The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1667: Message overflow

After all, society is a commodity society.

Just like Apple, under the leadership of Steve Jobs and Tim-Cook (Tim-Cook), gradually walked out a completely different path, the former's artistic creativity gradually disappeared in the latter's commercial success. , And the epoch-making innovative spirit under Steve Jobs's rule gradually died out. Jobs is a creator, and Cook is a businessman, but...who can refuse business success?

Apple can't.

Neither can Disney.

Catherine Kennedy and Robert Iger are making their mark in different ways but with similar styles. People can dislike them, but the wheels of the times still push them forward. As for their merits and demerits, they can only be left to future judgments. At least at this moment, they are the most powerful group of people in Hollywood.

Tonight, they met again.

After giving Robert a hug, Catherine stepped back and said with a big smile, "Sorry, if there is any negligence tonight, it is my master's rudeness."

Robert passed through Catherine’s shoulder, his eyes fell on the bustling and noisy behind him. There was no smile at the corners of his mouth, but his eyes shone with a warm light, hidden behind the round glasses lenses, "I think, the party tonight Come on, the person you don’t need to worry about is me."

Catherine tilted her head slightly, and then raised the champagne glass in her hand. This was the best reply without much words. Then she changed the subject, "I thought you didn’t like this kind of occasion. I only saw you at Tom's house last night. I didn't expect you to appear again today?"

Tom Hanks, held a private party last night. This year, he has two powerful works, "The Big Dreamer" and "Captain Phillips". He very much hopes to win the Oscar nomination again after a lapse of more than ten years, so he is particularly active during the awards season. Among them, the first live-action movie describing Walt Disney's life in the history of "Big Dreamer", Disney is naturally very hardworking.

Robert did not continue to polite, "Hollywood is changing too fast now. If you don't pay attention, you may miss important news. I am also trying to keep up with the rhythm."

A simple sentence is very meaningful.

Catherine immediately understood, but did not rush to ask, just raised the champagne, "I'm about to leave here, take a breath, how about it, would you like to accompany me for a walk?"

"My honor." Robert replied with a slight bow.

The two turned around unhurriedly and walked side by side without any panic. They nodded as they walked, blending perfectly with the surrounding environment, but quietly left the noisiest part of the party, and the surrounding crowd was a little bit. After the reduction began, Robert whispered, "What do you think of Lanly Hall?"

Thoughtless questions.

"Brilliant and unruly. He is a genius, but genius is often not easy to get along with, and genius often means trouble." Catherine expressed her opinion in the most concise way, "I don't like him."

For Disney, they need actors who "can control". Even Robert Downey Jr. is now lacking the sharpness and edges of his youth. The same is true for the director.

Regarding Renly, Catherine has no personal likes or dislikes, she just simply doesn't like actors who are out of control - or more accurately, out of her own control of chess pieces, because that means more trouble, more discussion, and more Work more, whether it is the Marvel series or the Star Wars series, they do not need the charisma of the actors to bless them, but on the contrary, the actors need the blessings of these series.

Robert Iger lightly chinted his head to express his understanding, but still did not change his mind, and then asked, "If Lan Lilly played Rogue One, what do you think?"

The "Star Wars" series is the most important project currently in Katherine's hands, including the main line series and the side story series. Each project is in full swing. With the success of Marvel Pictures ahead, Katherine's every move can be followed. Those trajectories that have achieved success.

"I thought this matter has become a thing of the past." Catherine still did not express her position, but expressed her views and attitudes in another way.

Robert paused, "Len Li stretched out an olive branch. He is willing to join Rogue One in the form of dividends. The specific form of cooperation is up to us. We will only cooperate with this work, or cooperate with multiple works of different series. , Even adding all the works of the entire Star Wars series in different forms."

"I don't believe it." Catherine directly shook her head in denial.

The reason why she doesn't like Lan Li is precisely because she knows actors like Lan Li very well:

They have their own persistence and refuse to compromise. Lan Li has his own beliefs and beliefs in the career of actors. It is absolutely impossible for him to sacrifice his dreams for the sake of "commercial interests". Just look at the actors in the Marvel series, even Scarlett Johansson and Mark -Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch and others, their future in the field of art has been affected to varying degrees.

