The Greatest Showman

Chapter 666: Hard to be optimistic

Science fiction movies have always been the most special movie genre in Hollywood, with a solid mass foundation and always occupying an important place, even in 2017; but at the same time, there are many critical audiences, whether it is the science fiction worldview, the details of the story, or the core ideas. , Technical nerds and sci-fi enthusiasts have developed a pair of eye-catching eyes, always picking the bones in the egg.

Shooting science fiction movies is always a challenge, but it is also an important test of the ability of the actor market to accept it.

A sci-fi movie can be established, either by looking at the director, or the actors, or the script. Among them, the script is the most important, but the director has the most influence. Science fiction works such as "source code", "the night when the comet comes", "moon", etc., the scripts are exceptionally good and highly recognized, but the lack of influential directors and actors, the market's feedback is still difficult to satisfy the film company after all Expectation.

Simply put, in the list of Jack Gyllenhaal's masterpieces, "source code" has never been one of them.

What about "killing reincarnation"? Although the adapted screenplay was blacklisted, the status of the original novel is unknown, and the director and actors still need to make a big question mark, and even the scale of investment is still uncertain. In other words, this is a project for which there is no reason to invest in shooting, just look at the previous actions of Warner Bros.

Therefore, people can't find any reason for Lan Li to choose "Reincarnation of Killing"; similarly, people can't find any reason for Lan Li to give up "speed and excitement". All the speeches of "U.S. Weekly" appear to other media to be nothing more than comfort for feeling good about themselves. Only the most dreamy, fairytale, and magical fantasy can achieve Gavin's goal; but this is Hollywood, the most Fairy tales are also the most realistic Hollywood.

So, without any reason, why did Renly choose "killing reincarnation" and give up "speed and excitement/emotion"? Taking a 10,000 step back, Lan Li can choose "Reincarnation of Killing" and "speed and excitement" at the same time. Scheduling conflicts are not a problem at all. After all, neither of these two works have plans to be filmed yet. adjustable. Moreover, Lanly is not Tom Cruise, not enough to support the weight of a science fiction movie.

So, how did things get to this point?


This is Cornell’s speculation. In the article, Cornell did not use any negative or negative words to accuse Lanly’s choice. Because, in Hollywood, in the real world, remuneration is a factor that every actor must consider, and it is also a direct factor to measure the status of actors in the industry.

But the problem is that during the rising period of the career, the transition period of the career, and the critical period of the career, abandoning the work and focusing on the rewards, is this abandoning everything? Is this a rush for quick success? Is this driven by desire/hope? Isn't this going to catch up?

It's like Kim Carey in 1996.

In 1994, with the triumph of "Ghosts in Disguise", "Dumb and Agua" and "Detective Plane", he became the comedian with the greatest market influence in history and reached the peak of his career; In 1995, the two works "Batman Forever" and "Detective Plane 2" once again continued King's sweeping record, which made King known as the most successful comedian in history.

It was against this background that Columbia Pictures invited Kim to play the role of "cable TV repairman" and paid 20 million U.S. dollars for the film.

At that time, the "Twenty Million Club" had just come out. The only members were Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks and other top players. None of the actors can reach this level. If Kim nods and agrees, he will become the first comedian in film history to earn 20 million. Refer to the long-established comedians such as Charlie Chaplin, Robin Williams and Billy Christo. Their treatment-has never been truly valued by Hollywood, so Jin's feat is truly writing history.

But the problem is that the work "Cable TV Repairman" does not have any outstanding highlights:

Screenwriter Xiaolu-Holtz (Lou-Holtz-Jr.), a fledgling rookie, this is his first and only screenwriting work.

Director Ben-Stiller, he is now the core figure of the bad boy gang, but in 1995, he was a comedy guy who had just left the TV circle. There was no work worth mentioning. This is His second director's work-the previous work did not cause any waves.

Producer Judd-Apatow (Judd-Apatow), he later produced or filmed "bridesmaids", "Bad Belly", "Pineapple Express" and other scenic comedies, one of the souls of the gangster But at that time in 1995, he was just a rookie, and this was his second work as a producer.

In a nutshell, "Cable TV Repairman" is an ordinary work, even an experimental work. From any point of view, it was impossible for Kim, who had reached the peak of his career to join this work; Colombia’s abacus was also very simple. They put all budgets and expectations on Kim’s body, after all, for a comedy. For movies, the 47 million investment was already considered a sky-high price at the time.

