The Greatest Showman

Chapter 748: Aura 1 flash

The filming was over, but Lan Li did not stand up immediately. Instead, he sat on the spot against the wall, savoring the performance of the scene.

In art films, emotions, characters, and inner control are very important, and actors must carefully study and study; but in commercial films, these elements are not necessary. It can be said that this restricts the actors’ Performance space, after all, the breathing space left by the movie is limited, but it can also be said that this gives the actors a larger performance stage and allows them to play freely. In the final analysis, different actors have different understandings and different ways, and the performances presented are naturally different.

In the scene just now, the prior communication strictly followed the direction of the script, but when they were involved in the actual performance, both of them integrated their performance details according to the roles and scenes, which was unexpected but reasonable. Yes, the two people's understanding of the whole scene fits on the same track, so both noticed the interpretation of each other's performance for the live situation.

Jennifer said, "You are injured, seriously." This is not the content of the script.

Lan Li replied, "You are also injured." This is also not the content of the script.

To be more precise, starting from this line, both of them are separated from the script. From the expression of eyes and expressions to the lines and actions, every detail has completely deviated from the picture track conceived by the director.

It's not just that Renly and Jennifer are playing against each other, but that Cage and Rita are parting each other. There is a trace of tragedy in the joking, a trace of excitement in the humor, the emotional burst between 60 seconds and 70 seconds, released in an instant, gathered in an instant, rich and delicate, not only the end of the plot That's it, it interprets and sublimates the core content.

The fun of the performance can be seen at this time. Two outstanding actors, based on their understanding of the role and the script, performed their own styles, but they cleverly fit together and burst out an incredible chemical reaction.

During the filming of "Crazy Love", Lan Li already felt Jennifer's performance potential. The performance aura displayed by the changes in the details made people's eyes bright. Today, this feeling has gone even further.

There are endless stories in Jennifer's eyes, and between Gu and Pan, it vividly shows Rita's shock, astonishment, struggle and falling-falling for love. This is not just the excitement / affection that two people burst out at the moment of life and death; but after the two have also experienced the reincarnation of the soul, they have gone through the vicissitudes of life and saw through their lives, but with a trace of reluctance to reality, they finally cut off their nostalgia and have no hesitation. He chose to sacrifice his life for righteousness, and instantly found each other's heart-to-heart.

This kind of performance is refreshing, just like playing tennis or badminton, table tennis is also OK, you come and I go, one attack and one defense, not deliberately simplistic feeding the ball, but after showing your superb skills, The opponent is able to fight back equally superbly, not for the victory or defeat of a ball, but to show themselves to the best of their ability and contribute to the most exciting matchup. This has surpassed the victory itself and entered a whole new realm.

After calming down, Lan Li could hear the sound of his heart beating, puffing, puffing, it seemed to be faster and more disordered than usual. The soft touch can still be tasted on the tip of the tongue, and the nose can still distinguish it. A sweet fragrance hidden in the smell of blood. When I closed my eyes, the sound of my heartbeat began to magnify in my ears, and even my nerves began to twitch. The emotion was so deep, so powerful, and so turbulent, that the heart began to ache.

Only in this second did I understand the true feelings in my heart, and in the next second, we will both go to Huangquan. Perhaps, this is destined. He and she are destined to belong to each other. She and he are destined to be each other's only, destiny and life. The world is being destroyed, and the passion in the chest is so surging!

Opening his eyes, Lan Li saw Jennifer coming out from behind the bunker. He was a little surprised, and she was also a little surprised. Inadvertently, the expressions in his eyes were intertwined, instantly flustered, and instantly excited, and then the corners of his mouth were She sketched out a smile, a brilliant smile, which belonged to the smiles of the comrades fighting side by side, but added a little gentleness, which made her laugh lightly, the corners of her mouth raised a little, then calmed down, and then bloomed again. It is like a flower of thorns blooming in the wind on a cliff.

Paul Greengrass became excited, and his thoughts became more and more active.

Capturing the emotional sparks between actors is not what he is good at; dealing with portraits under big scenes is not what he is good at-"British Patient" or "Lawrence of Arabia" is not his style. What he is good at is in a narrow, ordinary and plain environment, grasping the realism in the small pattern, and zooming in through the lens and editing, and finally making a heavy blow to achieve the shock of the soul!

