The Greatest Showman

Chapter 765: Mouth full of bitterness

Standing in place, Eddie only felt that his chest was empty, indescribable, and unable to express; opened his mouth, always thinking that he wanted to say something, but found that after all, he didn’t say anything, and finally stood in despair. In situ, his mouth was bitter and spreading at a loss.

The performance aura is a mysterious thing that cannot be clearly seen but can be felt. In those old drama bones, you can always feel the suppression from the aura as if there is nothing; but just now, Aye Di felt it in Lan Li's body, which was simply...too absurd!

Eyes, expressions, movements; lines, emotions, body. This is a typical and pure academic performance, not an amateur wild way as imagined. In Lan Li’s performance, there is a powerful force hidden, like an invisible rope, which involves the flow and direction of the plot. Eddie can clearly feel that Lan Li’s momentum rises little by little. Retractable and relaxed, the rhythm of the entire performance is firmly controlled in the palm of the hand.

In the second half of "Red and Black", Enjolras occupied the moral high ground, and then suppressed Marius's momentum, which is the normal trend of the plot. But in the performance process, it is not just the second half. In the first half, Lan Li’s emotions are so strong, so delicate, and so real. It penetrates little by little, inadvertently, Eddie’s performance Just get involved.

In order to form a confrontation, in order to show his position, Eddie had to work harder than usual to prevent the entire performance from being completely brought into the rhythm of Lanli. This caused the phenomenon of excessive force. However, despite this, Eddie was completely downwind. He could even feel that his hands and feet were tied up, unable to struggle to get rid of; after entering the second half, Eddie was completely reduced to a spectator, he only felt that he was So small, so empty, so humble, even worse than the dust, the entire stage is involved in the aura of Lan Li's performance.

Most importantly, Lan Li made slight changes in the performance.

According to the original version, the reason why Enjolras was able to drive everyone’s emotions was because the revolution/fate occupied the commanding heights. This was a great mission that no one could refute; but in Renjol’s performance, the reason why Enjolras was great, Not because of the revolution/fate, but because of the fiery and ardent heart deep in his heart, he relentlessly dedicated himself to the destined cause-it may be the revolution/fate, or it may be love, that kind of moths to the fire The enthusiasm and excitement of, desperate, burning life, not only moved people's souls, but also brought tears to the eyes.

This is the root reason Eddie feels small. Even Marius' enthusiasm for love is so insignificant in the face of Enjolras' madness and perseverance.

He clenched his fists and tried to regain his spirits, but... Eddie only felt a moment of weakness.

He hates Lan Li so much, and hates himself so much. Because deep in his heart, he knew that the stage would not lie, and the strength gap was clear at a glance. Lan Li's performance just now was impeccable. Lan Li proved his strength and also proved his excellence. Almost unstoppable, he became jealous of Lan Li.

Jealousy, this is the emotion of the devil, gnawing at the heart, disintegrating willpower bit by bit, and finally falling into darkness.

Eddie let out a long breath, the bitterness of his tongue spread, his shoulders drooped, he raised his hands helplessly, and began to applaud. This is at least what he can do and what he should do.

There was thunderous applause, violently hitting the eardrums, standing on the stage, the satisfaction and pride filled his chest. Lan Li let out a sigh of relief and politely expressed his thanks for the curtain call. The tight string deep in his heart relaxed a little.

In the performance of the entire aria just now, Lan Li is attentive and highly concentrated, and every change and every turn is firmly under control. On the last small bridge, rush to the tables and chairs. This is also arranged in advance to make full use of the stage space. If it is in a movie, this way of performance is too much and a little suspicion of grandstanding; but on the stage, This method can push the emotions to a climax-after all, the audience can't see the subtle changes in the actor's eyes, but can see the action of jumping on the table.

It now appears that his adventure has been a success!

After pulling away from the role, Lan Li revisited the entire performance just now. This is indeed the most hearty and handy performance in the past six months, not only because of returning to the theater stage, but also because of the polishing of every Hollywood work.

From "buried alive" to "crazy in love", from "anti-cancer me" to "transcendence", every work is a challenge and a breakthrough for Lan Li. He constantly polishes his performance methods. , Performance details, constantly deepening his understanding of performance, and finally, he has become what he is now.

If you have not experienced the baptism of these works, just stick to the West End or Broadway, then Renly will not be able to complete the transformation of acting; similarly, if you do not complete the cross-comparison of the two works of "anti-cancer me" and "transcendence", ahead of time Back on the stage of the theater, the control of the performance and the sensibility of the characters may not be where they are today.

