The Greatest Showman

Chapter 900: Suffocation moment

Throughout the awards season, Lan Li took the lead, followed by George and Brad, letting the emergence of a new force, and Gary's last moments to overtake, constituting the top five nominated seats.

The five nominees have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Lanly’s strength is extremely outstanding, but the works are too small and too young; for another example, the works of Jean are huge, but their own reputation is limited. Public relations can hardly start the situation; for example, Gary's obscurity did not appear until the final stage, but the hard work, high qualifications, and time of the year are all good.

In comparison, the advantages and disadvantages of George and Brad are the most balanced. All aspects have reached a relatively perfect state. All these factors have made the duel between the two actors a hot topic early. "George VS Brad" is definitely the biggest highlight of this year's awards season.

After receiving the nomination, George is nominated for acting for the fourth time, and Brad is for the third time. However, George has already won a best supporting actor statuette with "Sirina", and Brad has been struggling for 18 years since he won the Oscar nomination for "Twelve Monkeys" for the first time in 1995. Recognized.

In terms of sympathy votes, Brad has the upper hand slightly.

However, these are just tactical analyses on paper.

During the college public relations process, George and let two actors enter and exit together, promote and support each other, and even once reported the same/sex/scandalism of the two people, and the public relations strategy of harmony and beauty, winning After countless good feelings, many people are also guessing, above the Oscar, is it "George VS Jean" situation?

Gradually, George and Jean joined forces and began to seize the advantage; with the double bonus of absolute strength and outstanding topics, Lan Li has never fallen behind, and her momentum and reputation have always been on the first ladder, keeping pace with George, Jean and others; but , Brad's upward momentum began to slow down, and even stagnated.

As a result, Brad also adjusted his public relations strategy. In public or private occasions, he has repeatedly praised Lan Li, and said that if the opportunity allows, he is very willing to cooperate with Lan Li, "His performance in Buried Alive reminds me of Edward Norton", the words of praise are beyond words.

Later in the sprint stage of the awards season, Brad and Lan Li met many times in public relations and private parties, and the two people always talked happily. Brad’s contacts and Lan Li’s professionalism quietly complemented each other. On the contrary, it has gained more support and recognition than the combination of George and Jean.

Then, the "hype door" incident broke out.

The pattern of the entire awards season was completely shuffled. Although Jean Du Jardin succeeded in winning the first prize after the "hype gate" and above the Screen Actors Guild, the next few Film Critics Association awards showed more variables. In just two weeks, There are more and more variables, and the trend of awards is beginning to become elusive.

Even the most determined award forecasting professionals cannot make more accurate judgments at this time.

According to the awards at the outpost of the awards season, Gary, who was upset at the last minute, has not received any awards. Except for a few nominations in the sprint stage, no awards have been received at all, only relying on 30 years of experience and experience. Word of mouth, in such a fierce competition this year, Gary's chance of winning still exists, but it is extremely difficult.

The remaining four candidates are on par.

George took the lead and won nine titles, including the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award. In the hinterland of Hollywood, the advantage of the "Hollywood President" is still very obvious; in terms of nomination, it is even more difficult. He is Among the five candidates, the only one, nominated by all the movie kings of important towns, included all of them.

The work of "Descendants" truly brought George's mature charm and steady performance to the extreme, even better than "In the Clouds" and "Michael Clayton". Perhaps this is not the pinnacle of his acting career; but it is indeed the best chance to win.

Unfortunately, in addition to the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, the other eight awards are slightly underweight. Because the competitors are too fierce.

Jean Dujardin is stable and fierce, especially in the second half of his rise. The bonus of George Clooney and the promotion of Harvey Weinstein are not disadvantageous in the college public relations. He has gained a total of He won seven trophies, including the Golden Globe Awards, the American Screen Actors Guild and the National Film Critics Association.

Only a few months ago, this was an ordinary French actor, wandering between the second and third lines, not to mention Europe or the world. Even in France, he was just a struggling little actor; but now, He has become the most powerful contender for the Oscar actor.

In terms of quantity, George is still slightly better; but in terms of quality, Jean has a slight advantage.

Brad is second only to George in the number of nominations. "Tree of Life" played a supporting role, and the strong momentum of "penalty kicks" has made him a series of nominations. Unfortunately, in the end Brad only won four actor trophies, and the most important one was just the Austin Film Critics Association.

