The Greatest Showman

Chapter 236: Unexpected visitor

The drizzle blocked the color of the sky, and the thick dark clouds made it impossible to reveal the sun’s rays. The city’s street lights were already on before five o’clock in the afternoon, and the summer heat could no longer be felt in the air. The depression of autumn can't wait to spread out in the patter of rain. This is a typical London weather. In comparison, there is no strong wind today, which is already good news.

The taxi stopped in front of a retro building. The mottled brick walls can clearly see the layers of water soaking. The original marble appearance is almost invisible, and it has gradually turned into a dark brown; a typical Victorian building The style reveals simplicity and elegance, the gray exterior wall reveals an indescribable dullness and introversion; the simple and heavy door is firmly established in front of the eyes, dividing the world into two completely different countries inside and outside.

The three-story structure extends along the entire street, and the unified style brings the elegance and dignity that belongs to Britain. The bushes of greenery across the street spread out endlessly, and it is even rarer to see in London, where the land is rich in gold.

Matthew Dunlop opened the car door, and a man in a black three-piece suit walked down the stairs quickly. He looked at least fifty years old. The hair on his head had almost fallen out, but there was nothing left. The hair is still neatly sorted out, even in the rainy weather, the white shirt and black bow tie are still ironed neatly without any slack.

Holding a black umbrella in his right hand, he propped up a piece of sky for Matthew, and escorted Matthew into the carved wooden door in front of him. After entering, he put the umbrella in his hand away He went into the iron bucket next to the door, and then took the briefcase in Matthew's hand, "Master Matthew, is everything going well at work today?"

"Well, not bad." Matthew stood at the door, and wiped the mud under his feet on the carpet at the door. "Haite, are father and mother coming back this weekend for their vacation?"

"Yes. The plane arrived on Friday afternoon." Haiter-Wesley said skillfully. "Also, Master Lan Li is here."

When Matthew took off his jacket, he paused. A hint of surprise appeared in his astonishment, and his smile rose, "What? When did he arrive? Why hasn't there been any news before?"

"At two o'clock in the afternoon." Haite said in a calm tone, conscientiously, "He said he needs to adjust the jet lag, and he is resting upstairs. Master Matthew, do we need to notify Lord George?"

Matthew was stunned, "No." The steps under his feet took two steps, and then stopped again. After thinking about it, he confessed, "Don't tell father and mother for now." Passed it to Haite, and Matthew strode up to the second floor and walked to the guest room skillfully.

When he was about to approach, he lightened his steps, trying to avoid making any noise, and then gently twisted the door of the room and pushed it open cautiously.

The curtains in the room were pulled up tightly, leaving only a dimly lit table lamp beside the bed that was not turned off, and the dark room revealed a trace of warmth; the clothes on the floor were still thrown all over the floor in a mess, he didn't even know Why is there a shoe running to the edge of the door, as always in the style of someone; there is a person lying on the bed, drowsily asleep, and the steady breathing means that he has entered a deep sleep, even if it is lightning and thunder, it is not noisy wake.

Walking to the head of the bed, through the dim halo, Matthew recognized the familiar face at a glance.

Unexpectedly, this guy will come back to London without a word. It's really been a long time since then. The last time I saw him in London was eighteen months ago. The city still doesn’t seem to have changed much, lifeless and amiable; but he has become different, so familiar, and so unfamiliar. .

He can easily paint his expression complaining about the bad weather in London, and his eyebrows are full of disgust; moreover, this time the social occasion is bound to be lively gossip for some time-the ineffective little of the Hall family The son is back again. Thinking of his dismissive look, Matthew couldn't help but smile.

Bend down to tidy up all the clothes scattered on the floor, fold them neatly and put them on the sofa next to them, then gently exit the room and return to the waiting room on the first floor, "Haite, prepare some hot water. After Lan Li gets up, he is bound to take a bath. Where did he fly over this time, did he say?"

"Los Angeles." Haite put his hands in front of him, politely but not a gentleman.

"He came by himself in a taxi?" Matthew's question was answered in the affirmative by Haite. He shook his head and said helplessly, "It was not much more convenient to call him in advance to pick him up at the airport."

"Master Matthew, how do you prepare for today's dinner?" Haite asked again.

