The Greatest Showman

Chapter 593: leisurely

Lan Li was serious just now and was not joking. He really needs to read the script.

There is still a big difference between a script and a finished product. A good script does not necessarily produce a good work, but a good work must have a good script.

For many ordinary audiences, it seems that commercial films do not need a script, but only need to watch visual special effects, which is enough. "Transformers" is undoubtedly a representative. But this idea is wrong. A truly excellent commercial film script does not need to be too complicated or too advanced, but it must be fluent. A simple story can be told clearly and in one go, and the speed and slowness of the story is appropriate. This is not one thing. Easy thing.

For commercial film scripts, there are generally two approaches. One is to focus on the story and focus on one thing, such as "Eleven Arhats", and the goal is to steal the casino. The story will be divided into three stages. The first stage is the origin of the conflict and the establishment of the goal; the second stage is the task preparation, division of labor and cooperation; the third stage is the task execution, which is the movie climax/trend.

In fact, the story itself is not complicated, the main line is pulled up, even if the characters are facialized or simplified, it does not matter, it is completely developed around the main line, and the goal is clear. This makes the viewing process extremely smooth, and the pleasure will follow.

The other is based on characters, and it revolves around the inheritance and transformation between characters, such as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The ultimate character confrontation is a confrontation between good and evil, and the story will also have three stages in the atmosphere. First The stage is the establishment of the character's position, friends and enemies; the second stage is the brewing of conflict, the deepening of friendship, and the establishment of hostility; the third stage is the outbreak of conflict, justice triumphs over evil, or the protagonist triumphs over the villain.

This kind of story is actually not complicated. The protagonist is established, and all supporting actors revolve around the protagonist’s fate, and the occurrence of the event is centered on the protagonist. This allows the audience to experience the ups and downs, anger, sorrow, and joy as the protagonist grows.

To put it simply, commercial films do not need a script, but a simple but effective script.

As for scripts like "Batman: The Dark Knight", the main story runs through it, supplemented by the opposition of good and evil, and infused with philosophical reflection, and even added branch lines to shape the supporting characters. It is absolutely a once in a lifetime. Even scripts such as "Inception" and "Titanic" are not comparable.

Both the "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield" scripts have such fatal flaws. The former's scripts are chaotic and pale, and each branch has little help in shaping the characters or pushing the main line, which leads to abandonment. There are too many plots, and the main plot is too thin, and even the logic loopholes are exposed, giving people a sense of powerlessness at a loss. The final result is: a bunch of stars, piled up with a pair of special effects. the end.

Objectively speaking, the plot is even worse than "Transformers".

The latter's script was defeated in that ambition and ability were not directly proportional. On the one hand, the confrontation of war was the main line, but the ins and outs and the ins and outs were not really clear, and it lost the simple, straightforward but clear touch of "Star Wars"; On the other hand, the protagonist’s experience is used as the second main line, but the character lacks the clear personality growth like "Avatar". Many auxiliary branches are completely fragmented and do not help the protagonist’s personality.

The "Star Wars" and "Avatar" developed on the basis of the original work both interpret their own styles, but the films adapted from the original work itself are a mess.

In a complete film work, the script is only one of the links. Whether the rhythm is well controlled, the actors are selected appropriately, and the climax/trend is unhappy, these are the keys to the success or failure of a commercial film. But what is certain is that both "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield" have had script flaws.

In the last life, before the two works were released, almost everyone was optimistic that the two works won the box office. From the investment, from the cast, from the director, from the publicity, from the source of the adaptation, all links can foresee the big box office. To win, there is almost no reason for failure. Even the script, they don't think it is a serious problem.

However, in Lan Li's view, a bad script fell into the hands of a director who was not good at it, and passed through the hands of an irrespective producer. If one step is wrong, then one step is wrong. In the end, the box office fiasco of the two works is also reasonable.

Of course, Lan Li now speaks from the standpoint of a person who has traveled back from the future, so it is natural to stand up and speak without pain. Who can be sure that when the time in this life coincides with the time at the end of his life in the previous life, he can still make these wise and accurate judgments after he loses the ability of the "unexplored prophet"?

Therefore, Lan Li needs to read the scripts, even the scripts of "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield", he also needs to read carefully. Just like the previous "Thor" script. The scripts of these commercial films should not be brilliant. Even if they are written smoothly, this is not an easy task. Leaving aside the visual effects and director control of the finished product, we simply use the script as the starting point to examine the entire work, and even You can think of how the director converts words into pictures, which is really different.

