The Greatest Showman

Chapter 581: Tentative investigation

Putting all the scripts on the table, Andy squinted his eyes, and you could see the surprised Nathan, the slightly unexpected Roy, and the lightly raised eyebrows Lan Li, for this kind of visual impact. He was very satisfied with the results, he chuckled twice, and explained, "These projects only show a tendency to inquire, or open up possibilities, and are not formal invitations, just like the original "Thunder God" is the same."

The selection of actors for a work can be roughly divided into two situations. One is like "anti-cancer me" and "transcendence", lock a certain actor, this is their ambition to cooperate with, and directly enter the conversation stage. Exchange each other's ideas through face-to-face communication to see if each other is suitable-it is also possible that the director had been optimistic about the actor but changed his mind after the interview.

One is like "Buried Alive", "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", "Pacific War", open auditions and open up various possibilities. They may invite actors they are interested in and invite them to audition. However, this "invitation" may be sent to more than a dozen different actors, while waiting for those unfamiliar actors to come and recommend themselves. This is the kind of open recruitment.

The scripts Andy brought today belong to the latter. For commercial films, Lan Li's self-certification is still not enough, and it is not up to the former level.

But despite this, this is still incredible. After all, Lan Li has only starred in a commercial film now, and he succeeded smoothly and entered the attention of major film companies. In this way, whether Andy actively recommends Renly to the film project, or the film company actively invites Renly to audition, the opportunities have increased exponentially, and the possibility of development is immediately opened.

Six or seven potential commercial film projects with possible cooperation? Such a level is definitely the first-line standard of Hollywood at the moment, and perhaps even top box office superstars such as Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. can't match it. It's not that Lanly's box office potential is better than them, but that Lanly's role possibilities are more abundant than them, and there are naturally more potential cooperation options.

"I just picked these projects initially, and I didn't read the script in detail." Andy's gaze fell on Lan Li. In the final analysis, what works to star in and at what level of remuneration is determined by Lan Li's decision. "But I have considered the subject matter, role, and investment scale, and think they are possible for development."

Lan Li was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but just watched Andy quietly, but Roy who was sitting next to him took the initiative to ask, "So what about the pay? Do you have a detailed plan?" This is something that a manager must care about. Focus.

"Yes." Andy replied with a smile, his gaze paused meaningfully on Lanly, and then he looked at Roy, "Six million to twelve million. If it's Universal Pictures, six One million is the bottom line; but if it were Warner Bros., I would strive for ten million."

There are also differences among the six major Hollywood studios. For example, Warner Bros. is obsessed with visual effects blockbusters, and is particularly daring to invest; for example, 20th Century Fox has extra trust in projects led by big-name directors and is generous with it; for example, Disney is concerned about the family-friendly works that can be derived from surrounding families. Be bold and bold.

Naturally, the strategy is also different when fighting for film pay.

What's more, the situation that Andy said is different. If Universal Pictures is still tied for the protagonist after all, keeping pace with Van Diesel and Paul Walker, the pay must have a more comprehensive consideration; and Warner Bros. The project may be a brand new protagonist project.

"All of them belong to the six major film companies?" Roy is indeed a professional, and his thinking mode is very similar to Andy.

Andy also noticed that this kind of conversation is completely different from Lanly. Instead, he is more accustomed to this kind of professional communication, which is simple and direct and effective. "No, there are other companies. If I remember correctly, There are two. However, the salary negotiation for small companies is more complicated. My target value is 5 million, depending on which project."

More than 90% of summer commercial blockbusters are controlled by the six major film companies. The causes are very complicated, but simple and crude, it can be understood as the difference between having money and not having money.

Small companies other than the Big Six often have relatively low investment costs. Even if they have sufficient funds, they need to make full use of every money. Therefore, when they choose actors, the pay is relatively tight, and they are more willing to choose high-quality and inexpensive actors. Or the big-name actors voluntarily cut prices.

Roy thought about it seriously, looked at Lan Li, his eyes flashed slightly. But I was a little worried that Lan Li didn't understand what he meant. After all, the time of cooperation between the two people was still too short, and then nodded as a supplement, seeming to say: Your agent's judgment is correct.

Lan Li sat next to him, but said nothing.

In fact, he could feel the secretly vigorous airflow between Andy and Roy. Roy is observing Andy, and at the same time, Andy is also investigating Roy.

