The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1684: Opinion leader


The hustle and bustle of the crowd blocked the steps at the entrance of the movie venue, and the crowd was full of people spreading out in the line of sight. A thick ink color was outlined in the volatility and harshness of the white snow, and it was swayed like a splash of ink. Open, simple but spectacular.

Originally, people stood on the spot, gathered in twos and threes, buzzing conversations were surging in the air, biting cold air danced wildly on the surface of the skin, and many people were forced or stomped. Or rub your hands to keep warm, trying to dispel the confinement and restraint of the chill.

Nevertheless, the excitement and excitement that flashed on the faces were not affected at all.

The people in the line of sight have different styles and different postures. There are young people in neat clothes and suits and leather shoes. The fledgling vigor and vitality flows out between their gestures. They still have good expectations for the future; they also have sloppy and embarrassed expressions. The vicissitudes of middle-aged man still tried to hide in the nameless embarrassment and embarrassment after the vanity fair of Hollywood, but still could not hide in the dirty collar and ruffled coat.

There are also old dough sticks who have experienced the wind and rain and are well-versed in the world. Although they lack talents and cannot achieve achievements in artistic creation, they still rely on their own hard work, hoping to occupy a place in the film field, and turn around and tell the laymen themselves. The "brilliant deeds", looking for their own presence in those eyes of worship and wonder, the little aura stolen from Hollywood seems trivial, but it is the full light of their lives.

But at this moment, no matter what they are wearing or dressing up, no matter what age or class, no matter what status or status, their eyes are shining with similar brilliance, and the enthusiasm between the dance of the eyebrows and the dance of the hands is boiling like this, between gestures. You can feel the pure joy and happiness, from movies, dreams, likes, and life.

This is why Lanly loves film festivals so much.

Here, all the additional labels are torn off, and in the end, I only retain my identity as a "movie fan". Open my arms, open my arms, wandering in the world of images constructed by film, and quietly spying on the other behind the real and magical lens. A world that temporarily forgets everything about himself in real life.

Even if it is cold outside, they still can't stop their enthusiasm.

When the first sight of the appearance of the Lanly and Coen brothers, the buzzing discussion gradually calmed down, there is a magical infection effect, and then you can see the crowds one by one. The dots gathered towards Lan Li and the others, like a magnet attracting a pin, hula la, and in a blink of an eye, the whole audience swarmed together, and the order of the scene suddenly became hot and crazy. This situation is like this. People can't help but think of erupting volcanoes.

"Len Li, I really really like your performance in'Drunk Country Folk Songs'. This makes me start to trace the folk song era in the 1960s, do you know? It was a wonderful and turbulent era, didn't it? "

"Len Li, personally, you prefer the performance of'detachment', or the'anti-cancer me'. I watched the movie'anti-cancer me' over and over again. I think people underestimate yours. Performance. In the lens, you seem to be able to truly feel the pain of cancer. This performance reminds me of the despair and struggle in the'transcendence'. What do you think?"

"Master, Master! After watching'Gravity', I realized for the first time that the chemical reaction between the performance and the lens can reach such a degree. Do you think that if you use 3D technology to present a three-dimensional space, Does it have more possibilities to show the protagonist’s emotional level in a three-dimensional way?"

Ask a question. Ask a question. Still asking questions.

All the questions that linger in Lan Li’s ears are professional questions, not just shouting or screaming, but tangible questions. Obviously many film creators have appeared on the scene today, whether professional or amateur. At least they have their own views on film production, and whether it is correct or not varies from person to person.

With just this professional attitude, you can see the deep foundation of Sundance. Although it has only been held for 30 years, it is not inferior to the three major European film festivals in terms of the insights and abilities of the participants. Fineness. In a way, this is where Robert Redford's pride and confidence lies.

But obviously, this place is not the best place to answer questions. The next step is a face-to-face exchange forum, where they can sit in a warm indoor environment and communicate slowly.

Lan Li and his group walked slowly through the turbulent crowd like a boat against the current, drawing an arrow-shaped white wave, and walking all the way towards the projection hall in front of them.

"Blue gift."

