The Greatest Showman

Chapter 888: Calmly deal with

Robin Roberts is a little flustered now.

Before tonight, Robin had seen a lot of big storms, calm, methodical, and adaptable. This is her style and the reason why she became the host of the red carpet. For the Oscar red carpet, What is needed is not humor and witty words, but calmness and calmness.

But now, Robin found that this is really not an easy task.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were interviewing next to her; and the red carpet began to detonate an unprecedented wave of support. The call of "Young Master" made people excited and excited. On one side is the first couple in Hollywood, on the other side is the first person in the new generation of Hollywood. How should this be chosen?

According to his usual choice, Robin should hurriedly end the interview with the artist in front of him, wishing well tonight; and then intercept Lan Li in time to start the second interview.

However, the interview between Brad and Angelina has only just begun. The interview also revolves around Angelina's evening dress. It has not really started at all. If it ends now, it is not only impolite, but also too reckless.

This is simply torture, a dilemma, and putting everyone on the scene grilled on a charcoal fire, the real suffering. So, what should she do?

Robin's brain worked quickly, trying to find a suitable solution. However, this is not an easy task; moreover, she also needs to continue the interview in her hands, with one mind and three uses, feeling that the brain capacity is not enough.

At this moment, Brad's voice came over, "Hey, look, one of my personal favorite new-generation actor is on the stage, how about, let's invite him over and accept the interview together?"

"Pop", the light bulb in Robin's mind suddenly lit up, and he pushed the boat along, "Oh, is it? I don't know, you are actually concerned about the new generation of actors?"

Brad chuckled gracefully, "Of course, someone has watched "Love Is Crazy" over and over a dozen times at home. Even if you want to ignore it, it's not easy."

Angelina also received the signal and said humorously, "Statement, it's not me."

Brad and Angelina exaggeratedly exchanged glances, seeming to condemn each other and shirk responsibility, and then Brad disarmed and surrendered, "Markdos, that must be Markdos."

Maddox-Chivan-Jolie-Pitt (Maddox-Chivan-Jolie-Pitt), this is Angelina’s first child adopted in Cambodia in 2002; in 2005, Brad also passed the application and became His adoptive father. Markdos is only ten years old this year, and he is obviously not a "crazy love" audience.

This ridicule, the awkwardness and jerky atmosphere was slightly relieved; then, Robin's gaze captured the focus of today, "Lan Li, here, Lan Li!"

But then Robin realized that the sound of the reporters on both sides who were constantly calling and roaring was so loud that her voice was completely submerged-the microphone in her hand and the amplified volume were all recorded in the camera. Through the live broadcast, it was broadcast to the audience in front of the TV, but on the red carpet, her voice had no additive effect.

The zealous reporter, like an octopus, tried his best to call Lan Li's name, trying to attract his attention and keep his footsteps. The reporters on both sides were completely boiling, and the scene was a little out of control for a while.

Again, Robin still finds it incredible even if he witnesses it with his own eyes. Oscar tonight is really crazy.

"Wow, it seems that I am not the only person who likes this actor." Robin sighed a little, and made a joke. After enlivening the atmosphere, Robin held the microphone and pointed towards Brad and Angelina motioned for a while, then directed the camera, following her own footsteps, and walked towards Lan Li's location, "Lan Li!"

After stopping, Robin can finally meet the new generation actor face to face.

In the camera lens, the scene of Lan Li was captured. The face of the young actor appeared before the lens. The smile on the corner of his mouth still did not dissipate. His eyes widened, and the dark brown eyes reflected a hint of doubt, as if he was talking. , "Who is calling me?"

At this moment, there are not many audiences sitting in front of the TV, waiting for the live broadcast of the awards ceremony. In recent years, even the ratings and the number of viewers of the awards ceremony have been declining; and the red carpet, which is already relatively low in attention, is even more unpopular.

The red carpet lasts for a full 90 minutes, and the appearance time of top artists is not fixed, and the interview time is only about five minutes. The attention and visibility are indeed not high. People can wait for the awards ceremony to be over and watch the red carpet styles of the artists in the form of photos, especially the summary selections of fashion magazines. Simple and fast.

Among the few viewers, Mark Lacante is one of them, as well as Christine Schutler, Katarina Koffler and Chuck Smith.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! She screamed frantically, her feet were still stepping on small jumps, exhausting every muscle in her body to convey her excitement.

