The Greatest Showman

Chapter 922: Surrender

Applause, crazy applause, thunderous applause, the mountains swept like a tsunami.

With such enthusiastic applause, how many years hasn't seen the West End of London? Even if a play really ended, they have not felt such enthusiasm for many years, enough to make the 550 spectators go crazy; however, "Les Miserables" is only the end of the first act.

This is really incredible; however, it is actually happening.

Arthur Hall stood up. Not out of politeness, but out of exclamation. Lan Li, who was standing on the stage, seemed to be not the younger brother he was familiar with. He was so unfamiliar that he was almost unrecognizable, not because of his makeup, but because of the vitality in his eyes.

That majestic vitality has injected a distinctive temperament into the role and performance. Arthur was a little envious of such a blue gift.

This is the first time Arthur has seen Lan Li's performance with his own eyes. Arthur had no interest in and would not watch the previous movie works; but today, Arthur really felt the burning enthusiasm in Lan Li’s body for the first time. He seemed... it seemed that he was born for acting. Because of this enthusiasm, Lan Li decisively left the house and headed to the other side of the Atlantic; also because of this enthusiasm, Lan Li became a different kind of Hall's family and triggered a series of fuse.

In the life of the nobility, they did not allow this enthusiasm to exist. But now, Arthur saw the radiance of Lan Li's body, and he finally understood Edith's words. "I admire Lan Li, and I admire Lan Li. Because I will never become Lan Li. In him, he has what we have all lost."

When he saw Lan Li speeding up with all his strength, he rushed to the front of the stage like a moth into a fire, bursting out with a powerful momentum that he would not hesitate to break his body and bones. Arthur admitted that he was so frightened that his heart stopped beating. Such emotions cannot exist in the upper class, or even forbidden.

But then, Lan Li took control, as if everything had never really gotten out of control. Then, that powerful force came upon his face.

Before realizing it, Arthur stood up and clapped vigorously and frantically. He doesn't even remember the last time he felt such a shock in the West End of London. It seems that all previous performances and repertoires have become insignificant and bleak at this moment.

After the impulse, many years of training in the rules finally restrained his body movements. He turned his head and saw the Dunlop family and the Dormer family sitting in the next box. In the dimness and the crowd, Eaton's figure was a little fuzzy, and he could only catch Matthew in the front.

At this time, Matthew stood upright, like a green pine, clapping his hands vigorously, and his eyes burst with a similar light, which made Arthur envied.

Afterwards, Arthur noticed the boiling and madness of the entire Almeida Theater. All the audience stood up, and the applause could not stop at all. They continued to whirl and whirl again and again, because this is The only way, the only way to relieve the excitement in the chest.

As time progressed, not only did the applause not weaken, but there were signs of continued warming. This is really, incredible.

His sight finally fell on the figure beside him, Elf Hall.

Elf also stood up, but her manner was so elegant, elegant and classic, quiet and calm. However, this graceful enthusiasm in the audience was a bit...cold, like an iceberg, surrounded by the gurgling volcanic magma, still unmoved.

Arthur and Elf have known each other for a lifetime. He can feel Elf’s mood swings. Under the calm appearance, he can smell Elf’s panic and shock, the surging emotions are rampant; he can capture the surprise and surprise in Elf’s eyes. Astonished, in the dim light, it became more obvious. However, all these excitements are hidden under the frost.

In the end, she still clapped gracefully like a nobleman. There was no enthusiasm, no smoke or fire, and no clapping of her hands. She was just a decent and perfect lady's manner; the head that was raised high, that was strong and straight. The spine seems to be maintaining the dignity of his nobleman, and he is also maintaining the decent name of "Hall".

At this moment, Arthur tasted bitterness and sadness.

Arthur knew that everyone was paying attention to the Hall's every move. If they were too excited or too admired, not only were they gaffes, but they also expressed their surrender and lost to Lan Li, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow. , After the performance tonight, the Hall family will be reduced to a joke.

Therefore, Elf, who represents the Hall family, must hide all his emotions and only send a polite response; that arrogant gesture still draws the line between each other and shows the position of the Hall family: We are still dismissive of such a performance and such an actor.

Elf, there is no choice; Elf, the performance is perfect.