In the end, Jin nodded and agreed to star in this work and joined the 20 million club.

ending? In the end, the "cable TV repairman" suffered a disastrous defeat, and the media's comments fell completely. The box office in North America was 60 million yuan, and the global box office barely exceeded 100 million. Columbia Pictures lost nearly 30 million yuan because of this work. As the main actor, Jin was even more scolded. Some people accused him of being greedy, others accused him of being worthless, and others accused him of inflated prices... This made Jin deeply jailed.

In the subsequent work "The King of Big Talk", Jin gave up 20 million in remuneration and quit the "20 million club". The box office performance of the work was actually very good, 180 million in North America, which was absolutely top of the list at the time. However, Jin is still being criticized, and even vicious media accuse him of shooting these works specifically to make money.

In addition, perhaps this association is unfounded. However, in 1998, King starred in "Trumen's World". He dedicated his career best performance and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for the first time in his career. However, he was even nominated for an Oscar that year. Did not get it.

Does the "cable TV repairman" story sound familiar? "The Reincarnation of Killing" now seems to be repeating the situation of the year. Without any bright spots, and without getting too much attention, Lan Li nodded and agreed to act. For the film pay of 10 million US dollars, this is not only It is short-sighted, not only greedy, but also stupid.

"Entertainment Weekly"’s speculation has been recognized by peers. Cornell really made the limelight this time. People have expressed their approval. They agreed that Lan Li took the filming of "Reincarnation of Killing" purely for film rewards, and agreed that "Reincarnation of Killing" was A work with no hope in sight, agreeing that this is Lan Li's stupidest decision so far.

This kind of opposing viewpoint has the absolute upper hand, crushing the supporting viewpoint represented by "U.S. Weekly" with a huge advantage. Not only newspapers and magazines, but even TV shows are also included.

The morning news program "Today Show", on the program, talked about the recent hot topic, "Love is crazy", and then took advantage of the trend to mention the soap operas of "Reincarnation of Killing" and "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion", host People said, "Let's look forward to the'anti-cancer me'. In terms of commercial films, Lan Li always makes unthinkable choices."

The simple words revealed ridicule and ridicule, clearly expressing their views.

Even on the network is no exception. Compared with the future prospects, netizens are more angry and angry. Under the strong influence of "Entertainment Weekly", Cornell's views have also become the mainstream of the Internet. Netizens have begun to condemn Lan Li's ingratitude and open eyes for money, which is really disappointing.

A small number of radical netizens even expressed their support and anger by refusing to watch "Reincarnation of Killings" and then using the saved movie ticket money to watch "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 6" twice.

Some sane netizens expressed regret. Throughout the summer, they have been discussing the possibility of Luke Hobbs's follow-up development, but now it has stopped abruptly, which is really disappointing. They either condemned Lan Li, or fan, or condemned Universal Pictures, but it was of no avail. There was no other way but to accept the facts.

Those supporting, affirming, and cheering voices were immediately drowned in a flood of negative speech and dirty curses.

The "Reincarnation of Slaughter" project had only just had time to establish, and in a blink of an eye it fell into a dilemma, and even encountered resistance. The development of things in this context is really unexpected. But this is news, this is news in the Internet age——

A few days ago people were still marveling that "speed and excitement/emotion" lost the help of Lan Li, and the prospects were uncertain; a few days later, people began to look down on the development prospects of "killing reincarnation". Even the decision of Warner Bros. has been questioned. Moving from one focus to another, from positive to negative, is just a matter of dinner.

On the one hand, the "speed and excitement/sentiment" crew became popular, and the cast lineup gradually revealed its appearance, with both worries and expectations, but the topic has always remained hot, and the enthusiasm of the fifth part naturally continued to the sixth part. In the expectation. It seems that they haven't been affected too much, and they are still advancing.

On the other hand, the crew of "Rebirth of Killing" fell silent. After the announcement of Renly’s joining, there was no follow-up news. Even the relevant information of the producer did not appear, and the entire production process seemed to have stalled. In the "Entertainment Weekly" slogan, gradually disappeared, as if to fulfill Cornell's guess.

This is the most important choice in Ren Li's career, and it is also the most risky choice. However, whether this choice is stupid or wise, and what results will be ushered in, no one can answer all this, not even Lan Li himself. Only time can give the truth.

Will "Reincarnation of Killing" really become Renly's stupidest choice? Or is it the most greedy one?

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