The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1652: 2 times in life

Lan Li thought the scene before him was a bit funny.

In the past, as a volunteer volunteer in the hospital, I needed to deal with big and small things. Naturally, I am familiar with it. The knowledge is still stored deep in memory and becomes part of the body's habits; but now the brain is in chaos, those familiar things Everything became blurred. Even the simple action of drinking water took him a long time to satisfy Paul's needs.

Lan Li couldn't help but tugged at the corners of his mouth, "God, it seems that I need to be trained again, otherwise, it would be more appropriate for me not to take over the hospital volunteers."

After a period of turmoil, Lan Li found his calmness again, and the whole brain's thoughts became clear again, and the slightly trembling fingertips were completely calmed down, but the emotions surging in the chest still could not be calmed--it is probably a short while later. I couldn't calm down, but the sense of humor finally came back.

Paul squeezed his wet lips, his throat discomfort was finally relieved, he slowly closed his eyes, and his awakened brain finally found a new way of thinking from the chaos, "Lan Li, where's Roger?"

Roger Rodas.

Lan Li did not answer. He did not intend to lie to conceal the facts, but he was unable to state the reality. He just quietly met Paul's gaze and responded with his eyes without evasive or sympathy. He seemed to be waiting and waiting. Paul asked further.

But... silence is already the best answer.

Paul closed his eyes again, and those fragments of memory appeared again in his mind. The details of the car accident can still be pieced together. He saw the impact, he saw the explosion, and he saw the fire. Maybe, deep in his heart, he already knew Roger's ending, but he still needs a little time to digest it slowly.

Paul tried to pull the corners of his mouth, trying to make an expression of relief, but failed, and the sigh and disappointment between his eyebrows could not be revealed.

"That day, Roger asked me to go to Malibu together. On the way, he was going to try the car by the way. I already agreed. But just before I set off, I had an inexplicable feeling. Maybe it's your constant advice and nagging. Yes, maybe it was just my sixth sense that issued a warning, but when Roger came to the door, I let him go forward by himself, and then I drove behind alone..."

Paul's voice was a little hoarse, calmly telling everything that happened that day, and then the smile at the corner of his mouth finally moved slightly, with a bit of bitterness in helplessness, and a hint of self-deprecating faintly revealed.

"Roger still had a temper with me... You said, if I were in the same car as him, then he changed my destiny? Or did I change his destiny?"

Paul looked at Ranley, but the focus of his gaze fell apart. Instead of asking Ranley, he asked himself, and he fell into the shadow of his own thoughts.

Lan Li had to say, "It's not your fault, nor anyone's fault."

"I know." Paul lowered his eyes and withdrew from his thoughts. "Although I still don't understand why you repeatedly told me like that, I guess...your idea is correct."

Lan Li's nose couldn't help but a little sour, but the smile on the corner of his mouth still rose, and then softly repeated, "Just go home. Just go home! Don't think too much now, take a good rest."

"I have been resting for a long, long time. I even began to wonder if I slept too long?" Paul did not forget to joke himself, judging from the current state of answering questions, it is really good.

Lan Li didn't hold back his chuckle, "If Disney is going to shoot the live-action version of Sleeping Beauty, I will recommend you to them."

"Ha. I will consider this proposal carefully." The corners of Paul's mouth rose up, and then he looked at Lanly again, "I was in a coma just now, and it seems that I heard someone say that there is work to prepare for me. Okay, is this true?"

Lan Li spread out his hands generously, "Of course. I'll be with you at any time."

Lan Li carefully observed Paul’s expression and made sure that there was no fatigue between Paul’s eyebrows, and then continued, “We can remake'Eleven Arhats', you know, commercial movies that take into account both entertainment and retro qualities. It is to be able to find different pleasures; or to adapt Agatha-Christie's novels. Each work is a group drama. I think it should be possible to dig out the different styles of different characters."

"Or maybe it's a comic adaptation of a superhero, just like the Avengers. We all wear tights and stand in front of the green screen and fight each other. Okay, if it's a hero movie, I will play the super villain." Lan Li emphasized his important insistence very seriously, which made Paul laugh out loud, and the laughter continued to swirl in his throat.

