The Greatest Showman

Chapter 910: Treated as a war post

In the quiet and silent dining room, there was a clear sound. Although it was slight, it was obvious enough. Elizabeth and Elf both raised their heads, cast their eyes in the direction of the sound, and then saw that they were still on the table. Sliding letters. Obviously, the sound just now was the sound of someone dropping a letter.

George's brows were frowning tightly together, and his dignified and solemn expression was drawn between the thick eyebrows, and there was a hint of anger. It can be seen that he is trying to suppress, but rude and casual actions, flipping the "Financial Times", the sound of clattering revealed his inner irritability and dissatisfaction.

This is still not the end. The newspaper had just been opened, and I flipped through a few pages with no sincerity and patience. Then he folded the newspaper again and threw it on the dining table. Completely ignored the upbringing and etiquette on the table.

"George, pay attention to your words and deeds." Elizabeth didn't hold back, her tone was steady, but she was stern.

This sentence seemed to sting George's sensitive nerves, and his voice rose slightly, "My words and deeds? If it were not for your dissuasion, things would not have progressed to this point. Now the shame has been lost to the West End of London, now What should we do?"

The accumulation of years of education has given George a strong ability to control himself, but there are always exceptions to things. Special topics can always challenge the sensitive nerves and release all negative emotions.

As he said, George's eyes widened, and he could faintly see the tight jaw, and his words began to become sharp, "If your words and deeds are so perfect, then you come and tell me how we should deal with it now. , Let Arthur send me to kidnap him to the Lake District and keep him in a mental hospital for a few months? **** Christ, Elizabeth, it’s 2012, not 1912!"

George raised his hand and picked up the envelope just now. With a slight throw, the letter slid across the mirror-like table and landed in front of Elizabeth, "It's too late now. At least, I don't know what to do. He just stood outside and embarrassed like this, and we just hid in Bayswater, pretending that nothing happened? Shame, this is the real shame!"

"Calm down." Elizabeth was still unmoved, and said in a calm and cold tone, "With such words and deeds, with such manners, do you think the Duke would still be willing to entrust their assets to you for management? George, you are not thirty-two years old. Up."

George did not lose his temper anymore, but stared at Elizabeth coldly, waiting for Elizabeth to open the envelope, and then saw Elizabeth's calm face changed slightly. As expected, George's brows lightly raised, and the bottom of his eyes slipped. A trace of sarcasm, waiting for Elizabeth's answer.

Elizabeth quickly scanned the content of the invitation letter, her left hand could not help being clenched into a fist, her manicured nails pierced into her palm, and the slight tingling made her wake up quickly, "I told you, in this drama Before we start, we should be strangled in the cradle."

"How to kill?" George also calmed down completely at this time, his cold words without a trace of firework, as if the emotional out-of-control just now had never happened before, "John Cod, that's a hard bone, whose account Neither buy; the Almeida Theatre is even more a thorn, even the Prince of Wales is willing to visit, what do you think we can do? Or do you think we can convince Andre Hamilton?"

It's not that they haven't tried it.

To be precise, when they met at the unveiling ceremony of Eaton-Domer’s personal brand, they had already realized the urgency and severity of the problem. After that, the Berlin Film Festival’s Silver Bear Award was approaching for the first time; the Oscar’s most Good actor, this is the second approaching; returning to London again and throwing into the drama rehearsal of the West End, this is the third approaching.

Naturally, they can't just sit back and wait and try different methods to try to stifle the prospect of this drama in London, but this is not an easy task.

John Cod and Almeida Theater are hard bones. On the one hand, they are dedicated to artistic creation and are not cold about the intricate connections; on the other hand, their professionalism is well-known, and they are among the aristocracy. There are also many supporters in China. The Prince of Wales, also known as Prince Charles, is the crown prince with the longest standby time.

Most importantly, Andre is the investor in this drama. Not the Hamiltons, but Andre. Regardless of the personal relationship between Andre and Renly, it is useless even if pressure is exerted by the Hamiltons—everybody knows that the Hamiltons are very fond of this young son, and they are almost unwilling to do so.

"So, you put the blame on me?" Elizabeth straightened her back and pushed back without showing any weakness. "In the beginning, if you didn't completely cut off his financial source, how could he go to New York? He? How could there be a chance?"

