The Greatest Showman

Chapter 274: Surprise

Get an inch! It's really an inch!

If that guy appeared in front of him now, he could tear that guy into countless pieces with his bare hands! Just thinking about his performance just now, he not only appeared in the landmark theater, but also praised during the interview, propagating "buried alive" from beginning to end! He wanted to overturn the entire ticket counter directly!

He is the one who is aggrieved! He is the one who feels frustrated! He is the one left out! He is the one who needs to be comforted! He is the one who is full of anger but has to swallow it! He is the one whose teeth were broken but had to show a smile!

But now, not only can he not complain, but also take the initiative to "bury alive" the platform?

Every sentence just made him nauseous, every smile made him want to die, every compliment made him burn like a fire, Fan was so angry that he couldn’t help shaking, standing beside him. Ludacris looked terrified, afraid that Fan would vent all his anger on him in the next second.

Ludacris closed his mouth firmly. Although he wanted to show some comfort, he didn't know how to say it so as not to make things worse. Therefore, he had better be silent.

After the leader left, looking at the empty screening room, Fan's anger finally lost control, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Use the most primitive way to vent all the anger in the chest cavity.

However, what Fan didn't know was that every projection hall in the movie theater was monitored, and it truly recorded every move of the audience in the projection hall.

First, more than two hundred spectators attended, and then the crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" appeared. Bradley is grateful for his decision tonight as never before. Now, he is already looking forward to the feedback from film critics and audiences after the first weekend screening of "Buried Alive".

Hope patted William on the shoulder, "Quickly, quickly, it's our turn." Then he dragged Graham to follow closely. They lined up and finally waited for their turn, and quickly walked forward, and William pointed. Pointing to the three of them, said to the conductor, "'Buried alive', three, are there any tickets?"

"There's more." The conductor smiled, "However, it will be sold soon." This is the first time she has seen that the midnight field of the landmark theater can sell out the tickets. It is estimated that this record will be many in the future. After a year, it will be difficult to break.

The landmark theater line still uses the original ticket sales method. There is no computer to print the tickets, but the old ticket stubs like a bus, and the ticket seller will mark the number of halls on it. The number of audience seats in each theater is fixed, and there is no row and column indicating the position on the ticket stub. After entering, just find a seat and sit down.

The conductor tore off three tickets and handed them to William, "Hall Five. Is there any special event today? Why are so many people coming to watch this movie?"

"Yes, I'm also very curious." A deep voice came from behind, with a faint smile, even without turning his head, he could outline the elegant curve of the corner of the mouth.

Hope, William, and Graham all faced the ticket window, and then saw the conductor in front of them showed an expression of incredible horror, and there was an out-of-control scream next to him, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "But just as the scream sounded, I was covered by my hands, and then bumped into my palms dullly.

However, this is not the only sound. There were people nearby who made the sound of taking a breath, and the murmurs were endless, and the whole auditorium became restless, and the cheers and joy of joy were completely impossible. Depression spreads in the air.

William and Graham reacted more quickly. They turned around quickly, and then their eyes rounded. Their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably, like a seizure. It was really funny; Hope took it from the conductor. The movie ticket is being confirmed. When I looked up, I saw everyone's strange reaction, and laughed, "What's wrong with you..."

While speaking, he turned around, and then all the remaining voices were stuck in his throat, and Hope directly turned into an ice sculpture, froze in place, unable to react at all.

The man in front of him is tall and slender. He is wearing a lime-grey shirt with black jeans. The shirt is unbuttoned casually. There is not much attention to the dress, but it is covered with a light brown. In the windbreaker, the temperament of the whole person leaked out in the casual lines.

The arc of the smile on the corner of the mouth gleams with warm light in the eyes, a military-like round-inch hairstyle brings out a little youthful youth and sunshine, mixed in the aristocratic atmosphere of an elegant gentleman, letting everyone around with a smile All of his eyes were focused.

Puff through, puff through.

Hope could clearly hear the sound of the heart hitting her chest, and the noise and screams from her ears still came intermittently, but she could not respond at all. The whole brain and all the blood were frozen into ice. He cast his gaze dumbfounded like a fool, and looked at him silently and dumbfounded, wondering whether it was a dream or reality.