Lan Li's inspiration is still not over, "Otherwise, we can join hands in the'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion' rumor, you know, run the guy Van Diesel into the original series, and don't play with him. . Just see if Dawn and Jason are interested, maybe they can join in."

Paul adjusted his head slightly and looked at Lan Li in surprise, "It seems that you really thought about it?"

Lan Li did not answer positively, just smiled, and then continued, "Of course, these are just some of the ideas. Adapted projects are always easier. If the original script is available, we can still collect and see, or Yes, let's create one by ourselves. I think we can always find some interesting projects."

Lan Li's confirmation really thought about it.

In fact, in addition to those adapted works, Lan Li also has many script projects worth considering, such as "Secret Agent", "Tear-resistant Detective", "Thief League", etc., all of these works are many. The works of the leading actors collided with different sparks, which interpreted their own style outside the shell of commercial films; there are also some comedy films, not only him, but Paul can also try to break his own performance framework and open up a new field. .

Whether it is adaptation or originality, whether it is limited to action movies or trying new areas, as long as Paul is willing to try, Lan Li thinks this is feasible.

Paul paused, and he also thought about it seriously, "Leave Van Diesel, or even leave action movies, and try some different possibilities? Wow, I think it seems worth looking forward to now." Paul immediately laughed at himself. He twitched the corners of his mouth, "I know I am not an actor with outstanding acting skills. I have tried, but the results are still not satisfactory. Over the past few years, I have gradually become accustomed to staying in the comfort zone..."

"It's like Tom Cruise." Lan Li interjected.

Paul was stunned, and then he couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, it's like Tom Cruise, but Tom Cruise, who has a lot of specifications and treatment." Paul's self-joking also made Lan Li laugh. "But if I have the opportunity to try some other types and roles, maybe I should look forward to it. After all, from now on, this is the second life, isn't it?"

The second part of life.

It was such a simple vocabulary that made Lan Li's mood fluctuate again. He is so; Heather is so; so is Paul. After escaping from the dead, now is Paul’s brand new life. Everything that follows is unknown. It may be good or bad, but it is all new and full of expectations.

Lan Li lowered his eyes, concealing the turbulence in the depths of his eyes, trying to keep calm, "You know, I always welcome, raising my hands and feet. Next, we are waiting for your recovery. Then, we can sit down and discuss the style of the work and the challenge of the role."

"Yes, yes, yes." Paul was also excited, "I can also call Ryan and Jack, and then you call some actresses, we gather and think of a new project, I think this should be very interesting."

With Renley's current status and connections, he has the ability to become a top producer. As long as he is willing to open a project, then there is bound to be a company willing to invest-at least, Andre's Sisyphus Films absolutely agrees; What's more, Lan Li is now the first earner in Hollywood, and he has never made too much material requirements. This also means that they can invest more money in film projects, and they can shoot according to their own wishes. A work that may rush into the ditch.

There are many reasons for filming, for dreams, for life, for fame and fortune, for attention, for honor... and so on, but sometimes just for love or interest, just like a child with a heart of innocence. The purpose is just because of love.

Occasionally, life needs such a little Even if it's just a glass of milk after waking up in the morning, this little hobby can make life different.

As he spoke, Paul began to dance with excitement, but before he had time to raise his hands and feet, the pain made him grin again, and his entire face was curled up together.

Such Paul is really naive, but it reminds Lanly of when he was born again. After the joy of regaining a new life, I was more fortunate and sighed with excitement-I was able to have a second chance to be who I was. Not everyone has this opportunity to complete the comprehension, but he is lucky enough to win such an opportunity, which is more to be celebrated than life itself. The same is true of Paul now.

Lan Li's emotions couldn't help but began to surge again.

The tight muscles all over his body were relieved in this way, and the deep sense of fatigue invaded, but the whole person felt an unprecedented ease, and then the surgings in his heart almost leaked out, which made him more and more embarrassed. , Hurriedly changed the subject, "Paul, Meadow and Caleb are outside, I call them in." There is also a doctor, he needs to call the doctor over to make another diagnosis.

"Medo?" Paul's voice couldn't help raising his tail, faintly revealing some vitality.

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