Objectively speaking, the nine scripts submitted by Andy this time were screened and selected. Lanly had to say that he recognized Roy’s ideas. The "Ring Messenger" and the "Dragon Tiger Youth Team" are worthy of consideration. Object.

As far as Lan Li is concerned, he prefers the "Dragon Tiger Youth Team". Missing the "evil boss" and experiencing the "anti-cancer me", Lan Li has always had a special affection for comedy, getting rid of the image burden, letting go of performances, not just making vases, but combining his own humor with the screenwriter The ideas collide together, which is a very interesting creative process.

For sneers like Bill-Murray, Robin Williams, and Billy-Crystal, Lan Li is extremely admired. It is the wisdom and time that have settled down. The humor is hard for ordinary people to imitate.

For now, Lan Li still has a long way to go from a qualified comedian, but the "Dragon Tiger Youth Team" can be an interesting start.

However, the "Ring Messenger" is also a good attempt. Although Lan Li guessed that the self-positioning of the crew is still a science fiction action movie, the performance space is not large; but the science fiction movie is undoubtedly a brand new attempt, "Blade Runner", "Alien", "Pirates of Dreams", " "Interstellar", "Twelve Monkeys" and so on, these works are impressive.

Lan Li has always liked the "butterfly effect", not only because of the collision of inspiration brought by the theory of parallel space and black hole through time and space, the director filmed four different versions of the ending, and explored the meaning of life and time and space; Moreover, because of the combination of art and science, people really start to reflect on their lives. Every choice may have different results. People should not pursue perfection, but reality.

Once he liked this kind of movies, in the previous life he also searched for many similar movies, such as "Horror Cruise", "The Night When Comet Came", "This Man Comes from Earth", "Moon" and so on. Including the "source code" released in April this year, and the script "Loop Messenger" in his hands, these sci-fi movies are good or bad, popular or niche, but they can always taste different.

If he can play the "Loop Messenger", Lan Li is very much looking forward to communicating with the screenwriter Ryan Johnson. He is a liberal arts student, not a physics major, and he certainly lacks professional knowledge, but he is very willing to discuss topics that are only of interest to otaku geeks, and he always feels that he can benefit a lot.

However, the "transcendence" has just been completed, and Lan Li didn't have that kind of impulse, and immediately plunged into the shooting of the next work. Relatively speaking, he is now more yearning to visit the underwater world, adjust the pace of life, and enjoy this rare vacation time. Whether it is the "Dragon Tiger Youth Team" or the "Circle Messenger", they can all wait a little while.

If because of this period of vacation, I missed any of the works, of course there are regrets, but Lan Li will not be embarrassed. Neither of these two works has reached the level that makes Lan Li cheer and can’t wait. After nearly two years in Hollywood, Lan Li has gradually begun to adapt to the rhythm of life here:

If you miss this work, there will always be the next one. Once you encounter a work that makes you enthusiastic, you must firmly and firmly grasp it, because no one is special in Hollywood, and no work is. Especially, only if you strive for it, can you make the work that is special to you become your own work.

What's more, to take a step back, these nine scripts are not formal audition invitations, just tentative inquiries. For such inquiries, apart from Lanli, it is estimated that every crew will find dozens of to explore the style. While the actors are choosing the script, the crew is also choosing actors, especially for these top commercial productions. The initiative is always in the hands of the production company, and the actors are just chess pieces.

Therefore, Lan Li decided to take a good time off and read these scripts carefully, as if he were reading books, as a means of relaxation and entertainment. It includes two scripts, "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield".

But before the formal reading, he decided to respond to Zhou Gong's call, hug the warm and comfortable bed, and sleep well.

When his head touched the pillow, Lan Li fell asleep groggyly. In the previous two months, Lan Li has never really had a good night’s sleep. In the Bronx environment, it seems that Lan Li is already a fish in water, but in fact, he must keep his energy tight all the time. , Even after getting accustomed to numbness, it must be so. Because there, one who does not pay attention and the other does not pay attention, and it may be his own life.

No one can take it lightly, and Lan Li is no exception.

Now, I can finally relax completely and have a good sleep. Soon, Lan Li's breathing became steady and long. It wasn't until this moment that Lan Li truly left Henry Bart's life.

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