The Greatest Showman

Chapter 270: Quieter

Andy asked with concern, "Jesus Christ, are you not hurt?"

Andy in front of him looked a little strange, his usual smile disappeared, his face was worried, he was sweating profusely because he was too anxious, and even panting. This caused a trace of warmth to flow from the bottom of Lan Li's heart. Compared to his agent, Andy is more like a friend of his.

And Nathan, who was standing next to him, was even more pale and pale at this time, with no blood at all. The panic and uneasy appearance made Lan Li burst into laughter, "Don't you worry about Van Diesel? Is it? I just broke up with the first in charge of the crew."

This ridicule caused Andy to roll his eyes and see that Lan Li was still thinking about joking. He knew that Lan Li was actually okay, and his voice came out of his teeth, "What a Van Diesel? , The big deal is to completely tear your face and quit the'Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5'."

Lan Li curled his lips and spit out mercilessly, "Are you telling the truth, or are you talking about it?"

"Of course it's the scene." Andy said without hesitation, which made Lan Li smile more brilliantly, but Andy couldn't help but hint again and again, "I know you are okay, but now, I need you to pretend to be ill, pretending it hurts. , It’s best to grind your teeth and sweat your forehead. Then, you’re doing your best to pretend that you’re okay.”

This is pretending to be okay again, and the words are too circumscribed, but the expression in Lan Li's eyes flashes lightly, and he immediately understands it.

In the "Degree and Excitement/Emotion" crew, Fan deserves to be the absolute core. Relatively speaking, Lan Li can only be regarded as the third protagonist. Even if he is the third protagonist, he is still changing. Before Lan Li and Fan, the producers undoubtedly supported the latter. From friendship to connections, from role weight to film participation, Fan easily gained the upper hand.

In other words, Lan Li broke ground on Tai Sui's head.

Even if Fan’s behavior is improper today, the responsibility lies with him. But the real world has never been a reasonable place, has it?

Now Andy asks Lan Li to pretend to be sick, at least to let Neil know that Lan Li is not unharmed, and in front of Fan's unreasonable trouble, Lan Li is also injured. However, Lan Li will be "magnanimous" not to care about, not to care about Fan's pranks today, and not to care about Fan's gesture of taking the initiative to everyone, not only does not care about calculations, but also puts on a calm posture, giving him a lot of face. , It also gave Neil a lot of face.

On the surface, it seems that Lan Li has suffered, and he is obviously injured, but he takes the initiative to calm down; but in fact, this is to cooperate with the performance, Neil needs the unity of the crew, and Lan Li’s cooperation will only make him admire, not to mention the future. At least in the next promotion of "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5", Neal will also give Lanli more resources.

In this way, Lan Li was completely cheap and sold well, but arrived on the set three and a half hours earlier, but reaped greater benefits; not to mention, in the confrontation with Fan, not only did not suffer a loss, but also faintly occupied Advantage.

As for Fan, if he refuses to cooperate and continues to be reasonable and unforgiving, then Renly’s compromise will become more precious, and Neil’s judgment balance is destined to be unbalanced. Neil certainly doesn’t mind giving Fan a lesson. Fan cannot be replaced, but there are countless ways to make Fan miserable.

If Fan cooperated with this play and chose to shake hands and make peace, he would be destined to be dumb to eat coptis, and he would die. What is even more depressing is that in the next filming of the crew, he at least can't blatantly oppose Lan Li.

Lan Li suddenly narrowed his smile, frowned slightly, and made a look of internal injuries, "I think I need to sit down and rest now."

Nathan, who was standing next to him, was unidentified, so he was so scared that tears came out, and his vision was blurred, "Lenly, are you all right? Are you all right? Should I call 911 and call the ambulance?"

Looking at Nathan, who was about to collapse, Lan Li and Andy exchanged sights. Lan Li smiled and suffocated really hard. "Nathan, why don't you help me sit next to me? I feel chest tightness now. !"

Lan Li is not joking. Fan has been able to break into Hollywood over the years. His fists and kicks are really good. Maybe the moves are relatively simple, but there is absolutely no problem with strength and confrontation. Just now, after abruptly received a punch, Lan Li's chest muscles were indeed aching.

The gazes of the surrounding extras were all projected over, and when they saw Lan Li's forbearing appearance, they all showed unbearable expressions.

To be honest, Lan Li did not make any mistakes, it was just that Fan could not accept that his light was robbed by others, and then he pressured the director and punched directly. This is really disgusting. They had heard that Fan likes to play big names and enjoy the pleasure of being sought after, but after they really saw it today, they knew that the rumors were not groundless.