In the scene just now, Renly and Jennifer performed so well that Paul didn't need too many shots at all, he only needed to show it realistically and capture the chemical reaction between the two people, which was enough. But now, Paul is full of inspiration. He can't create a big scene, but he can create more cramps and urgency, and magnify the grandeur of the end of the world.

Paul found the photographer Barry Eclaud among the crowd and spoke out his idea. The two exchanged a lot, and then walked around the venue several times to ensure the movement and framing of the entire camera. , And then Paul walked to Lanly and greeted, "Hey, Jennifer, come here too!"

Such simple and direct words broke the surging emotions in the air. Paul, who was crudely nervous, did not notice his abruptness at all, and was completely immersed in the reporter's documentary emotions.

The smile at the corner of Jennifer’s mouth was still rising, but a trace of joking flashed through his eyes. He recovered and walked over without saying much. He sat cross-legged next to Lan Li, and the two exchanged a tacit sight. Said that the scene just now was good, and the smile in Lan Li's eyes deepened.

"In the scene just now, your changes are very good, to be precise, very good!" Paul exclaimed, "Next, we will perform according to this version. But, I need to make some changes." Paul's words Talking endlessly, and Renly and Jennifer also took up their attention and uttered intently.

To put it simply, Paul decided to increase the direct effects of the environment, such as increasing the vibration of the ceiling above his head and increasing the falling of surrounding gravel; for example, in post-production, increasing the impact of aliens on the entire floor, as well as alpha The roar of, creating a gradually approaching effect; another example, let Barry lie on a special prop, the prop will vibrate slightly according to the vibration of the scene, and create the effect of slight jitter in the picture during the hand-held photography...

Most importantly, Paul took an unprecedented long shot. Abandon all fancy editing and shots, rely on the noise of the environment, and deliberately amplify the chemical reactions in the shots, thereby creating an effect of "time stops at this moment, but the world is destroyed at this moment", giving the audience the most ferocious view Shadow feeling.

However, Paul would not take a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree rotation, or a partial close-up of his eyes, and other lens captures. He still uses his best hand-held photography to capture the images in a harsh environment with close-up shots. The performances were thrown to two actors, presenting the most sincere and simple emotions in the most simple but true way.

Paul knew that his vision was very bold. This was not the way he was good at it, and it deviated slightly from the category of comfort. But after witnessing the entire performance just now, Paul was willing to take the risk and try it once under the inspiration. The question now is, "Are you okay?" Paul asked uncertainly, "I mean, reproduce the scene just now, and all the emotions and reactions?"

Neither Renly nor Jennifer spoke. Because of their concentration, their expressions returned to a serious and engaged state. As a result, both of them formed a shallow arc and exchanged their sights. It seemed provocative and tacit understanding. , The smile on the corner of the mouth is bigger.

Then Jennifer shrugged, "If he can do it, I can do it." The reluctance to admit defeat in the words came out, and the eagerness to challenge the strong was also a little excited.

Lan Li laughed blankly, and gently closed his jaw, "We are all professional actors. The director's request, we naturally have to do our best." When speaking, he glanced at Jennifer with a faintly twinkling look, as if saying: How is it? , Are you ready? Challenge performance again?

Jennifer deliberately pursed her mouth and made a grimace. Not only did she not have stage fright, but she was also ready for it.

Paul looked at Lan and looked at Jennifer. He didn’t understand. Therefore, he is really a layman in this kind of aura battle between actors, but it is not important. The important thing is that he knows the two. The actors said it’s okay, "Very good, then let’s get into the shooting now!"

The crew got busy again, Lan Li took the lead to stand up and stretched out his right hand; Jennifer looked up at Lan Li for a while, then put his right hand in Lan Li's palm, and then stood up.

Lan Li let out a breath and rubbed his waist. Jennifer noticed, "Why, are you really hurt?"

Lan Li did not deny, "It's just a little bruise. Cage's condition is much more serious." The continuous collision made the area where the waist hit just now was a little bit painful, but it didn't matter.

On the whole, "Edge of Tomorrow" is shot on a green screen, and all scenes and props on the scene are also made of special materials. The difficulty of the action scene is naturally not as difficult as that of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", but the content of the action scene is even greater. Fullness requires Lanli to be more dedicated and hardworking. Some minor injuries are expected.

Jennifer blinked and smiled, "Now it's proven again that it is a wise choice for me to lead Alpha away." With that, Jennifer deliberately jumped twice to prove that "Rita" was not injured.

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