Overall, Brad's winning rate is really too low. The performance of "penalty kicks" is also inferior to "descendants".

The last is Lan Li. First of all, in terms of quantity, Lanli won a total of five actor trophies from outposts. The nomination was divided between "Crazy Love" and "Cancer-Resistant Me". In the first half of the awards season, the effect of the two works was very effective. Obviously, in many film critic associations, Blue Li is double nominated. To some extent, this also limits the number of awards.

Secondly, in terms of quality, the five trophies come from the British Academy Award, the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association Award, the New York Film Critics Association Award, the Boston Film Critics Association Award and the San Francisco Film Critics Association Award. Every award is a heavyweight, even if it can't compare with Viola Davis, it's not inferior.

The five award divisions have really made people feel the powerful momentum of Lanli at different times of the award season. No matter how hot and active George and Jean’s academy public relations are, Renly still has not completely fallen behind and stayed in the first group. However, it is true that Renly’s chances of winning are not necessarily able to surpass George and Jean. yield.

Before the awards ceremony, the most popular winner was George Clooney. Jean Du Jardin almost did not distinguish between them. The two people have some momentum to go hand in hand. If the popularity of the "artist" is added, then Jean may have the upper hand. ; Behind them, there is a blue gift waiting for an upset, and Brad who refuses to give up and pursues it.

What's interesting is that the process of tonight's awards ceremony not only failed to make the pattern of the celebrity battle clearer, it became more and more chaotic.

Among the five nominees, with the exception of Lan Li's "Love Is Crazy" who did not win the best picture, the other four works were shortlisted for the final battle of the best picture. However, now that "penalty kicks" and "potters, tailors, soldiers, and spies" have all been declared out, the "descendants" and "artists" are eligible and capable of competing for the final prize.

In other words, "George VS Jean", the two most popular duel, seems to have become the biggest highlight of the best actor battle. Whoever wins will be able to take the lead again in the next decisive battle. A actor's golden figure, the weight seems to be heavier.

But, what if you are upset like best actress and best editing? For example, Brad won the "penalty kick", so tonight's Oscar is really interesting.

Under the eyes of everyone, Natalie Portman, the winner of last year's best actress, stepped onto the stage with grace.

The scene can clearly feel the almost suffocating tension, anxiety and depression, even the sound of swallowing saliva has become difficult and obscured; the hot light slowly engulfed, like a flame, slowly It burns slowly and slowly, and the oxygen is depleted little by little, and then the lungs begin to burn, piping hot, sharp, and tingling. After the emotion was suppressed to the extreme, his whole body became stiff.

Natalie, who was standing in the center of the stage, seemed to feel the pressure too, and her movements seemed a little unnatural.

A trophy for the best actor has maintained the direction of the best film, and even the end of the entire awards season. It sounds absurd, but it has experienced the best editing, the best original screenplay, the best adapted screenplay, and the most After the different directions of the beautiful heroine, it is happening now.

Can you believe it? The two works of "Hugo" and "Artist" are still unacceptable in the core award department. The technical department has won several trophies, and now there are still several trophies. Therefore, all hopes are pinned in the hands of Natalie-the "Hugo" crew hopes not for the "artist" and "descendants"; while the "artist" and "descendants" hope for themselves.

The small envelope is extremely heavy.

The tight and scorching air was burning Lan Li's skin. Before he realized it, the sound of the heart hitting his chest became obvious ~ like the sound of drumming.

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath again, Lan Li gradually calmed herself down, the nervousness and anxiety were suppressed to the limit, and the whole person regained his composure. But immediately, Lan Li noticed the tightness of the two friends around him.

Jessica clasped her hands tightly on her knees, her expression stiff, and she kept swallowing saliva. The bright lipstick contrasted the tension on her cheeks. She seemed to notice Lan Li's gaze. She turned her head and pulled out. An awkward and jerky smile, unable to say a word, just raised his hands, clenched his fists, cheering for Lan Li, then crossed his fingers again, put them on his knees, and turned his head to look towards the stage.

She is even more nervous than the best supporting actress she nominated.

Ryan placed his hands on the back of the chair naturally, without any special movement, but his breath seemed to disappear. There was no ups and downs in his chest, and no changes in his expression. He looked straight at the stage with his eyes straight and his soul appeared. The body's muscles are so tight that it makes people wonder if it will explode in the next second.

The ubiquitous tension was suffocating. Involuntarily, Lan Li also began to tense.

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