By convention, regardless of the suitability of the project, Andy will first read the script briefly and have a general understanding of the characters and the story, not only because he needs to make a judgment on the project, but also because he understands the importance of Lan Li to the script.

If it’s another agent, generally speaking, if you inquire about the scale of investment and the prototype of the cast’s lineup, they will show the project to the artist first, but after experiencing the “Thunder” incident, Andy knows that Lan Li will not eat it. set. Therefore, Andy has always adhered to this practice, and the quality of the items recommended to Lanli several times before and after are really good.

But today, Andy didn't look at it, and moved all the projects over. Lan Li can be sure that these projects must be uneven, good and bad. Andy is obviously not trying to toss Lan Li, so the purpose is obvious: Roy Lockley.

Reading the script is a time-consuming and energy-consuming thing. If it is a script that is determined to participate in, then forget it. The actor must read it even if he does not want to; but if it is only a selection of projects, it is still a primary selection, except for very few A very small part of the actors, others will choose to hand over to the manager, after the initial screening of the manager, the actors will make their own judgments.

There are even actors who do not read the script from start to finish, and completely follow the recommendations of the managers, who choose projects for them, and then directly sign contracts. Even after arriving on the crew, the actor chanted the script temporarily. Bruce Willis is a typical representative of the industry. He was also expelled from the "Love in Rome" crew by Woody Allen for his bad behavior of not reciting the lines.

Even an actor like Lan Li who is willing to read the script in person, in the first and second rounds of screening, he cannot finish reading every script. Andy and Roy must do a good job of screening and screening. work. Therefore, the manager's job is very important. If the manager is dizzy or accepts bribes, it will be slander, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Andy has absolute confidence in himself. He thinks he knows enough about Renly's interests, hobbies and orientations, so he will naturally pay more attention when choosing scripts. But what about Roy? What kind of style is Roy? What is Roy's orientation towards commercial works? Is Roy trustworthy? Will Roy think about Lan Li? Can Roy and Andy work together? Will future cooperation produce more differences?

This is what Andy's temptation means.

Lan Li noticed it, but he didn't say much. In fact, for Lan Li, who is born again, reading the script has never been difficult, because he has seen most of the films in his previous life. However, Lanly still acquiesced to Andy's temptation. Just like when we first cooperated with Andy, the road to cooperation in the future is still very long, and everyone needs to run in with each other.

Then, Roy and Andy continued to talk, and expressed their own views on Renly's next work. Both of them agreed on the commercial film.

The shooting of "Anti-Cancer Me" was just over at the beginning of the year, and now the "transcendence" is coming to an end. In the past year or so, Lan Li has starred in a total of four works, which is definitely a model worker, and the shooting of each work is very hard. Therefore, both people think that art films can slow down a little bit and choose scripts carefully. If Lan Li has a script that he is really interested in, then naturally he can't miss it; but if not just Don't worry for now.

Relatively speaking, the success of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" made Lan Li’s commercial value soar. Aside from Universal Pictures’ contempt, they are willing to consider the idea of ​​opening a rumor, which in itself is the best affirmation of Lan Li. . Acting in a commercial movie now really provokes the mainstay, then Lan Li's position in the industry will take an essential leap, and it will truly benefit from the brilliant paintings of the past year.

The most direct benefit is that Universal Pictures will no longer be able to maintain such a superior posture in the future negotiations.

"Lan Li, what do you think?" The two people talked dryly, but when Lan Li sat next to him without saying a word, Roy turned his head and asked.

Lan Li shrugged slightly, "I think I need to rest tonight." This answer made Roy and Andy both stunned. Nathan smiled sullenly next to him, "Specific discussion , You can wait until after the finale. Before that, I need to concentrate on the filming of the film."

"Of course, of course." Andy smiled and nodded. The main purpose of this time was not to disturb Lan Li, but to inform Lan Li that they must plan for the future. This time Roy also Will be involved. "Then we will leave first, and don't bother you to rest."

When he said to leave, Andy stood up and was about to leave, "Then these scripts..." Andy patted the thick stack of books on the table and cast his inquiring gaze.

"Roy, take it home first." Lan Li looked like he was shaking his hand at the shopkeeper.

Roy also did not refuse, nodded to express affirmation, but still asked, "Do you need to browse it briefly?" As a result, before the words were finished, Lan Li waved his hand to express rejection. Roy's second half sentence He swallowed it in his stomach.

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