The Greatest Showman

Chapter 920: Shine

The figure of Bishop Milière stayed in place, but Jean-Ajean looked at him with eyes full of inconceivability, staggering, stepping back, backing back again, and finally fled in panic and shame.

The lights of the entire stage gradually gathered, and the two sides were plunged into the gloom, leaving only a bright spot in the center of the stage, and the figure of Bishop Milière gradually disappeared into the shadow on the left.

Jean-Ajean’s figure staggered back, crossing most of the stage, the bright halo clearly outlined with shock and shame, with embarrassment and fear, that tough shoulders and strong back were just a little bit. The earth collapsed, and the side face between the light and shadow, leaked a trace of panic, disturbed the quiet and sacred light, and finally disappeared in the shadow on the right.

The stage was empty. Only the warm light was flowing, like a waterfall, quietly venting down.

The short silence left a lingering charm in the Almeida Theater. Just a stumbling figure reveals the shock and panic in Jean-Ajean's heart, and then leaves a blank space to give the audience enough time to savor the words of Bishop Milière, and the chemical reaction begins little by little. To ferment.

Mark Lacante's eyes widened and stared at the empty stage intently. His heartbeat was speeding up, but his breathing was slowing down. The rebellious silence and depression were surging in his lungs, and the tip of his tongue seemed to be able to taste Jean Ah Let the confusion and entanglement, bitter and sweet, involuntarily clenched his fists with both hands.

Even if he didn't know the reason.

"What did I do?" In the shadow on the right side of the stage, a light question came from his heart, but he gently plucked the strings in Mark's heart. This is a torture from the soul and from his conscience. Questioning, in my mind, everything that happened in the past thirty-five minutes was replayed quickly like a revolving lantern.

Inexplicably, Mark's eyes were covered with warmth. He witnessed the fall of Jean Arjean, but also witnessed the collapse of the entire era. In this insignificant little figure, Jean Arjean condensed all the tragedies of the era and society.

With heavy steps and drooping shoulders, Jean-Ajean’s figure came out again. The heavy darkness slowly slipped from his shoulders. The faint brilliance outlined the outline of the figure. The raised face was looking for something above his head. Lost, at a loss, seemingly unable to see any expression, but a sigh was caused deep in my heart.

He walked to the front right of the stage, and knelt on his knees slowly and heavily, as if all the weight of the whole body fell on the knees. The whole theater was silent, there was no music, no lines, or even breathing. The dull sound of kneeling on the ground beat the heart like thunder, and you could even hear the magnificence of the collapse of the whole world.

Mark's upper body couldn't help but straightened up, trying to get closer, and then closer, the figure on the stage, close at hand, but far away from the horizon, the impact that there is no barrier or cover, the imposing force vented magnificently. Next, I cut off all the distracting thoughts and thoughts in my mind, and just sat in a daze, dazedly, sitting on the spot, receiving the shock baptism.

"Good Jesus, what have I done!"

With another beating and flogging of self-inquiry, in the panic and out of focus eyes, slowly dizzy, uncontrollable panic began to spread from the depths of the soles of the feet, like drowning, I watched myself surrounded by the lake , But couldn't struggle, and couldn't get rid of it, just watched the water rise little by little in fear and panic, and swallowed herself little by little.

In that despair and pain, Jean-Ajean closed his eyes and slowly clenched his hands on his knees into fists, "Become a shameless thief in the night? Become a runaway dog? Have I fallen. At this point, it's too late for all the catastrophes to be admired? Only hatred is left in my heart.

The fists of both hands began to tremble slightly because they were too hard, the whole body was trembling, and he took a breath, then stopped in place, opened his eyes again, and the tight facial lines leaked out. Anger, monstrous anger, "In the darkness, no one hears my roar!"

Slowly, he stood up, as if he was carrying a huge weight, his knees were trembling slightly, but he stood up resolutely, his face looked up at the sky, and all the negative emotions in his heart were turned towards The sacred faith in my heart vented out, "Now, I am standing at a turning point in my life, but if there are other choices for fate, I would have missed it twenty years ago!"

"My life is a losing war. They gave me a string of familiarity, and then obliterated Ran-Ran!" His footsteps suddenly took a big step forward, so excited, so excited, so angry, the whole Man stood on the edge of the stage, as if standing on the edge of a cliff, shaky, as if as long as a gust of wind blows, he would fall, and then he would be broken to pieces.