Perhaps, now is the perfect time.

There was joy in his chest. He enjoyed this stage so much, and so enjoyed this moment. The blood flowing in the bones seems to be branded with performance, which is intoxicating.

Turning his head, Lan Li looked at Eddie who was standing not far away and nodded politely. In this scene just now, both actors are very important, the emotional pull and pull, there is only one slap, that is not sound. This actor later won the Oscar for Best Actor by virtue of the "Theory of Everything", and the basic skills of the drama are beyond doubt.

Eddie seemed to be in a trance, slowed for a while, but still felt Lan Li's eyes, raised his head, showed a smile, nodded in panic, then retracted his gaze and fell into his own thoughts.

The applause lasted only a short while, after all, this was just an audition, not an official theater actor. Cameron turned his head to look at Tom beside him, cast his inquisitive gaze, and seemed to be asking, "Jean Arjean?"

Tom's expression was hesitant. Lan Li is indeed outstanding. The three roles of Eponine, Javert and Enjolras, with three colors, are not only full of personal characteristics, but also perform each role in place. This is really rare, and it indirectly proves that Lan Li Enough for more difficult roles. Jean Ajean, this is a choice.

However, Lan Li is only twenty-two years old, the challenge is still too difficult, especially for the filming method of magnifying pores like this, even if the makeup is subtle, flaws will inevitably appear; leaving this aside, now Jean-Agen Hugh Jackman’s number one candidate is an undisputed candidate. His strength, image, and fame are impeccable from all angles. To give up Hugh and choose Lan Li, this seems to be a terrible one. decision.

Tom is a traditional Englishman, which also means being conservative, serious, demanding, and cautious, staying within his comfort zone and refusing to break too many rules and frameworks. What he is best at is historical drama, such as "Elizabeth I", "John Adams", "The King's Speech" and other works, and "Les Miserables" is no exception.

If possible, Tom is very willing to play the role of Marius with Lan Lilai, but unfortunately, Lan Li is not interested.

"Let's take a look." Tom said, "We need to consider the whole situation. Today's audition is only a part." After hesitating for a moment, Tom still made a choice that suits his personality.

Cameron didn't refute, he also agreed with Tom's words-it needs to be considered carefully. Today’s audition is definitely a big plus, but is it enough to make Lan Li up to Jean Ajean? And it goes one step further, is it enough for Lan Li to defeat Hugh? Cameron believes that they need to think carefully after calming down.

Just as he was about to speak, Cameron remembered another thing, and asked in a low voice, "Where is the other person?"

Tom’s answer was not too surprising, "A second round of auditions. His basic skills are very solid and his performance is good. You can put it together with a few other candidates." After careful consideration, make a decision. The style is always As one.

Cameron didn't say much, looked at the stage again, and said, "Yes, your audition is over." His eyes fell on Lan and said with a smile, "Say still. , Do you have other content to show?" Challenge Jean Agen as a 22-year-old. This is definitely an act against the sky. Perhaps Lanli needs more space and time.

Lan Li chuckled lightly, "No, no. I still don't want to take up the audition time of other actors."

The theater stage is like this. On a platform, what actors show within one minute and within an hour is actually the same. It must show a relatively stable level without ups and downs and huge gaps. The quality of the play is above the standard. It can be understood that they have no upper limit, but a lower limit, and the lower limit is very high.

Therefore, in the two minutes of singing, what should have been shown has already been shown, and what has not been shown, even if there is more time, it is still in vain.

Lan Li politely finished the curtain call, and then walked down from the other side of the stage, leaving space for the next group of Marius and Enjolras.

Eddie's pace was half a beat slower again, and he looked at Cameron and Tom seriously, but they didn't have any words, just silence. Eddie's heart sank slowly in this way, so did he miss the opportunity? Did he mess up his chance?

Just thinking of this, Eddie's footsteps staggered a bit, and he almost fled away from the stage. After entering the background, I saw Lan Li's back.

According to aristocratic etiquette, he should remain elegant and polite, nod in greeting, and then turn to say goodbye. But, not today, today he can't hold on anymore, he must leave, leave here quickly, otherwise he will suffocate. So Eddie lowered his head and walked away quickly. He walked faster and faster. In a blink of an eye, he passed Lan Li and disappeared at the end of the long corridor.

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