Seeing Lan Li’s appearance, Justin greeted him quickly and apologized in a low voice, "Sorry, I didn’t expect things to get out of control." Justin looked at Andy, "Lan Li’s performance today is very good, to be accurate. Say, it’s very good. It’s my responsibility to have such an accident, and I’m really sorry. The medical staff is already on the way over, so let’s check for Lan Li in a while."

Prior to this, Justin had no difference between good and bad feelings about Lan Li, just a substitute actor. But after today, he looked at Lan Li with admiration, and the subtle change in his mentality has turned upside down.

Not only Justin, but Paul also came around again, and said with a worried expression, "Lan Li, let the medical staff check it out for you." Even Jordana, Gale and others also stepped forward to express their concern, as if The person who was "wounded" in the confrontation just now was blue.

This really made Lan Li laugh or cry, he waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'm fine, this is true. Don't worry about me."

But this kind of response, in the eyes of everyone, is even more indignant. As a victim, Lan Li is still thinking about calming things down. Fan is really deceiving people too much!

While Lan Li was surrounded by caring colleagues, Fan was on the verge of exploding frequently.

"What are you talking about?" Fan looked at his agent Christian Wagner (er), his face was incredible, and Christian actually made him swallow his breath! Actually let him disarm and surrender! Let him calm the incident! Let him not be picky eaters! Fan seriously doubted whether he had heard it wrong!

Christian was full of seriousness, "You heard what I said." Seeing Fan who was full of anger in front of him, Christian felt a headache, "You are angry with a new actor for nothing? What do you want? kind?"

"Kick him out of the crew!" Fan fought back regardless, "It's not uncommon, is it? It's me or him, it's not a difficult multiple choice question. Even if it's Ron Meyer who came to me. In front of him, he would choose me instead of that... the puppet who knows nothing and whose body is as thin as paper? I am the soul of the whole movie! I am the core of this movie! Not the one who jumps from the corner A cat and a dog coming out!"

In front of his agent, Fan had no scruples at all and was blunt, but Christian was unmoved and said coldly, "Toby Maguire was almost replaced at the beginning."

The "Spider-Man" series brought Toby to the pinnacle of his career, but before the filming of the third film began, Sony Pictures decided to change the leading actor because Toby spoke to the paid lion and did not hesitate. In the end, Toby's agent closed his hand immediately and bowed his head to compromise.

Fan was immediately choked, but his expression was still unwilling to admit defeat.

Christian hates iron and shook his head. Fan has been rolling in Hollywood for more than ten years, but he still hasn't grown up. "Haven't you ever thought about why I am here?" Fan was stunned. Ron Meyer personally called me, and he said, "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5" has had enough twists and turns, and he doesn't want to see more troubles. The most important thing now is that the filming is completed smoothly."

The understatement made Fan shudder.

"Don't think I don't know what happened today. We won't discuss the pranks you did, whether you are clever or not, but when someone sees it through, you become angry and become angry. Are you serious? How old are you this year? Lan Li It’s just a twenty-year-old young man, why bother with him? This movie succeeded The credit is yours, not his. We have countless ways to make him disappear during the promotion period. Let all the audience's eyes focus on you!"

"What's more, now that the prank has been caught, you don't shut your mouth and are still making things up and down here, do you clearly want the whole crew to stand on his side? You know those stupid onlookers They all sympathize with the weak. It’s not the first day that you were rolling in this business, but I never knew you were so stupid."

Christian's words did not cover anything, and it could even be said to be very vicious. He criticized it with great guiltyness, and Fan was almost helpless. Fan is forty-three years old this year, more than double Lan Li's age, but his frizzy performance makes people help.

In fact, this is also the reason why Fan couldn't swallow this breath all the time. He was actually beaten by a stinky little hairy head!

But now that he calmed down, Fan suddenly realized: Just now, from beginning to end, no one treated Lan Li as a 20-year-old boy! Everyone put Lanli at the same height as Fan and Paul.

Fan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Christian's words continued, "I don't care how you deal with it. But the result is that this matter is forgotten, and then in the crew, you better not trouble him. Even if you look for it, don’t be discovered by others. Be smart and concealed. You have been rolling in Hollywood for fifteen years, and you don’t know how to fix a new person?"

Fan felt aggrieved, very aggrieved, but under Christian's gaze, he slowly lowered his head and said nothing.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the three protagonists left the studio and entered the van one after another. ()

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