But he didn't care, his fists in both hands were roaring, "They locked me with chains, making me desperate to die, and all this is only because I stole a bite of bread!" Anger, aggrieved, depressed, dull , Pain, torture, sorrow, all turned into despair, dragging his footsteps, falling heavily.

Mark looked at the stage incredulously, dumbfounded, tears wet his eyes before he realized it. Thirty-five minutes of foreshadowing, thirty-five minutes of accumulation, thirty-five minutes of brewing, finally broke out at this moment. He truly felt the anger and despair of Jean Ajean, and he also truly felt Ran- Ajan's helplessness and loss.

To vent, to vent heartily; to erupt, to vent without reservation. Convergence, reconvergence, control, and control. Until this moment, all the emotions, all the heaviness and all the forbearance of Jean-Ajean were released, so turbulent that the entire Almeida Theater was surrendered, and the brain fell into A blank, can only passively accept everything.

Staggering, Ran-Rang's footsteps staggered back again, all the momentum was instantly defeated, the anger dissipated, despair retreated, his tight shoulders and fists were relaxed, and it seemed that the whole person began to fall apart, one step, another step, steadily. He retreated and returned to the center of the stage. The mighty light shrouded him, like the wings of an angel, gently licking his wound.

However, this gentleness made him feel pain.

If he can, he wants to continue to hate and continue to be angry. Because, in this way, life will become easier, he can hate the whole world, he can hate everyone, and then use this as an excuse to refuse all approach and help, run rampant with his own power, in this dark age, lawless. Sometimes life becomes simpler without love and kindness.

Jean Arjean stood on the spot, his sagging shoulders leaked a trace of fragility; the drooping head slowly raised, the soft light caught the glittering tears in the corners of those eyes, and outlined the inner struggle and pain; that The eyes hidden behind the mist can not see clearly because of the distance of the stage, but can faintly feel the scarred helplessness.

"But why do I allow this person to touch my soul and teach me to be kind." Jean-Ajean stepped forward again and walked towards the front of the left side of the stage, seeming to be approaching the saint little by little. Light, timid and anticipating, fear and joy, the contradictory emotions were all revealed in the hesitation, but after all, he did not stop, and still moved forward firmly, "He treats me like an ordinary person, and he gives me his Trust, he still calls me a brother, he wants God to ask for the redemption of my soul, is all this true?"

Jean-Ajean’s footsteps paused for a moment, and the forward steps were taken back. The hesitation and struggle in his heart were fighting between heaven and man, "Because so far, I have deeply hated this world, and this world has always despised me. "Jan-Ajean retreated again, returned to the center of the stage, staring blankly around, curled up into a ball in pain, "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye! The heart is like a stone, cold-blooded! This has always been my belief in survival. , This is my understanding of the world!"

That brutal hostility broke out again, between anger and ferocity, mouth foam splashed, the whole face was hideous and distorted, his face covered with messy beard and dirty blood stained his head, making him look like a demon, just now Returning from hell, that ferocious expression spread across the entire stage.

Those eyes, those eyes that stay in the halo but are hidden under the shadow, violent, pain, anger, cruel, torment, torture, countless intricacies, melted in the entanglement of the light, seem to be unable to see clearly, But it is extremely clear, and it spreads gently on the tongue of every audience.

Mark clenched his teeth tightly and tightly, under his nose, he seemed to be able to smell the **** breath that was lingering, and he entered the world of Jean-Agent with empathy, deeply desperate, once, again, severely It hits my so dull and painful, so sad that I can't speak.

Involuntarily, Mark lifted his chin, tried to get closer, and then closer, but couldn't distinguish his mixed feelings. Maybe he wants to stand behind Jean-Ajean, become his supporter, and fight with him; maybe, like Bishop Milière, he wants to give Jean-Ajean a touch of starlight with his kindness and tolerance. Hope.

Then Mark saw Jean-Aljean raising his head, catching the tears in the halo, overflowing little by little, not fragile or desperate, but panic, but at a loss. It's timidity. The shallow tears shed all the scars in his heart.

Jean-Ajean clenched his fists again and tried his best to restrain his fragility, but in the face of faith and goodwill, this ray of strength was too weak. "He only needs to speak and confirm, and I will return to hell. In Under the flogging, he slaughtered his life, but he gave me freedom, made me ashamed, and heartbroken!"

The eye sockets seemed to be unable to bear the weight of tears anymore. They were bitter and hot, sorrowful and hot. They just slid down. Jean-Ajean raised his hands and fists, as if he wanted to do something, as if he wanted to vent something, but in the end He closed his eyes severely, put his hands down, and wailed sadly on his face full of pain and despair.

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