The Greatest Showman

Chapter 874: Bereavement dog

"So, what is the difference between these paper media and supermarket tabloids?"

A question from the "New York Times" was sharp and pointed, simple and direct, and severely stabbed every journalist's weakness. For every reporter, they pride themselves on being different from paparazzi, and they even disdain to stand alongside supermarket tabloids and others. The title of "Uncrowned King" is no longer glorious, but reporters are still not third-rate gossip writers.

But now, Bradley Adams’s questioning is like a flogging, severely and profoundly interrogating the current state of news in contemporary society; at the same time, this sentence also throws "Entertainment Weekly" into the mud, and " "World News Weekly" and "National Inquirer" are on par.

This is the real shame.

After the truth was revealed, "Entertainment Weekly" and Cornell instantly stood under the spotlight and became the focus of concentrated firepower attacks, truly interpreting the meaning of "words and pens". In comparison, the crisis faced by Lanly in the past week was nothing more than drizzle, but now it is a downpour and strong wind!

The sky is full, everywhere, nowhere to escape.

Cornell McGregor really tasted the taste of a bereaved dog, the transition from peak to trough, the exchange of scenery and embarrassment, it only takes one night, panic and furious, but the frightened bird is furious, but to no avail.

Slowly parked the car on the side of the road, Cornell looked down at the shirt stained with egg yolk, and the protein liquid falling from his head.

Just now in the supermarket, two young men accidentally recognized him. They smashed an egg while cursing a "liar", forcing him to hold his head and scurry, watching the ridicule and contempt of pointing and pointing, even more everywhere. , He could only leave the supermarket in an embarrassing attitude of fleeing; but they still did not give up, smashing several eggs on the rear window and side of the car, forcing him to drive quickly and flee.

Such encounters, even the real criminals will not encounter them. This makes Cornell feel like a rat crossing the street. What kind of experience is notorious, now Cornell can tell.

Seeing the flowing viscous liquid, the anger was rolling and raging, but at last he was helpless. Cornell shook his head, opened the door of the car, and prepared to go home to change clothes, but only when he walked out of the parking lot, he saw a crowd of people at the gate of the apartment. There were at least two hundred people in the hustle and bustle, and the raging heat wave rushed in.

Such a scene is really familiar to Cornell: it is always the case when reporters embark on a siege. It is mighty, impenetrable, and will not give up easily without first-hand information.

Standing in place, Cornell was taken aback for a while, but he didn't even react for the first time; then, he realized that today, he is not a bystander, but a bystander - or rather, a besieged person. These sharpened reporters are waiting, waiting for the pen in their hands to push Cornell onto the beheading stand.

Suddenly, Cornell noticed the actions of the two reporters. They caught Cornell's figure, cast a curious sight, and suddenly made Cornell cold all over, turned around in a panic, left the line of sight, and hid behind the wall, his heart hitting quickly and violently. Chest, sweat drenched, because of fear and tension, the whole body was trembling and could not be restrained.

A blank brain couldn’t think at all, just driven by the survival instinct/ability, Cornell turned around, ran back to the parking lot, hurriedly returned to his car, and then closed the car door firmly and dropped down. Safety lock, flattened the back of the chair, held his breath, lay down, praying silently, and his whereabouts were not discovered.

The rapid breathing and violent heartbeat, so embarrassed and so embarrassed, anger and shame surged up, even if the fists were clenched, the foul language could not help but burst, "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Damn Renly-Hall!

It was all because that **** hypocrite set up a trap to lure/entice himself to jump down. Just as he was so proud, the net of heaven and earth that had been prepared a long time ago was quickly gathered, and he did not give him a chance to react and resist. Catch it all in one go! Everything is a conspiracy!

If not, how could he have fallen to this point?

Scandals and gossip have always been three-part facts and seven-part interpretations. No one takes it seriously. The entire entertainment news industry is like this. This is almost a well-known unspoken rule of the industry. All reporters operate in this way, but the others are in peace, but he is reduced to a bereaved dog and everyone is screaming and beating. So embarrassed.

It's all because of Lan Li!

The anger reached its extreme, Cornell smashed the car door fiercely, but in the next second, he caught the crowd in the parking lot quickly out of his sight, and the words that rushed to his mouth suddenly became a simple and rude The "grass".

Cornell put his hands together, held his breath, and lay on his flat seat, expecting to avoid searching; in the line of sight, he could already see reporters approaching the car window, climbing on the window, staring wide-eyed, and looking up. Look at the situation inside. He immediately realized that he was exposed.