The perfect performance of Lan Li and perfect performance of Elf fell in Arthur's eyes, but they outlined a ridiculous and pathetic arc, quietly hidden in the shadows, no one knew. Looking back again, looking at Lan Li under the spotlight, the light gradually dimmed, and he could only vaguely outline a figure silhouette, but Arthur was a little envious as never before.

Deep down, Arthur was a little bit choked. George and Elizabeth didn't see this scene. He really believed that they should have watched this scene.

In the balcony box next door, Henry Dunlop bumped his brother with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "Jesus Christ, has Renly always been so talented?"

Matthew turned his head and saw Henry's face full of confusion.

Among the aristocratic class in London, the Holl family’s external statement has never changed: Lan Li went to Hollywood to go to Hollywood to associate with ordinary entertainment stars. He has no talent or talent, and can only rely on appearance to occupy a place. .

For the nobles, film is one of the means of entertainment, but it is not on the list of daily choices. Lan Li appeared in a lot of works and made a lot of news, but he was a little surprised-most aristocrats had never watched Lan Li's works. This is a fact.

The smile at the corner of Matthew's mouth lifted slightly, and then he squeezed it down, "He is a genius." He said. There are no superfluous decorations, and extremely concise words, but they are enough.

Henry closed his jaw, "I believe it." Then, Henry's applause became more enthusiastic, expressing his inner admiration.

Today, at the premiere of the Almeida Theatre version of "Les Miserables", Andre, Matthew and Eaton have fully expanded their contacts. More than two-thirds of noble families in London have received at least one Invitation card.

Perhaps it was because of the nobility's face in social occasions, or it was because of the mentality of watching Hall's drama. This premiere has become the hottest event for the upper class in London in May. Those nobles who have not received the invitation letter are all filled with righteous indignation and look lonely-because they are not the hottest group of social centers.

But no matter what mentality you hold, at this moment, the situation in Dunlop’s box is fully unfolding——

The youngest son of the Hall family is making his debut on the stage with a shocking attitude, and the whole West End of London is shaking.

There was endless applause. Even though Lan Li left the stage, the applause did not stop. One minute, two minutes, three minutes...This was the end of the first act of "Les Miserables", and they ushered in a three-minute applause storm. And it continues, so passionate, so generous, so excited.

After finishing the performance, Lan Li returned to the side stage and saw the staff and other actors standing on the side stage. Everyone was applauding, everyone was watching, in those bright eyes. Shining with excitement and excitement, it seems that everyone has received the infection.

The audience is like this, so is the crew, no one can be an exception.

The real performance has a thrilling and shocking power. Just now, Lan Li did it.

But for Lan Li, this is just the first step in the Long March. The six-hour repertoire has just finished forty minutes. The most important feature of performanceist acting is that it can be retracted freely and on stage. The emotion stays on the stage, and after leaving the stage, the actor must return to reality——

Because there are more performances and more stories to be prepared in the future, the actors cannot stay in the last scene and remember, otherwise it will only trigger a chain effect and completely destroy all subsequent performances.

Therefore, after leaving the stage, Lan Li has calmed down the turbulent mood. At this moment, seeing those pairs of eyes, Lan Li couldn't help but was slightly stunned, and then laughed dumbfounded.

This scene is indeed hearty, and all the 18 martial arts have been played to the extreme. This is Renly’s current peak level. It seems that it has never been so happy and unreserved in any work before, even if it is "transcendence"; but today, Renly has really touched his limit. .

He likes this feeling, and he enjoys this kind of performance. Every minute and every second is so happy and happy, every moment is so satisfying and fulfilling. This is the meaning of his existence, this is the goal of his life, and this is all his dreams are.

"God, I really love this stage."

Lan Li smiled brightly, accepted the applause and cheers calmly, and then nodded to the staff, "The next scene is about to begin, and we must begin preparations." Lan Li still needs to be on stage immediately, but before that, He needs to wipe off his makeup and change a set of clothes, and he is still aristocratic. The process is very cumbersome and every second counts.

No, the staff standing next to record the sequence of performances laughed happily, "You should see the current situation in the theater with your own eyes."

Applause, can't stop at all, as if the whole world is surrendering to it.

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