The Greatest Showman

Chapter 505: Debut

"Boom boom boom" aircraft engine sound reverberated in the dark night tarmac, all the noise was involved in it, almost disappeared, Brian-Tyler (brian-tyler) intense and tense soundtrack style is more than enough to harmonize Hans-Zimmer (hans-) was comparable, and the raging, flickering atmosphere quietly began to permeate.

"Everyone is listening, we are chasing professionals. Professional drivers, professional criminals. Everyone is highly vigilant, and I want each of them to be arrested and brought to justice." A calm and powerful voice, precise and steady words. However, the tone of voice was filled with vigorous and resolute strength. The words were heavy, and the words were simple and neat, but they suppressed all the surrounding roars, and the powerful aura that was not angry and prestige easily suppressed the audience.

He heard his voice before seeing him. The vivid image was already on the paper, and I couldn't help but began to outline the corresponding characters in my mind, but before he had time to react, Lan Li appeared in the picture as soon as the camera was turned.

A simple and neat camouflage shirt, the sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, the collar of the shirt is opened with two buttons; the lower body is matched with a pair of **** overalls, and a pair of flat boots are stepped on. Other than that, there is no frills.

The outfit is clean and concise, and the rough looks like civilians, but the crispness of gestures and introverted eyes reveal the tough temperament of a soldier; steady steps are stepped on regular rhythms, with minimal amplitude. The actions and nonsense-free language make the style clear at a glance.

He stopped, turned around, and his eyes settled on the five soldiers in front of him. There is no need to repeat it again, the sharp eyes have already expressed the meaning accurately enough: everyone, what I ask for is everyone, and one cannot be less. Without exception.

The surrounding air suddenly shuddered, "The most important point, stare at their car." His eyes pressed slightly, and he could even catch the slightly contracted pupils, exuding a dangerous breath, like a hunter who is always ready to attack, it seems Under the calm surface, every muscle in his body was tightened to the extreme, "It's already an hour since the incident, start hunting!"

In just three sentences, just a few words, the aura of killing and decisiveness makes people smell the precursor of sparks. If he collides with Dominic and Bryan, what will be the outcome?

Kyle Smith's eyes lit up slightly. Interesting, this is really interesting.

Sure enough, the gap between acting and not acting is clear at a glance. At the beginning, Lanly replaced Dawn Johnson in the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" news, which was overwhelming. Many media believe that Universal Pictures has made a faint move. No one in Hollywood can replace Dawn. At least not now. Lan Li came to fill Dawn's vacancy, which is simply absurd.

In physique, style and aura, Lan Li and Dawn are no longer in the same class. Other than that, Dawn can easily suppress Fan because of his daunting body shape alone, but Renly is at most equal to Paul, not to mention the fight against Dominic and Bryan in the movie.

But now, as soon as he appeared on the stage, the full image was outlined in the twos and threes of Lan Li's performance. The seemingly minimalist performance style, but showing comprehensive advantages in many aspects such as eyes, movements, lines, etc., the kind of uncomfortable comer is even more emboldened, and the appearance of only fifteen seconds on the stage makes people can’t help but start. Looking forward to the follow-up duel.

At this moment, no one would doubt that this tough but resourceful police detective was talking big words. The prospects of Dominic and Brian were suddenly overshadowed.

This performance aura is the ability that Dawn can't keep up even with his horses.

In a commercial movie, especially in a simple and rude commercial movie like "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion", Lan Li gave such a good performance. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? If the weight of the performance is too heavy, causing an imbalance in the opponent's play, or disrupting the rhythm of the movie, it will not be worth the gain...

Kyle couldn't help but start looking forward to follow-up development.

"Police Officer Hobbs, I am the Chief of Police/Inspectorate, Chino Amida." A middle-aged man in uniform greeted him and introduced himself.

"Luke." The answer was short and neat, without any unnecessary modification.

"I'm sorry, your subordinates died." Chino tried to keep up with Hobbes' footsteps, but it was not an easy task. When Hobbes took two steps, he would take three steps, but it seemed that Hobbes would take three steps. Si did not intend to slow down. Chino looked at the equipment that was constantly being moved around, and the entire airport was very lively. "Just two people, are they worth the fight?"

Hobbs stopped suddenly. Chino still rushed forward. He was caught off guard and overtook the car. He quickly braked, but this action made him feel embarrassed. Then Chino saw Hobbs's waves. With calm eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Are you the speaker, or me?"

