The Greatest Showman

Chapter 883: On stage

Above the blue and blue sky, no clouds can be seen, and the sky is clear; tall palm trees support the entire sky, and the golden sunlight is scattered in large areas, which outlines the continuous ups and downs of the city horizon, bright and jumping colors Surging in the moist and lazy air, the whole world was stained with a delicious cream color. Involuntarily, the mood became cheerful.

The hour hand has just passed the three o’clock mark, and there is still a long, long time before night falls. California’s afternoon is always immersive, even in midwinter February; this is even more true today, and it’s about to open. The Oscar award ceremony on the curtain ignited the enthusiasm and madness of the city. Countless movie fans and tourists poured into the City of Angels to join the carnival party.

You can see the posters of the best film nominated works in the streets and alleys, and you can see the official Oscar posters hanging high in the street bars. Even the pictures of the Golden Man can be captured everywhere on the bus and taxi. Everywhere, everywhere.

The crowds surging from all directions are heading towards the Kodak Theater on Hollywood Boulevard. Even the six nearby blocks have been traffic controlled, and the mighty long queue of cars is still extending radioactively in different directions, just like the pulse of the city. Generally, beating violently and violently, and really feel the frenzy of the awards season.

At this time, the east-west Hollywood Boulevard has been completely blocked, the dazzling red carpet is laid out, and the bustling reporters and staff filled all the gaps on both sides; the highland North Street, which runs from north to south on the east side, has been fenced. , The implementation of a complete blockade, leaving the width of the double carriageway in the middle, and the two sides are crowded with movie fans and audiences who come to watch the ceremony.

Looking around, at least 1,500 spectators crowded the space on both sides of the street. It was noisy and crowded, and the scene was unprecedented; not only that, the turbulent crowd continued to extend violently in the north and south directions. Going away, the crowds on their shoulders seem to have no end in sight.

More than 500 reporters, more than 3,000 spectators, more than half of the city’s vehicles, and the entire Hollywood are all mobilized. The "Christmas" belonging to Los Angeles has finally arrived!

Tonight, the 84th Oscar is about to debut.

The awards season, which has lasted for more than four months, will usher in the final battle tonight. This is an awards season full of chaos and turbulence. It is also an awards season full of confusion and topics. It is still full of suspense and Challenge award season.

Undoubtedly, this is a small year, even in the past ten years, this is still an extremely rare small year.

Among the nine best film nominations, only "helping" the North American box office of this work exceeded 100 million, and this only work also lost the best director, best adapted screenplay, and best film editing. The nomination was almost announced in advance and missed the final award.

The remaining eight nominated works have a North American box office of less than 80 million; moreover, half of them failed to reach the bottom line of 40 million. The lowest box office number is the "Tree of Life", which is only 1,300. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

In a horizontal comparison, last year’s awards season, ten nominated works, five of the North American box office exceeded 100 million-two of which reached 290 million, and two of the North American box office reached 90 million. The overall market feedback and audience response are significantly higher, and the topicality and attention cannot be underestimated.

This year is the coldest, calmest and lowest-key year in the box office market since "Car Crash" defeated "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005 and won the title of Best Picture.

Lack of real blockbusters, lack of real topics, and lack of real resonance at the same time, the entire award season showed a clear high and low style.

However, if it were 2005, "Car Crash", "Brokeback Mountain", "Good Night, Good Luck", "Munich Massacre" and "Capote" duel, the depth and breadth of the five works have generally been affirmed, especially It was the turbulent waves created by Brokeback Mountain that year, which triggered countless discussions.

At least, the artistry of the Oscar nominated works has also become a major symbol.

But this year, even this logo has been criticized. The average level of the nominated works, such as the work pattern, the depth of the theme, the artistic discussion and the story level, etc., is obviously slightly lower.

Therefore, the whole award season showed a melee pattern of a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending. It is not that there are too many excellent works, but that the work level is too close. The winning and rising of any work cannot be said to be an accident:

The four works of "Hugo", "Midnight Paris", "Descendants" and "Artist" constitute the first group; "Penalty Kick", "Tree of Life" and "Help" rank the second group, waiting for opportunities It was upset; the third group of "war horses" and "particularly loud, very close" accompany running at the end.

Such a young age is really disappointing. Compared with the star-studded and bright stars of the Grammys not long ago, the Oscar is really uninteresting; but on the contrary, the weakness of the work has made the artist strong.

Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Alexander Payne, David Fincher, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Kenneth Branagh, Meryl Sterry Pu, Michelle Williams, Rooney Mara, Gary Oldman, Ryan Gosling, Jennifer Lawrence... these names, each with its own halo, full of countless topics. .

Also, Renly Hall.

As a result, more than 3,000 spectators arrived at the scene, hoping to stand next to the red carpet and see big-name celebrities making their debut; therefore, more than 500 reporters attended the feast, creating a new high in the number of reporters interviewed by the previous Oscars-the highest in previous years There were only four hundred people; therefore, before three o'clock in the afternoon, the Hollywood Boulevard where the Kodak Theater was located was already impenetrable.

Standing in the midst of the turbulent crowd, Hope Baez’s thin body was almost completely swallowed, and all the breaths in and out were filled with hot air, feeling that his lungs were already burning; fortunately, The five hundred people standing around were all their own, orderly, orderly, and not chaotic.

Nevertheless, it is still extremely difficult to walk through the crowds, from the front row to the back, and then back to the front row. Forty-five minutes passed. Hope's cheeks were red and hot, as if they had just walked out of the sauna.

"Is everything confirmed?" William Taylor handed over the mineral water bottle in his hand. Hope took two big mouthfuls, then nodded and expressed affirmation, a big smile appeared on his face, "Yeah. , There is no problem! Where is Graham? Has he not returned? Didn’t we confirm the big banner before we set off? As long as Tyronn and Timsey support them in time, it’s fine."

"Just now the staff of the main committee came out and said that our banners are a bit too big and may cause danger, so they are discussing." William briefly explained.

"What!" Hope suddenly rounded his eyes, "How could it be too big? We have repeatedly recurred so many emails, and confirmed to them again and again, all according to the size. The rules come, how is it possible!" He said, Hope couldn't stand anymore, and he turned his head and was ready to take another step.

William caught Hope in time, "Chanel and Tessa also followed Graham. We had anticipated this situation before. All communication emails were printed out, and alternative solutions were also ready. Don't worry, nothing will happen." Looking at Hope with his face full of anxiety, William laughed blankly, "Trust me, they can solve it. If it doesn't work, even if you add one, it won't work."

Having said that, Hope still stomped anxiously, "The organization of the college is simply terrible. We started communicating so long in advance, and we have considered all aspects, but they have a lot of work on their own."

Take a deep breath, take another deep breath, and force yourself to calm down. Hope approached the iron railing, poked his head out, and looked left and right. "No matter what, leave those things to Graham. We will continue to spread the word now, everyone must Don't be crowded or chaotic; you must keep order on the scene. Otherwise, the media will have to pick things up again and throw any dirty water on the young master, a bunch of lunatics!"

Three weeks ago, the "hype door" broke out, and the curses and ridicules on the Internet were endless. Those hideous and ugly faces really pushed Lan Li into desperation; but for William, Hope, Graham and others. In terms of anger, disappointment, sadness, pain, countless emotions are surging.

They are eager to be able to tell Renly: Even if the whole world is on the other side of Renly, they still firmly believe and support Renly; because they really understand "Don Quixote". They also truly understood Lan Li’s dream and pursuit of the album. On this road full of thorns, they will accompany Lan Li to the end.

Turning grief and anger into strength, they are united as never before. Not only the movie fans, but also the fans, the little friends that I met at Lincoln Center at the beginning, through the Facebook activity group, all gathered together to make concerted efforts and make suggestions.

The Oscar Awards is the stage they chose!

On this night of dazzling stars, Don Quixotes will truly be on the stage of history for the first time, showing their enthusiasm and admiration to Ren Li, and also showing their support and determination to the world. Quixote’s way, dignifiedly declared their existence:

Not everyone believes in the nonsense of "Entertainment Weekly", not everyone is easily treacherous, and not everyone is blindly following the trend like a wall. In the Internet age of fast food culture, there are still a group of people who have beliefs, they have beliefs, they have pursuits, and similarly, they have dreams; although this is a small group of people, they are true and tenacious keeping it.

Each of them is Don Quixote.

This is Lanly's night, and Don Quixote will be the loyal audience of this grand performance!

"Now, the only problem is," William clenched his fists and showed a big smile. "When will Lan Li appear on earth?" 8)

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