For the noble children, lacking the support of the family and the support of other friends, they may really starve to death on the streets.

George didn’t want to go back. “At the very beginning, I said that he shouldn’t learn piano and shouldn’t learn acting. What did you say? You told me that the new century is coming, and we need to keep up with the times. Advance, you can’t hold on to the tradition. What about now? Now look at the result?"

"Stop!" A crisp humming sounded, stopping George and Elizabeth from accusing each other, surprisingly the third person in the restaurant, Elf Hall.

Even in the face of sudden quarrels and chaos, Elf still did not panic. The obedient hair bun is not messy, the upright and graceful spine holds its head high, and the slightly raised chin curve is like a proud white swan, white, supple, and elegant. "We are not those fragmented middle-class families. Please pay attention to your words, deeds and attitudes."

The middle-class family crises that appeared in the movie tore each other's faces, revealing the ugliest and truest side. That's not how they deal with problems.

Elf's cold and calm words diverted both George and Elizabeth's attention, but they calmed down after all. "Now that things have happened, the most important thing is to think about solutions."

The calm words hide a condescending sternness. Not surprisingly, Elf is indeed a daughter in Hall's family, but in front of George and Elizabeth, she has the right to speak. At least the ability to talk equally.

George dropped the napkin in his hand on the table, "I don't care. I will not attend the premiere, nor will I talk about any related topics. You have to settle for me. I don't want to hear anyone in the workplace. Talking about the Hall's bad things behind the back." After speaking, George strode out of the restaurant.

"Master." Philip went back and forth. He saw George in front of the restaurant. He stepped aside and said hello, but he didn't stop George, "Philip, get the car. I'll go to the bank now."

"Yes." Philip did not argue or doubt, and quickly walked to the concierge, picked up the internal phone, and informed the driver to prepare the car.

In the restaurant, only Elf and Elizabeth were left.

Elizabeth rubbed her temples, but her emotions were still not completely calmed down; Elf stood up, came to Elizabeth, took the invitation letter, and read it carefully, "We must attend the premiere."

"Elf!" Elizabeth sat up straight, not even caring about her elegance, her voice trembling slightly rose up, "We must attend the premiere, why? Let him humiliate us face to face? Or let others watch us. A joke? I can’t believe it. He really treated us like this and returned to the stage of the West End and sent out the invitation letter? So cruel!”

"You announced that you kicked him out of the house. No one thought it was cruel. Similarly, he invited you to attend the premiere ceremony, and no one would think it was cruel." Elf's calm words seemed like A soft knife pierced Elizabeth's chest bit by bit, but she did not know, put down the invitation letter, and returned to her position.

"Mother. It would be a real shame if Lanly did not send out the invitation letter. The whole London knew about the premiere and received the invitation letter. Only we were not invited? What does it mean?" Elf was calm enough, It was also meticulous enough, and soon figured out the whole thing, "Andre is a lively person, no one can be sure, who he will invite to the premiere. Even so, do you still think we don’t have to attend? ?"

Elizabeth owns an art gallery. Whenever the gallery introduces new paintings or introduces potential artists to the stage, they will hold grand parties. Such parties are not only for sales, but also for the nobles' daily social occasions.

Imagine that all the nobles are present, and only a few people are absent. This is equivalent to being excluded from the upper class circle. This is the real shame.

As Elf said, Andre is an untimely bomb. What's more, Lanly has a large number of students at Cambridge University and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in If the Hall family were absent from the premiere, they would simply surrender in this battle.

After trying to understand this, Elizabeth's fingers curled up again, "This is a war post! He is betting, we dare not attend!" If you don't attend, it's a tortoise. Light, this is a battle that is doomed early. However, Lan Li still issued an invitation letter.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth.

"You and your father don't need to be present." Elf has already conceived a solution. "It's up to Arthur and I to attend. We will leave the social entertainment to us."

Not George and Elizabeth, but Elf and Arthur, who are the same generation as Lan Li. This is undoubtedly better, no matter whether they win or lose, George and Elizabeth can be invincible.

Elf looked up, and then saw Philip who returned to the restaurant, "Philip, you also come with us. I think the Blue Lions would like to see you there."

This is the eldest daughter of the Hall family, Elf Hall, elegant, calm, strategizing, and never going wrong.

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