The man who was only a step away from him seemed to feel the fun because of her embarrassment. The curvature of the corner of his mouth rose slightly, as if the spring/wind wrinkled a pool of water, but the circle ripples made the whole world turbulent. "What you mean now is that you don't know what activities are going on? Or, why is there an unrelated stranger asking you questions? So, do I need to take two steps back and take a little distance?"

"No, don't!" Hope said in a panic. The bewildered appearance made the man laugh freely, and only then did Hope's brain react. It was just a small joke, but her performance was like this. It was...hungry/thirsty, which made Hope's cheeks become hot.

However, at this time Hope didn't pay attention to this matter. Standing in front of her was Lanly-Hall, it was Lanly-Hall!

It's as if the most incredible thing in the world has happened. They made a special trip to watch the "buried alive" midnight scene, and then they met the only male protagonist of the movie, even Hollywood movies did not dare to act like this! But the reality happened in this way, and Lan Li truly stood in front of her eyes, so real, yet so dreamy, making it impossible to distinguish whether it was a dream or not.

"Why do you appear here?" This is the only question in her head now.

"Like you, watch the movie." Lan Li pointed to the partners behind him. At this time, Hope noticed that Paul Walker, Gal Gadot and other people were standing behind, everyone was casual. Dressed up in casual clothes, did not deliberately dress up, even Gail did not make up, it looked like a group of friends came to watch the movie.

Paul waved at Hope, smiled brightly, and said hello. Other people also cast their sights.

Hope couldn't help but was stunned, and then he saw Graham step forward, "Lenly, can I... uh, can I shake hands with your friends? Of course, there are you, and you."

Lan Li smiled happily, "Of course there is no problem."

The whole scene suddenly became commotion, and other audiences around also stepped forward and shook hands with Paul, Gale and others. The atmosphere in the hall seemed to be developing in the direction of a fan meeting.

Unexpectedly, the largest audience gathered around Lan Li. Bradley tried to squeeze in several times to conduct simple interviews with Lan Li, but found that there were no gaps at all. The enthusiastic audience blocked the ground, even oxygen. It's almost exhausted.

Originally, Lan Li was the most popular rookie actor in the last two months, but he never showed up. He has filmed two works, "Love Is Crazy" and "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", and he has been on the crew all the time. Busy. For the general public, curiosity and attention have reached a whole new level under the cover of unintentional mysticism.

Until tonight, it broke out.

Lan Li was in a hurry. First, he didn't expect the midnight scene to be so lively. Second, he didn't expect everyone to care about him so much. He also assumed that Paul would be the absolute focus.

Although Lanly encountered a similar situation at the Toronto Film Festival before, it is still different today. More people can be accommodated in a narrower space, and there are heads everywhere in the line of sight, so densely packed that people can't breathe. With anger, countless calls sounded in all directions, unable to distinguish the direction at all, as if trapped in a kaleidoscope, the scene of each angle of view was completely different, but it was indistinguishable.

Fortunately, there were only more than two hundred people at the scene, and everyone was more orderly. After the onlookers, they disappeared one after another. There was no fanatical refusal to Even so, Lan Li couldn't help it. Started to sweat. How to deal with the audience, Lan Li's experience is really lackluster. In comparison, he prefers to deal with reporters. Those long guns and short shots seem to be simpler.

The staff has already stepped forward to maintain order. Lan Li wanted to communicate for a while, but in the end he could only smile at Hope, "I hope you will like this movie, just like'Ophelia Ya's the same." After speaking, he quickly followed the staff and left.

Hope did not conceal her disappointment. She originally thought she could communicate with Lan Li for a while, but was interrupted without expecting it. But the next second, she was ecstatic, "He still remembers! He still remembers!" Hope yelled nonchalantly, and the whole body began to tremble. Only William and Graham understood what Hope meant. ——

Lan Li still remembers them, how they met on the streets of the Emmys night! This is incredible!

At this moment, they are the happiest people in the world!

"He still remembers!" William and Graham couldn't help but began to shout, their excitement rushing right and left in their chests.

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