The Greatest Showman

Chapter 927: Forget about it

In an instant, Jean Arjean stood up and straightened, his sturdy and turbulent momentum vented down like a surging river.

The lights on the stage quietly changed. The light enveloped Jean-Ajean and Javert gradually became the same, as if the two people were really standing on the same balance, but the eyes of all the audience Involuntarily projected towards Jean Arjean on the left, most people didn't even understand what happened, but instinctively perceived the change of aura and the strength of the momentum.

The melody of the symphony exploded in an instant, and Jean Arjean stretched out his right hand, the wooden stick in his hand stretched out, and with a light pick, the flames of war were on the verge of breaking out!

"You don't know the world!" "Come back and confess your guilt, 24061."

"You will witness my death soon." "The Feng Shui turns now."

"But before I die, I must also allow justice to be done!" "Jan-Ajean is already dead!"

At this moment, Ran made a big step, and suddenly stepped forward, his arms like a big Peng spreading his wings, gave up the defense, gave up the offense, and stood in front of Javert with his muscles tense. , The posture stretched, the awe-inspiring justice gushed out, and the sonorous voice burst directly. Above that face, the panic, the sadness, and the despair disappeared, and the desperate counterattack rose up, shining with a bright light.

In an instant, the situation reversed!

Javert widened his eyes and stared at Jean Ajean, the surging aura crushed vigorously, forgetting the fear of life and death, and the scruples of fame and fortune, and the moths embraced justice like a fire. The powerful energy made Javert feel fear and panic, and there seemed to be a trace of tremor in his heart.

However, this is just a trace; then, Javert provoked the tip of the sword, stepped up without hesitation, and sprinted towards Jean-Agent, who had no defense. That thrilling moment made the entire Almeida The theater took a deep breath and let out a cry of exclamation. At the moment of his death, Jean Arjean turned sideways, let go of the tip of his sword, and escaped.

With just such an action, Javert managed to curb the downward trend. He knew that he knew that Jean-Agen was a liar, a thief, and an innocent criminal. He could never change the filth and sordidness in his soul. Humble. As a result, Javert's momentum rose sharply again, and for the second time he collided with Jean Ajean.


Screaming, Marc Lacante only wants to scream. More precisely, it should be a roar. With such a confrontation, the collision between momentum and momentum is still rising. The confrontation between you and me is like a stormy sea. In general, layer upon layer of rushing toward the face, there is no room for breathing, just want to roar, and roar together, heartily vent all the excitement and excitement.

Look good, such a drama is really good!

This is the real Lanli-Hall, and even the soul is shining!


"I warn you! Javert!" "You don't know me at all!"

"I don't have any fear now!" "I was born in prison."

"If you have to kill you to get out." "I was born among scum like you."

"I will definitely play with no mercy!" "I was born lowly."

Jean Arjean did not make a move. The wooden stick in his hand was only used for defense and never attacked Javert. However, under Javert’s aggressive and pressing offensive, Jean Arjean began to feel stretched; Javert's momentum began to rise steadily, becoming more and more fierce, forcing Jean Ajean to be embarrassed, and the red-eyed Javert was threatening.

The positions of the two changed quickly. In the end, Javert successfully picked out the long stick in Jean Arjean’s hand, and forced Jean Arjean into the mortar next to Fantine’s bed, raising his chest high. Once again, condescendingly looked down at the humble and embarrassed Jean-Ajean, and turned to the end, but Javert took the initiative!

The continuous and powerful momentum finally calmed down after the heartfelt eruption ended.

The turbulent mind disappeared in a dazzling darkness, the melody stopped and the singing stopped, but the aura of the air was still surging vigorously.

Jean-Ajean, who burst into a fierce and brutal manner, took a big step backwards, abruptly pulling the distance between him and Javert, turning his eyes to Fantine next to him, as if he was sleeping peacefully. , The straight spine tightened little by little, and the perseverance between the eyebrows was shining in the light.

Faith is stronger than ever at this moment! Faith is more brilliant than ever at this moment!

"This is the promise I made to you tonight!" Jean-Ajean's voice became soft again, as if weeping like a complaint, it seemed that the final farewell was going on.

This time, Javert did not confront each other step by step. Instead, he aimed at Jean-Ajean with the tip of his sword, staggered his voice, and pronounced the final verdict like a judge, "You have nowhere to run!"

