the thought of "giving up" could not help appearing deep in my heart.

Should he give up too?

"Hey, hello, meeting for the first time, this is Paul Walker."

"He shouldn't do this! He shouldn't treat you like this."

"Len Li, sorry, I should try my best to fight for you."

"Len Li, are you okay? Can you still keep going?"

"I'm always on your side."

"Len Li, thank you."

The Paul who is always positive and optimistic, the Paul who always smiles as bright as the sun, the Paul who is pure and simple and sincere and enthusiasm, the Paul who stands by his side no matter what the crisis is, the Paul who enjoys life quietly away from the sight of the public Paul, the Paul who opened his arms to embrace nature, embrace life and embrace life...

That Paul, the energetic and energetic Paul, is now so helplessly trapped in a small hospital bed, unconscious, and may never wake It was as if he was trapped in an air cage now, as if Chu Jiashu was trapped on a hospital bed.

He couldn't help but start to wonder if he did something wrong?

If Paul can evolve into eternity in speed and vigorously, wouldn't it be considered a proper death? If his selfishness destroys the retention of the yearning for freedom, is it against self? If his hesitation and hesitation have become a stumbling block for Paul's "life like summer flowers", is he denying himself? If Paul is trapped in the hospital bed forever, then where does the meaning of life come from?

When life becomes survival, or even lingering, do freedom and dreams really exist?

Did he do something wrong?

What should he do? What else can he do? He is now suspended in mid-air like an ant, firmly grasped in the palm of the God of Destiny, with nowhere to escape.

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