It's not just Christine, even Christine and Mark can't hold back.

Only a month has passed since the meeting at the Berlin Film Festival. When I saw Lan Li again, I felt like a world away. The strange thing is that there was no special feeling when talking face-to-face, but today I was separated from the TV screen, the kind of light that belongs to the artist. But it burst out suddenly, dazzling.

Chuck looked at his friends in amazement. Mark and Christine also stood up and started cheering and shouting. After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't bear it, clenched his right fist, and started "Ho Ho Ho Ho". Joined the shouting ranks.

"Shut up!" There was a grumpy roar from the neighbor next door, causing all four young people to shut their mouths firmly-it was four o'clock in the afternoon in Los Angeles, and twelve o'clock in the middle of the night in Berlin.

The four young people stared at each other, exchanged a glance, and burst into laughter at the same time. However, immediately they covered their mouths to avoid disturbing the neighbors again, but the excitement flowing from their eyes could not be suppressed.

In fact, on the North American continent, there are not many, but not many, audiences that are in sync with Mark and others. Screams, roars, and cheers are endless.

According to statistics, the moment Lanly appeared on the TV screen attracted more than 13 million viewers across the United States; after that, the interview moments with Brad and Angelina in the same frame led to a further increase in the number of viewers. Soaring, breaking through 15 million, creating the best result since the millennium.

For reference, the average number of viewers on the red carpet has not passed the 10 million threshold for a long time.

"Good evening, Lanly-Hall, welcome to the Oscars ceremony." Robin's eyes showed a touch of surprise, and the thrilling moments of the moment made him startled. "If I remember correctly, this is your first time attending the Oscars, right?"

"Yes. Last year due to some unexpected circumstances, I regretted that I was absent." Lan Li replied with a smile, then raised his eyebrows, "Almost repeating the same mistakes this year. Phew, it's a risk."

After clicking on the self-ridicule, humor and courtesy, Robin couldn’t help but laughed happily, “Trust me, this is a happy event for all the audience.” After responding, he did not stop, Luo Bin stepped aside and motioned for Lan Li to look over, "In addition to me, there are two other friends who are welcoming you. In fact, we were still talking about your work just now."

Brad and Angelina?

Lan Li's eyes flashed quietly. On the red carpet tonight, he felt weird. He usually chose to appear in the first half, but today he chose the first half of the second half. It seems a bit unusual; but after communicating with Lydia, Andy confirmed the order of appearance. , This is a request from the college——

Last year, Lan Li was absent from the Oscar; this year, Lan Li became the hottest and most highly anticipated actor in the past month, even if it was not in the way that Lan Li liked, but the fact is that, Lan Li has become an Oscar. One of the important ratings guarantees, the Grammy awards ceremony has proved this, and the subsequent waves of ups and downs have once again proved this.

Therefore, the college took the initiative to make a request.

Both Andy and Lydia believe that Renly can properly show some sincerity. Choosing to take the stage in the second half, a small compromise, but the host and the host can have fun, why not do it. Lan Li nodded and agreed.

Facts also proved the correct choice of the college, and the red carpet ratings are the best proof. But for Renly and Brad, things seem a little subtle.

However, Lan Li didn't show any unusual expressions, and said with a smile, "No wonder my ears were itchy just now."

Itchy ears means that others say bad things about themselves.

Robin stunned slightly, and then realized that Lan Li was joking suddenly laughed freely, "Well, welcome to join the supervision." The moderate response, humor is not her forte, and then , Robin guided Renly and the camera back to Brad and Angelina.

Robin made an introduction facing the TV, while Lan Li shook hands with Brad and Angelina and greeted, "We were discussing'Love is crazy'. Brad and Angelina obviously liked this work very much. ."

"Really?" Lan Li showed a slight surprise, "I thought you would like the'anti-cancer me' more." Not a traditional polite, Lan Li did not praise the "penalty kicks" and the "tree of life". Instead, he continued to speak along the words.

"That's also an excellent work, but unfortunately, it failed to win the nomination." Angelina expressed her frustration.

Lan Li nodded, "That's what I mean." There is no nomination, so it is not a competitor; the same nomination, it is a bayonet showdown.

Obscure but without losing edge, polite and humorous, reminds the audience in such an ingenious way: Lanly and Brad are front-line competitors. There is no harmony, but there is no **** for tat. It is clever and wonderful. In an instant, everyone smiled, sincerely.

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