A simple question was calm, and there was no temperature at all, but it made people shudder. Chino subconsciously avoided his sight, even without even realizing it, his shoulders and chin were closed at the same time. , That timid appearance didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting, and he stammered, "Then... Then if there is anything I can help..."

"Two things." Hobbes stepped forward again, and Chino followed in a panic. "One, I need an interpreter." Chino quickly explained, but before he could finish the words, he said again. It was cut off by Hobbes once, "Alina Nevis." Then he stuffed a file directly to Chino.

Chino opened it to take a look, and made a surprised voice, "A patrolman?"

"You heard what I said." The subtext is, I don't want to repeat it a second time. But Chino said cautiously, "Why? We have many other experienced candidates."

The corner of Hobbs's mouth was raised slightly, and the halo in his eyes flickered slightly, "I like her smile." At this moment, Chino closed his mouth and saw that Hobbs had walked to the side of the car. He hurried to catch up and asked, "What about the second thing?"

"Don't get in the way." Hobbes looked at Chino with a golden sword, which made Chino reflexively avoiding his eyes again. When he raised his head again, Hobbs was already in the car and closed the door heavily. .

The moment Lan Li appeared on the big screen, Hope held his breath and restrained his excitement. Such a blue gift is absolutely unprecedented, completely different from the image of any previous work. It was just a debut. The clever image of Zhizhu in his hands collided with the image of a strong and tough soldier, and the whole role of Luke Hobbs was brought to life in an instant, which made Hope the first time he began to look forward to it. : How will this cat and mouse game develop?

Hope didn't wait too long, the story unfolded quickly, and the advancing speed and rhythm were simple and neat, without any muddling.

Dominic and Brian immediately discovered the truth. The car they stolen belonged to a local figure in Rio de Janeiro who covered the sky with one hand. There was a chip hidden in it that recorded all their drug/product transaction records. The car was accidentally caught. The United States seized it, so they sent a team to the carjacking, but they didn't want to but met Brian, and then they were intercepted. At this time, Dominic and his party stabbed a hornet's nest.

At the same time, the FBI, led by Hobbes, on the one hand to recover the intercepted vehicle, on the other hand, to hunt down Dominic and others. The three parties are facing head-on confrontation, and the winner will be triggered at any moment!

Hobbs took the lead and traced the positions of Dominic and others, and directly killed the door. Dominic, Brian and Mia hurriedly fled for their lives. Hobbs led the team closely, and the two sides met immediately for the first time. Arrived, chasing me between the winding alleys and layers of houses in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.

When he saw Hobbs sprinting, jumping, breaking through the glass window, leaping across the alley, a lazy donkey rolling on the ground and chasing Dominic, Hope opened his eyes wide and he couldn't help but exclaimed. . But immediately, she found that she seemed to be making a fuss. Everyone else had a normal expression, including William and Graham.

But, but that is Lan Li! Both the life image and the screen image are far from the tough The iron and blood and toughness displayed at this moment, the whole person is reborn, and the sharp eyes reveal the determination to kill the fruit. It's chilling. Hope couldn't believe his eyes.

Before his thoughts had time to unfold, Hope once again covered his mouth, abruptly suppressing the exclamation in his palm, only to see Hops face the armed bandits with one enemy three and bare hands, not only did not fall. Wind, and strong, fists, elbows, knees, palms, that simple and simple fighting style, dazzling pace changes, just three breaths, three gangsters fell to the ground one after another.

This kind of blue gift is really refreshing. The huge gap makes the sigh involuntarily overflow, even if it is not inferior to Van Diesel, people's expectations began to boil slowly.

"Seattle Post" reporter Eli Wallach stood at the entrance of the Chinese Theater, listening to the sound inside the theater with his ears sideways, and then he heard a low exclamation, accompanied by breath. Suo Suo's chuckle and remarks were just a few sentences, and they soon calmed down, but these small details indicate that the movie has ushered in the first small climax/trend of watching movies.

Eli was itchy. What he was curious about was, what happened? It’s undoubtedly very difficult for popcorn movies like "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" to bring surprises, unless it’s stunning visual effects like "Avatar", or just like "Inception". Otherwise, the probability of causing an exclamation is infinitely close to zero.

So, what happened?

James Bernard, the film critic of "Voice of the Village", who was sitting in the theater watching the movie, also opened his eyes wide and shocked: What did he see?

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