The Greatest Showman

Chapter 586: Lost in New York

"Transcendence" was finished, and Lan Li felt a little empty.

Every time before finishing, it was always painful for Lan Li, as if returning from a dream to reality. When the filming of "Crazy Love" was over, he was seriously ill. It felt like a cold. The condition itself was not too serious. After all the minor problems were cured, his body was still very good. The heavy, dizzy mind, like a thread, pull out the tiredness and soreness hidden in the muscles and blood little by little to truly heal.

But this time it was different. The whole person felt a sense of collapse, but that was all. My heart is empty, as if I have been studying hard throughout the semester and I have been looking forward to the summer vacation. But when the summer vacation really comes, I leave my friends, school, and heavy schoolwork. I suddenly relax, but I feel a little uncomfortable, not sad. , It is not painful, nor reluctant, but it is inevitable to be a little bit disappointed when it is determined to say goodbye.

Recalling that in the past nearly two months, I stepped on a fixed schedule every day, meticulously reading the script, preparing for the performance, and getting into the state. Over time, this has become a part of life. Every day is hard, but also Substantial; and the previous experience of life in the Bronx. It was a very difficult day, like walking on a wire rope, but it was a very precious day, not only becoming a part of Henry Bart, but also becoming Part of him.

Suddenly, Lan Li stood still and felt a little lost.

The children headed by Sami and Betty flooded in, taking pictures, signing autographs, and hugging with Lan Li. Except for Sami, the other children may never appear on the movie screen. This is them. The only screen experience in their lives, and the only special summer vacation, they all hope to leave memories.

However, whether this hot summer can change their life trajectory is unclear.

Then, even many staff members came up and took photos with Lan Li, trying to record this rare hardship, rare pain, and rare happiness. No one knows what kind of results will be achieved after "Transcendence" is released, and no one even knows whether "Transcendence" can be released smoothly, but they know that this filming experience has become a part of their lives.

After the crew disbanded on the spot, Lan Li did not leave immediately. Instead, he walked and walked slowly along the streets of the Bronx, feeling the chaos and depression of this dilapidated area; recalling the group at Mount Sinai Hospital. The children, even if sentenced to death, are still living tirelessly, like indomitable weeds.

Life is fair, everyone is facing their own difficulties and torture, and everyone is choosing their own coping methods, so they move towards their own ending, one step at a time, and every step on the road is taken by oneself. When it comes out, the ending is also one's own choice, not for light, but for being worthy.

This is true of the residents of the Bronx, the children of Mount Sinai Hospital, and the same is true of Renly. Lan Li gathered his palms, feeling the courage of his fingertips oppressing his palms, making him firmer than ever.

Leaving the Bronx, taking the subway back to Manhattan, walking through those strange and familiar steel forests, trying to find his apartment. As a result, he once again forgot the name of the street where he was located. To be honest, it has been nearly a year since he moved to the new apartment, but he has lived there for less than three months. It seems that he is not as familiar as the hotel.

Lan Li regretted it a little bit, and had already asked Nathan to send him back. After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number.

"You should know that we cannot fully believe the client's words. If he lied, it would make us very passive in court. This is also our intention to conduct an investigation. The so-called investigation is not to let you simply Repeat what the client said!"

Charlotte-Kelly lowered her head, did not dare to raise her head at all, and her hands were tightly crossed and held tightly, even hidden in her high heels and her toes wrapped in stockings were curled up. stand up. The cold and blunt voice came from her ears, without obvious anger or responsibility, but the indifference hidden between the lines carried a sharp thunder, which made her even lack the courage to raise her head and look directly at the other party.

The usual Matthew Dunlop is always polite and estranged. The Bingberg temperament has some routines that strangers should not enter, but there is no offensiveness. Although the employees in the law firm are in awe of him, they are not afraid. On the contrary, many female employees like him quite secretly, discussing his every move in secret.

Charlotte is no exception.

However, Charlotte did not expect that Matthew at work is completely meticulous, not only rigorous, but serious, even stern, but the calm words are full of violent storms, which makes people feel like they are. Incomparably small, only shivering, even the courage to resist disappeared.

Charlotte felt that she was suffocating. She couldn't even feel that there were other people in the office. The whole space was silent and silent. She can't feel the end at all.