"Fish and chips." Matthew thought for a while, and said solemnly. The cold facial lines seemed to be serious, but between his eyebrows, he could catch a trace of mischievous jokes. He saw the place where he was respectful. Nodding his head in recognition, Matthew shook his head again and denied his thoughts, "No, let’s prepare roast rabbit meat, the two that Henry hunted on the weekend, and then prepare a fried steak, five mature, and the caviar Take out and whiskey."

"Do you need to take out the silver tableware and Chinese porcelain?" Haite asked routinely.

"No, no. You know Lanly doesn't like these." Matthew waved his hand, and after watching Haite leave, Matthew stood there and thought about it again. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he returned upstairs. In his study, began to work.

The passage of time became silent amidst the sound of the drizzle. It seemed that this autumn rain had no intention of stopping in a short time.

"Knock", the dull knock on the door disturbed the quiet air in the study. Matthew raised his head and saw Lan Li standing at the door at a glance.

Lan Li, who had just woke up, looked a little lazy, her slightly curled hair looked messy and sloppy, and her bright eyes were hidden behind the fuzzy halo. The expression between her eyebrows was like a smoky blue smoke. He dragged his tired steps to the sofa next to the study, sat down with a thump, and lay down on the sofa as if he would fall asleep again at any time.

Matthew looked at his friend who had grown up with him in this way, and shook his head inconceivably. The smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise, "Why did you come back suddenly? Come to me, don't say a word in advance? I let Haite Go to the airport to pick you up."

"Haite didn't do anything wrong, why should he punish him?" Lan Li still closed his eyes, his lazy voice with a thick nasal sound, obviously he hadn't fully awakened yet.

Hite is the housekeeper of Dunlop’s family and has been working for more than 30 years. Hite’s father and grandfather are also the housekeepers of Dunlop’s house. Therefore, Hite not only grew up with Dunlop’s parents, but also watched Matthew grow up. Although he is a housekeeper, his status and status are different. For Lan Li, his kinship with Haite is naturally different.

"Trust me, Hite is very willing to pick you up at the airport." Matthew sat down on the single sofa next to him. "If you don't want to go to Bayswater, you can also go back to the apartment in Knightsbridge."

London is a very large city. The city center in the center is the first district, and then it is divided into districts from the second to the sixth, just like the Beijing/Beijing ring.

Bayswater is a small sub-district of the second district. There are two stations and three subway lines passing by. It can be said that it is the most convenient area to get in and out of the city center, but the rent can be reduced by at least one third or even more; and Knightsbridge is the very center of London. It is located next to Hyde Park. It is not only a gathering area for the upper class in the city, but also a high-end shopping area.

Nobles like the Hall family generally have more than one place to stay. For example, the Bayswater villa is their home base. They have a total of eight master bedrooms and two hospitality halls, but other than that Everyone has their own private residence in London. Lanli's apartment is located in Knightsbridge, where young aristocrats like to gather.

The same is true for Dunlop's home. The mansion that Lanly is visiting is located in Gree-Park, which is the foothold of their home in the city center.

This is one of the favorite areas of emerging nobles. Although the park area is small, it has unparalleled geographical advantages: it is located in the transition zone between Hyde Park and St. James Park, at the end of Oxford Street, and close to Buckingham Palace. There are several tree-lined avenues in the park, which are composed of hundreds of tall trees with a sense of history. It's not as noisy and bustling as Hyde Park, but it's not so quiet.

"Because the scenery here is more beautiful, I miss the row of trees outside for a long, long time." Lan Li said half-jokingly.

Matthew rolled his Of course he knew that the apartment in Knightsbridge was managed by George. As long as Lanly returns, his whereabouts will be exposed, but he can at least enjoy another day when he comes to Green Park. Or two days of cleansing, "Don't worry, I told Haite, don't tell your parents."

Lan Li shrugged and said indifferently, "This is a very small circle." In the upper class of London, a little bit of news will spread quickly, and there is no need to deliberately fan the flames. What's more, his elder brother Arthur was a guy who was very well informed. Even if it's not this afternoon, it will be spread tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. "Where are your parents?"

"They went to Sicily for vacation and will be back this weekend." Matthew replied, "Are you going to say hello to them?"

"Of course, if you meet it head-on." Lan Li didn't mind the appearance.

"If you don't want to meet them, you can go to Notting Hill, where I rented my own apartment." Matthew said with a smile, and then saw Lan Li open his eyes with a surprised expression, Ma The smile on the corners of his mouth rose. How could he not know the true thoughts of this small heart, "You go take a bath first, Haite should put the hot water away. After dinner, we will go to promise Ding Shan."

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