The tense confrontation, which was on the verge of breaking out, finally dissipated, becoming a confrontation of one after another, one after another, and Javert’s eyes fell on Jean-Agen and never left; and Jean-Agen’s eyes remained unchanged. Never left Fantine, it seems that Javert is completely gone.

The smile on the corner of Jean Arang's mouth rose slightly, and he confided in a soft and gentle voice, panting, his eyes were so focused and devoted, "Your child will be taken care of by me."

But Javert has completely lost his reason and judgment. He just prepared to arrest Jean-Agen on the spot, with the tip of the sword close to Jean-Agen’s neck little by little. It seems that as long as it is a little further forward, it will be fine. Piercing the thin skin, the hot blood will slowly flow out.

This made Javert's eyes become excited, and he strongly declared his determination, "No matter where you hide!"

"I will let her grow up carefree..." But Jean-Ajean turned a deaf ear to her, showing a bright smile, and made her promise.

Then, Jean Ajean straightened his knees slowly and slowly, stood up straight, his eyes fixed on Javert, and the two sang loudly in unison, "I swear to you! I will do it." !"

The same sentence has a completely different meaning.

Javert vowed that he would chase Jean Arjean to the end of the world and would never let him go easily.

Jean-Ajean swore that he would keep his promise and take care of Cosette for the rest of his life. This was an agreement between him and Fantine.

In the same song, the interlacing and entanglement of destiny reached the peak in the torrent of the times, and all emotions were released in an instant.

Without warning, a dash of Javert immediately forced Javert back, and then turned lightly, Jean-Ajean flew towards the shadow on the right hand side, amidst the sound of exclamation, his ears There was a thumping sound of falling into the water, and then Javert caught up with him in two strides, staring at the empty darkness in front of him, panting, with a stubborn face, standing in place with resentment!

Standoff, end!

Uncontrollably, Marc Lacante stood up, and every pore on his body was completely opened! Such a wonderful confrontation, such an indescribable match, completely turned watching the drama into a kind of enjoyment, and the excitement exploded in the chest and mind.

From Fantine to Jean-Agen, to Javert, and finally back to Jean-Agen, a circle is perfectly formed, pushing the plot of the second act to another climax!

But after standing up, Mark regretted that he was too impulsive? Did he forget about it?

Immediately, Mark was relieved.

The audience stood up in a group, and thunderous applause echoed in the Almeida Theater. The second act, ended, ended between Fantine's death and Jean-Agen’s escape, so everyone After depressing and depressing, accumulating and accumulating, until now, his emotions can finally be released.

After realizing this, Mark smiled brightly, slapped his hands frantically, and exhausted his strength. Although he looked like a lunatic and completely lost his reason, he didn't care, he didn't care.

Such a performance is absolutely a top-notch enjoyment, which makes people forget about it, immersed in it completely, unable to extricate themselves.

Not only Mark, but everyone in the audience, including Aristel.

In the Queen's Theatre version of "Les Miserables", Jean-Ajean and Javert's play is called "the-", which was nicknamed the scene of a car accident by many professional critics.

Because in this scene, all the performances of the two actors are intertwined, singing at the same time, confronting at the same time, interlacing at the same time, between question and answer, it is difficult to step on the same rhythm. God, not to mention whether the audience can clearly understand every sentence of the lyrics is an extremely difficult thing; just to say that the performance of the two actors can be called a disaster.

Even though this play has been performed in the Queen’s Theatre for nearly thirty years, it still often makes, Jean-Ajean’s actors accidentally sang Javert’s lyrics. Then Javert stood there with a dazed expression, at a loss; sometimes, two actors compete for speed with each other, and one person finishes singing, and the other person doesn't finish singing, and then the scene is embarrassing.

But more often, the two actors were unable to convey the atmosphere of the chamber's resistance to courtesy, and the two inevitably appeared out of tune and wrong words, which affected the quality of the scene.

This is not the actor's problem, but the difficulty of the whole show itself. It is extremely difficult to fit perfectly. Even in the scene just now, Javert's aura could not be fully displayed, he was at a disadvantage, and his integrity was undermined.

However, Aristel still had to dedicate all the applause to the two actors, especially Lan Li. In controlling the details of emotion and momentum, it may be just empathy for ordinary audiences; but for professional and senior audiences, it is really a kind of ultimate enjoyment, fully showing the artistic quality of the performance.

Wonderful, indeed too brilliant, amidst the thunderous applause, Alistair slapped his hands again and applauded. At this moment, they can finally release to their heart's content!

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