Robert shook his head left and right, and admitted reluctantly, "Well, the specific situation is still to be discussed. I know that Lanly can't be completely at his mercy, but I mean, he is willing to open up different possibilities. Even if it is not Marvel or Star Wars. , Other works also have more possibilities." Catherine did not respond immediately because she knew there was a follow-up.

Robert paused, and then said, "Lenly is going to go one step further, in all directions. It's not just us, it's certain that Andy Rogers has contacted Sony and Warner."

"There is no Universal?" Catherine interjected and asked.

"There is no Universal." Robert replied in the affirmative.

Catherine immediately started to run her brain. She really knew nothing more about the branches and vines of the industry, and she drew a blueprint in a few words.

Leaving aside those details, it can be understood that Lan Li is willing to sacrifice part of his freedom-or benefit, to seek more right to speak. Then return to Robert's initial question, "What do you think of Lanly?" At this time, it can be interpreted as: Does Disney need to participate in this struggle? Are the interests of Lan Li worthy of their initiative?

Obviously, if Renly is willing to give up some of his freedom, such as starring in "Rogue One", then the part that Catherine "hates" may no longer be the influencing factor—at least not the main influencing factor; instead, it is the powerful appeal of Renly. And market influence can take the Star Wars series to a whole new level.

No one should forget that at the beginning of the century, the "Star Wars Prequel" series selected Natalie Portman and Iwan McGregor as the main roles, and used Hayden Christensen as the leading actor. This is their further attempt in business. Although the subsequent results were far below expectations, it is undeniable that the chemical reaction between top actors and top series is also recognized.

So, what about Renly Hall?

Now Lan Li is not the original Natalie and Ivan. Even works like "Drunk Country Folk Songs" can explode incredible box office energy, so the collision between Lan Li and the Star Wars series is even more incredible. Just a brain replenishment is enough to make people boil, even if it is a high-level such as Robert and Catherine.

To be more precise, Robert and Catherine have a clearer understanding of the benefits involved. The box office is just the beginning, and the driving of the entire surrounding benefits is even more unimaginable. It can even be said to be a huge benefit empire. Landly detonated Lanli’s market appeal.

No one can refuse.

At the moment in 2014, Hollywood is in a stage of violent power turmoil.

Disney and Warner Bros. are inextricably killed. Disney is gradually turning the situation around, but Warner Bros. is still chasing after it; Sony Columbia is ambitiously watching, while 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures and Paramount are gradually declining. But the camel is still thinner than the horse-especially Universal Pictures with the lighting entertainment animation, Legendary Pictures and the "speed and excitement/love" series, it seems to have the ability to disrupt the pattern.

The six major Hollywood film companies are all shuffling, and everything from high-level management to production creation to profit distribution is surging.

Lanly-Hall is only a chess piece in the whole pattern, but it is definitely a chess piece with very, very important weight.

Robert Iger did not say the overall situation, but Katherine Kenneth has already peeked into the overall situation-"Star Wars" and the Marvel series are the foundation for Disney to base itself on the entire global film market in the future, and the former will have a more profound influence on the North American market. , Then, is it necessary for them to join the Lanli factor?

Most importantly, the power distribution network that Renly maintains now is something that Disney cannot ignore: Warner Bros. and Sony Columbia Pictures, as well as the eye-catching Universal Pictures. Excluding the overall poor performance of 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures in recent years ~ ~ the other four major film companies are all intertwined with Lan Li.

At present, Warner Bros. and Universal Pictures have taken the lead, but both are in a deadlock due to high-level power struggles; Sony Columbia relies on the Sony classic to win the opportunity, but its influence is limited; instead, Disney relies on the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and The "Super Hero Marines" exchanged and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and the situation was very good.

To be honest, they have no reason to refuse.

Between the lightning and flint, all the calculations and layouts in Catherine's mind have been settled, she cast a glance at Robert, "You have made a decision, haven't you?"

"I need to understand your decision." Robert did not deny, but raised another question.

Catherine looked at Robert meaningfully, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if faintly smelling the blueprint of Robert's ambition.

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