Without thinking about it, Cornell immediately sat up, started the car, and tried to leave quickly. But it was too late. A flood of people swarmed like a flood, surrounding the entire car; and it continued to increase, with three layers inside and three layers outside, layered on top of each other, with no end in sight.

Reporters all know that the best way to stop a car is to build a human wall and surround the car strictly, leaving no room for movement, and no room for acceleration at the same time, using the principle of large numbers of people. , Firmly fixed the car in place, and then forced the driver and passengers to get out of the car for an interview.

Cornell is no stranger to this.

The only difference is that before, he was the one surrounded outside; today, he is the one surrounded inside. The turtle in the urn, now Cornell finally understands what it is like.

"Bang bang bang", this is the sound of knocking on the windows, and the entire carriage began to shake. It seems that the reporters may be blocked at any time, and the reporters may dismantle them into countless fragments with their bare hands; The silver waterfall of breathing space came out, filling the whole world, and my eyes had to just be closed because of the sting; "Boom boom boom", this is the sound of reporters asking questions, waves are higher than waves, and waves are fierce. After a wave, there is no hope of breakthrough at all.

The noise is endless in the ears, penetrating the eardrums, sharply and heavily stinging every cell of the body, even the soul begins to tear, the turbulent pain instantly floods the top of the head, and instantly suffocates, even the sound can’t come out. Resisting, unable to escape, desperately tied his ankles, slowly sliding down.

Cornell struggled. He is not satisfied, he does not recognize, he is unwilling!

But no matter how struggling, the roar like a wave is still lingering. He can even hear the painful groaning/groaning of the car window glass, and he will no longer be able to support it at any time. Those questions after another are like beasts. In general, biting his muscles bit by bit, exposed wounds and fresh blood, not only did not stop the beasts, but made them more excited.

With trembling muscles, sweating profusely, pale face and dull eyes, Cornell looked like he had just been fished out of the water. The loss and fear after escaping from the dead were tearing his soul apart. He shivered in control, and his panic eyes seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Patience, patience, finally unable to bear it anymore, Cornell gritted his teeth, pushed open the car door, and tried to escape. If he continues to stay in the carriage, he will be suffocated completely, he needs to breathe, he needs to escape, he needs to leave here far away.

However, before the footsteps had time to move away, the turbulent crowd was like a giant beast. After opening his mouth, he swallowed him in one mouthful.

Cornell hugged his head in a panic, learned the posture of a bird, and concealed his head firmly in his arms, avoiding attacks from all directions. This was not an easy task.

"Cornell, why are you fabricating news?"

"Do you know that slander and slander break the law?"

"In addition to the news this time, do you fabricate other news?"

"Did you choose to slander Lan Li because of personal grievances?"

"Deceived all the masses, what do you want to say?"


Questions, one after another, are overwhelming. In the ears, in the mind, and in the chest, the call of "Cornell" was constantly roaring, leaving no room for thinking or breathing. The ubiquitous attacks defeated Kang little by little. All of Nair's defenses.

The strength in his eyes began to collapse, the consciousness in his mind began to collapse, and even the instincts in the depths of the soul began to collapse. A thousand miles slumped and defeated.

Cornell clasped his head tightly and began to scream, "Ah! Ahhh!" Sanity had begun to collapse, like a madman, screaming constantly, trying to ask for help, and also tried to resist. The tension was extreme, and there was a burst of warmth in the The liquid began to flow down gurglingly, forming a puddle at my feet.

However, no one found out; to be more precise, even if they found out, they would not have any pity. It's for entertainment to death, it's for the benefit of the first, and it's for getting rid of its own troubles. Therefore, no one will let go, and no one will be soft. Not only did the question not weaken, but it became more and more turbulent.

"You deliberately shut up and refused to respond, is it because of a guilty conscience?"

"If Lan Li filed a lawsuit, would you appear in court?"

"Why don't you respond? Is there any inside story?"


The question seemed to be out of control. The cameras and voice recorders around started rushing over recklessly, hitting different parts of Cornell's body severely; some people even started to pull Cornell's clothes, all over their bodies, all of them were loopholes. It's hard to guard against. Cornell couldn't do anything but hugged his head tightly, and the whole world began to fall apart.

The encounters and disasters Lan Li endured back then, Cornell is now experiencing it for himself, exponentially and brutally.

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