The door of the office was pushed open, and a figure came in cautiously. Matthew’s words stopped abruptly, but the cold depression not only did not relieve, but poured down like a dark cloud, even with the person at the door. They all became scared, but still bit their heads and said, "Matthew, insider call."

Matthew still did not speak, the other gritted his teeth and finished the complete sentence, "It's a Mr. Hall."

Silence, or silence, when the assistant at the door was almost ready to give up, he heard Matthew's voice coming from coldly, "Come in."

"Okay." The assistant stepped out. Charlotte felt sore in her neck, even her shoulders became stiff, and she almost lost consciousness, but she did not dare to move, lest a little movement would cause the calm volcano Matthew to erupt completely. .

Matthew picked up the phone on the conference table, pulled the phone cord, walked to the glass wall, and said, "This is Matthew Dunlop."

"Hey, Charles." The familiar voice on the other end of the phone made Matthew's mouth twitch slightly, "Uh, do you remember which street my house is on? I'm a bit unsure right now."

Matthew closed his eyes and adjusted his breath quietly, "I sent the address to your phone. Is your work finished today?"

"Yes, it just ended. After staying in the Bronx for a long time and suddenly returning to Manhattan, this feeling is really strange. I don’t think I know the city. Although I have been to the slums in Rio de Janeiro, it’s another thing. One country, another piece of land. Now also in New York, it seems to have come to two completely different worlds. This feeling is really strange. So, I think I’m a little lost."

Matthew laughed dumbly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. "Are you sure it's because you don't have a sense of direction?" After vomiting, Matthew realized the meeting going on behind him, "You need me to help you get one. Is it a taxi? I ​​can tell him the address in advance and take you back directly."

"No, no. I plan to walk back. I come out of the subway station. If I remember correctly, it will be three streets, right?"

Ma Xianxian prepared to say: The premise is to choose the right direction, otherwise, if you go in the opposite direction, you may go directly to the Statue of Liberty. But Lan Li said "goodbye" nonchalantly, and then hung up the phone. This made Matthew chuckle again, and at the same time put the receiver back, stood there and thought about it, turned around, and then found that everyone in the conference room was uncomfortably looking away, including Charlotte.

Charlotte lowered her head heavily and quickly hid her eyes. The astonishment, surprise, and shock couldn't be concealed, and the sudden ups and downs made her panic. Secretly praying in his heart, Matthew did not notice his abnormality.

In contrast, Matthew, who was the focus of attention, was calm and composed. He glanced around the meeting room calmly, then returned to the front of the meeting table, sat down again, as if nothing happened, bowed his head and took it out. After switching to the silent cell phone and quickly editing and sending the address, he said again, "We must start the investigation again and then communicate with the customer..."

The meeting ended faster than After watching Matthew leave the meeting room, Charlotte finally relaxed, the line of tight shoulders relaxed, and colleagues next to him came up to pat Charlotte. Special shoulders express comfort. Charlotte cheered up and shook her head. She knew that this was her own mistake, and Matthew's reproach was justified. This kind of mistake was originally the tuition fee that a rookie must pay. Fortunately, Ma At least Xiu is willing to teach her.

"The call just now was really too timely, otherwise I would feel suffocated." Someone next to him whispered, Charlotte couldn't help but froze, and then fell into her own thoughts.

Matthew had advanced his lunch time by 30 minutes, and he was still a little worried about Lan Li after all.

The guy Lan Li is smart, no doubt, but his ability to live is terrible, the refrigerator never knows how to fill, the clothes are never cleaned on time, and the clutter is never organized on time. Matthew believes that it is very likely that Lanly can't find the way home, and then stays in a coffee shop on the roadside, or finds a supermarket, sits on the floor, reads a book, and forgets the time without knowing it. .

This is not a wild guess by Matthew, it has happened before, and more than once.

He still remembers the first time Edith-Hall called him. The polite and cold voice asked about Lan Li’s whereabouts. The Hall’s family was calm. No one was worried about Lan Li’s whereabouts. If it weren’t for Yi Diss, probably no one even noticed Lan Li's disappearance. Finally, Matthew found Lan Li in the oatmeal section of a Tesco supermarket. At that time, Lan Li was reading "The Metamorphosis" with relish.

Back to Lan Li's apartment, he found the key from the lintel, opened the sliding door, and saw canvas shoes scattered randomly on the ground. Matthew knew that the guy had found his way back after all. Is it because Manhattan is relatively small?

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