When their footsteps had come to the forefront of the steps and stood at the front entrance of the cinema, a figure abruptly squeezed out of the crowd and lay awkwardly on the path of Lan Li's progress, because too much It was too turbulent and too crowded. His footsteps were almost unsteady and faltering at any time, but his face still shone with a brilliant and confident smile, tearing apart the winter cold like golden sunlight and spilling it down.

"I want to follow in your footsteps and become an actor, a real actor! Did you know? Sitting in the cinema watching your performance,'Gravity' and'Drunk Country Folk Songs', it is really a kind of enjoyment, more It's a shock! I can really feel the soul baptism hidden in the performance. You are a great actor! I hope to be an actor like you."

In the midst of the tumult, the confident and energetic words carried the wanton and publicity of the young people. It seemed that no difficulties and obstacles could stop their footsteps. The whole world was unfolding before my eyes, with the beauty of the ivory tower. And the happiness of fairy tales, looking forward to their future.

Perhaps a pessimist will say that this is too naive and too simple, and the cruelty of society will soon extinguish those hopes; but Lan Li is more willing to say that he hopes that the impulse of fearlessness and fear can continue. , Break out a piece of world that belongs to you, don't give up easily even if you have a bloodshed.

Because in the days and vicissitudes of life, the vicissitudes of life, and the faraway shores of life, we will miss the self who believed that the world can be changed with both hands and the world can be explored with both feet, but... youth is so short, in a flash Passing away, it withered before it had time to bloom wantonly.

"Thank you." Lan Li's thoughts were too turbulent. In the young man in front of him, he saw the self he used to be, the self who had just rebirth with infinite hope, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not help but lifted slightly, but, no When Lan Li continued to say something, the lively crowd once again swallowed the young man, drifting away, and disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

I hope to be an actor like you.

That sentence reverberated in his mind again. After carefully reviewing this sentence, Lan Li couldn't help but feel a little excitement, like a thousand butterflies flapping their wings in the lower abdomen. The excitement and excitement made his feet step on. Above the clouds, happiness fills the chest.

Unconsciously, he also became someone's role model.

Just like "Trumen's World", Steven Spielberg and Marlon Brando were to him, they guided him step by step on the path of an actor, and found his dream in the world of movies. Also blooming his own color, his life finally bloomed like summer flowers.

Now, he has also become a beacon on the vast sea in the long dark night.

This feeling is really subtle and peculiar, and a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously, which makes the footsteps lighter and the shoulders heavier. At this time, here, Lan Li finally feels the insistence of Robert and Cohen brothers, and finally Really felt the significance of the Sundance Film Festival.

This is definitely not just a film festival, nor just a gathering place for film lovers. It is also a land where art creators can breathe freely and run wild. In this snow-covered soil, Sundance Sowed the seeds, and then quietly waited for the arrival of spring, those artistic ideas can take root and eventually grow into a dense and strong forest.

The turbulent push of the crowd made Lan Li's footsteps passively continue to move forward, and then he entered the indoor space of the cinema, and the crowd and noise around him gradually receded.

"Wow!" At this time, Lan Li was able to sigh himself, and once again looked back at the crowds outside the door, he couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly to express his disbelief, "I thought that the symposium was only two hundred people at most. , But obviously I underestimated the appeal of Sundance in the field of independent film."

It’s not presumptuous, but the objective fact is that Lan Li is not a famous artist or master-he is still too young ~ ~ this is not a fan meeting or press conference-the number of attendees can not be calculated according to the usual routine. , And he is just an actor-not a director or producer involved in the creation of the film. In Lan Li's view, it is already very ambitious to accommodate two hundred people, and there is even a need to worry about whether it can be full.

Hearing such words, Joel and Ethan exchanged glances, and both faces showed meaningful smiles.

Lan Li noticed such a small movement and frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

Joel took the initiative to say, "These people at the door are not able to line up to enter the venue. Starting from 8 o'clock in the morning today, there have been long queues at the door of the venue. They are just to participate in your symposium. Didn't you notice? ?"

"I thought it was the queuing line for the premiere of'Night Sleeper'..." Lan Li said subconsciously, and then his words were cut off, looking at Joel and Ethan in disbelief.

Ethan nodded, "Yes, the idea in your mind is correct now. This really happened."

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