The Greatest Showman

Chapter 703: Airport pick-up treatment

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"I'm the only one, or do all of them feel that way? From London to New York, it feels like there is no difference." Donald walked in the forefront, backed up and moved forward, ranting about Lanly, Jennifer and others in front of him. In the terrible weather in New York, “The only difference is that this time I don’t have to pay for the round-trip ticket.”

Lanli’s credit card is responsible for the contract.

"Yes, you are alone." It was Paul Walker who answered, causing everyone to laugh sullenly.

Donald's eyes widened, "Paul, you've broken your studies!" Paul didn't make such a joke before, let alone... fall into trouble.

Jennifer took the conversation directly and said, "Who taught it?"

"Len Li!" Donald said without hesitation, but before the words that followed could be spoken, a loud shout came from behind him, "Len Li! Lan Li!" Donald couldn't help laughing, "Look. , And some people agreed with my answer!" But this sentence was also drowned in the crowd, and his smile stiffened at the corners of his mouth——

In the space outside the JFK Airport Arrival Hall, the crowd was dazzlingly crowded. The surging heads were enough to make the legs of intensive phobia sufferers directly soft; every corner of their sight was filled with crowds of black and oppressed, watching busily. Without any gap, even the exit seems to have been blocked. You can faintly see the automatic door at the end that cannot be closed after it is opened. It is estimated that patients with claustrophobia will pass out directly.

The turbulent crowd smashed like a huge wave, smashing their heads and covering their faces, like a tsunami that made people daunting, but before they were relieved, the next wave smashed down again, "Master! Ahhhhh! Master..." The heart-piercing shouts one after another, mixed with crying and screaming, as if a sharp blade pierced the eardrum, all other words lost their original shape, leaving only a "young master", and then endless shouts "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

Heads are crowded, facing the mountains and the sea, one after another. Most importantly, it was deafening.

The entire airport is like a boat bumping in a storm, which may be destroyed at any time, and can only follow the waves, the ups and downs of the storm, and barely maintain a glimmer of life. That kind of shock, that kind of fear, hit the face, and the brain went blank for an instant, leaving only the "buzzing" white noise reverberating.

The flashes were connected together, and the silver and dazzling light was like a rushing Nicaragua waterfall. It rushed down, splashing large swaths of silver haze, and the momentary explosion caused the eyes to fall into a brief blind dilemma, but it was not pitch black, but A vast expanse of whiteness, like snow blindness, the surface of the skin can even clearly feel the heat and scalding of the flash.

Not only Donald, but the others who followed were also dumbfounded. The last second was still talking and laughing, the next second I saw the boiling sea of ​​people, and then fell into a state of snow blindness. They were not mentally prepared. Almost everyone’s first reaction was to look at Paul—because Paul is The most senior and most famous actor among his peers.

Feeling a pair of sights, Paul waved his hands in a panic, then pointed at Lan Li. Everyone realized that the protagonist of the shout was someone else. As a result, Lan Li was immediately under the line of sight torture him, this feeling was very strange, as if he was referring to him.

Obviously, it is improper to place what Qianfu pointed out here.

The absurdity made Lan Li laugh and waved his hand, "How do I know?" He raised his head and looked over. The continuous crowd was restless, crazy, and boiling, but he still had no idea. It was not like this when I went to London. By the way, it was not like this when we left Heathrow Airport. How do I know what's going on?"

Looking back on it seriously, Lan Li still has no clue. Last night, Lanly and Andy made a phone call, but during the phone call, Andy didn't mention any special matters that needed attention, just checked the publicity itinerary after coming back this time. So, what is going on here?

"Since they are here for you, then... good luck." Jennifer was the first to react, patted Lan Li's shoulder, showing a look of sorrow, and then left like this, and left...

Without waiting for Lan Li’s response, Donald stepped forward and gave Lan Li a hug with a sad look. He also deliberately opened the space, leaving gaps in his arms and chest. He just hugged and squeezed. Mouth nodded, the extremely heavy eyes really made people laugh.

"Hey, this is not a funeral." Lan Li said dumbfoundedly, but Donald didn't answer. He just held back the "tears" that was about to fall, wiped the dry corners of his eyes, and turned away.

Then there was Kaya, then Alexander, then Tony and Will, and finally only Paul was left, and he stood there smiling. Lan Li looked up, "Man, you can't..."

Paul spread out his hands helplessly, "If you need help, I would love to stay. However, other partners are calling me, I think I'd better leave first." Paul really did not learn and looked dumbfounded. Paul didn't hold back his Lan Li, he chuckled and ran all the way to catch up with the other friends.

The group of them walked forward and waved their hands at the surging crowd calmly. Cheers rang out on the scene, and then they gave way in an orderly manner to allow them to leave smoothly-the airport security guards responsible for maintaining order We didn't even expend much effort.

Lan Li looked back at the assistants who followed. They gathered together, pushing their luggage, and were about 15 steps behind. Then he looked at the sea of ​​people in front of him, and looked at it, there were at least six hundred. More than people, even more turbulent than the audition party of "Don Quixote". Lan Li didn't know what was going on. This was the first time in his career as an actor.

However, there are many things that Lan Li has not experienced. Once it has happened, then take up the challenge! Although he has always been helpless against passionate fans, Toronto is so, and Sundance is the same, but he still took his footsteps and took the initiative to face the stormy waves in front of him. With his footsteps, the shouts and cheers gradually began to be lost. control.


The rising screams agitated throughout the arrival hall, like boiling boiling water, gurgling and tumbling, and you can feel the sticky, wet hot sensation on the surface of the skin, in a trance. , This is not New York, but a certain area in the tropics, such as Equatorial Guinea.

It's December, a bitter winter in December.

All the shouts and all the voices lost their original meaning, and in the end only the heart-piercing shouts were left, a simple "ah", but the inner excitement, excitement, joy, urgency, and impulse were fully displayed. You can even see the walls of the airport security personnel begin to tremble violently. Waves of people are violently hitting the protective cordon, and they are still precarious.

In the past, the airport was welcomed and blocked by reporters, but those battles were not comparable to what was in front of them, and they were totally different. Lan Li's brain is making a judgment: should he stay for the interview, or should he leave as soon as possible?

The sporadic memories of reading magazines and watching the news in his mind told him that he should choose to leave before things get out of control. So Lan Li did so, took a quick step and walked away quickly, and the shout in his ear suddenly became sharp, "Lan Li!" But this shout was quickly drowned in even more crazy shouts. , "Master! Master! Master!"

The powerful impact slammed it hard, and only a buzzing sound came from the eardrum.

Lan Li left the exit passage and walked in front of the crowd, but... there was no passage. Just now when Paul and the others left, the crowd voluntarily gave up a passage, like a welcoming passage, allowing them to pass smoothly, but now there is no passage in front of Lan Li! A human wall, a human wall, or a human wall, a human wall looks like a copper wall and an iron wall, with no gaps at all. It even makes people wonder if they will suffocate after entering.

Now Lan Li finally knows why artists need bodyguards in black. However, this is completely the treatment of top I didn't expect it to be Lanli's turn now. Lan Li is more curious, why? Did he not know what happened recently?

The sigh was only for a moment. Looking back, Lan Li saw Nathan approaching quickly.

Roy is a manager. During the filming, he can freely choose to accompany or not accompany him. This time, Roy did not follow, but stayed in Los Angeles, cooperating with Focus Pictures for the "Crazy Love" awards season promotion. Of course, there are related propaganda about the "anti-cancer me". So, as an assistant, Nathan takes care of everything around Lan Li.

However, Lan Li waved his hand to Nathan, not advancing but retreating. In the face of such a turbulent crowd, relying on only one Nathan is completely a maniac block. Not only Nathan, but the other assistants also stopped, their expressions were shocked, and they obviously didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of them.

Lan Li stepped back two steps, facing the crowd, kept pressing his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet. Unexpectedly, this action made the scream even more crazy. The scene in front of him was like a volcanic eruption, which made Lan Li laugh dumbstruck. He couldn't help putting down his hands, lowering his head, and the curvature of his mouth rose.

Sure enough, movie fans are unpredictable and uncontrollable. In front of them, he is really helpless.

After the cheers burst out of shocking energy, they slowly calmed down, and the sound gradually became clear and complete, and then the flashlight turned on again. The sound of "click" is reminiscent of the roar of a waterfall rushing into the sea, mixed The fragmented shouts also began to increase.

"Excuse me", "Premier", "Jennifer", "Album", "Popularity", "Bieber", "Awards Season", "Performance", "New Work", "Rumor"...

Wait, did he hear Justin Bieber's name just now?

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