The Greatest Showman

Chapter 938: Devout faith

"You can take it! You can also give! Let him go and let him live! Take him home!"

The affectionate and moving call, sincere pleading, sincere prayer, full of deep tenderness, like an angel spreading its wings, gently covering Marius’ thin shoulders, and gently covering Enjolras When the bodies of the young fighters were covered with dust and blood, they were strictly shielded from the squally rain.

Mark Lacante couldn't bear it anymore, his tearful eyes burst into tears, watching Jean Ajean on the stage, watching Lanly Hall in the light, as if touching the soul in his heart. With the weight and the heat of faith, he couldn't help but slowly stretched out his right hand, trying to get closer, and then closer.

But in an instant, the trembling heartbeat stopped the palm of his hand, and he did not dare to move on, lest he would break such a wonderful dream, and lest he blaspheme such a noble god. It's like... looking up to God.

At this moment, Jean Arjean’s sad eyes gleamed with redemption and forgiveness, and flowed with sacrifice and care, so tender and sad, gently licking the scarred souls; tall body All the bullets and bullets are blocked out, ardently guarding this last piece of pure land.


At this moment, it is stronger than ever, enough to shock the soul, so that everyone deeply feels their own insignificance and humbleness. They can only crawl on the ground in anxious manner, kissing the feet of God, and bringing all their hopes and all their hopes. Pious, all desires are all pour out.

What a great power that can make the soul firmer, and it can also make the mind clearer. It is not only a sustenance of faith, but also a ray of light that illuminates life.

Mark felt the power of faith like never before. Through that figure on the stage, he seemed to see the passage of time, the changes in time and space, the vicissitudes of life, the earth-turning, and the barrenness...and hope at the end of the world.

In a trance, Mark has completely forgotten the existence of Renly-Hall and the existence of the Almeida Theater. Only himself is left in the whole world, and the gentle, deep and heart-moving melody is echoing leisurely. , Then, crossed his hands religiously and intently, sat quietly in place, praying sincerely.

The boundary between reality and illusion no longer exists at this time. They have truly entered the world of Jean-Harajean and have truly become a part of that era.

"Oh, God." Mark couldn't help but call out in a low voice from deep in his heart, and then tears completely broke the bank, blurred his vision, and burned his chest.


Jean-Aljean took a step forward slowly, lowered his head, and a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth. He focused and deeply looked at Marius in front of him. His eyes were full of tears, revealing a touch of sadness and tenderness. But China became more and more heartbreaking. The bitterness of parting, the heroism of sacrifice, and the determination of faith burst into unprecedented power at this moment.

He is a father, a father who is willing to go through fire and water for his child, a father who is willing to take care of his child with his own life, and a father who is willing to use everything he has to protect the happiness of his child, even if he is crushed.

He is a believer, a believer who is willing to burn his life for faith, a believer who is willing to follow the light of his faith and a believer who is willing to sacrifice his life to save all living beings, just like... God sent his son **** to the world to inherit Everything is painful.

At this moment, in this instant, Jean-Ajean's soul truly completed the transformation, washed away the lead bloom, faded away the scars, and became clear and translucent again, but he himself was completely unknown.

The sight was just looking at Marius, his Marius, Cosette's Marius, his Cosette.

All the excitement/emotion and surging gradually calmed down. He breathed out softly and whispered, "Take him home." The affectionate call, like a feather of light, slipped through my heart, and finally, emotion accompanied by The tears flickered and completely vented, took a deep breath, and sang loudly, "Take him..."

He raised his head high, raised his chest high, raised his right hand high, raised his voice high, truly entrusted myself to God, calling sincerely and affectionately, "Go home..."

One step, another step, the treble began to rise steadily, and the emotions began to slowly release; one point, another point, let all dreams fly, and release all excitement. The surging touch, in the voice full of soul fragments, blooms proudly without reservation, getting higher and longer, and it seems that it can continue forever and ever.

Unexpectedly, Aristel burst into tears in his eyes.

He closed his eyes grandiosely, closed tightly, trying to conceal his embarrassment, but before closing his eyes, the hot tears just slipped down like this. There was no time to control it. It was moved, sad, baptized, and even more so. Shocked, as if standing in the long river of history looking up at giants and ants in the sky, just surrendering to the ground, trembling and trembling, helplessly letting emotions gallop.

Majestic, endless, and ethereal!

Just when everyone thought the ending was coming to an end, Lan Li’s singing went up an octave again, tearing apart in the air, and all emotions exploded for the second time, getting higher and higher, more and more. The more surging, the hot blood and turbulent emotions are no longer reserved, completely released.


Ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds...

The long tail still shows no signs of ending, pushing the release of emotion to the extreme, breaking the shackles, and pushing it to the extreme again. Then Aristel completely fell apart like this. This is the real power, this is the real art, breaking free from the frame of art, refracting from reality into art, and from art into life, bringing continuous shock. .

Everyone was looking forward to this performance, and Lan Li lived up to expectations, interpreting the song "Take him home" in his own style, and gave it a stronger and more vigorous vitality, so wonderful that any language would be lost. In addition to the color, any comparison loses its meaning.

This is Jean Ajean, who relies on the soul of Renly, and this is Jean Ajean described by Victor Hugo, leaving the type and the frame of the drama, bearing the difficulties and history of the times. The weight really came alive.

Aristel clenched his fists tightly, but still couldn't control his heart's surging, but forgot to get rid of all the shackles, and completely wandered in the endless vastness and magnificence.

"Oh, God."

The final sound curled up, and finally disappeared in the air, but the voice disappeared, and the emotions were still surging. Aristel could no longer control himself, and stood up suddenly, free of his shackles and restraints, feverishly Applaud.

However, he was still half a beat, and the mountain whistling applause swept across his ears. The entire Almeida Theater was painted in dust, and the vast universe spread out in front of his eyes.

Applause, applause, or applause, can't be contained, can't stop, even so, Aristel still burst into tears, moved and reverently sent his highest admiration, at this moment, true surrender.

This is the pinnacle! This is the show! This is life!

With just one melody, Lan Li has already exhausted the vicissitudes of the years and the ups and downs of life, and even the meaning of life and the weight of existence. They sing and sing, and they are so old.

Aristel was so embarrassed, tears streaming down his face, like a child who was at a loss, but his agitated hands couldn't stop, just slapped hard, releasing his inner touch to his heart's content. At this moment, he once again found the touch of his love for drama, once again found the true meaning of performance, and once again found the highest state of art.

Applause, thunderous applause, resounded vigorously inside the Almeida Theater, shaking the whole world.

No one can be an exception. Mark has completely fallen apart and weeping, but he still stands firmly, staring at the tall figure on the stage, just wanting to worship, but he can’t find an accurate way of expression. So, they can only applaud.

This is the closing performance of the fourth act. Once again, the applause and whistles of the audience surrounded the entire stage for a long time. It was even more enthusiastic and turbulent than any previous scene. No one can be an exception, and there is no exception. People can get rid of, everyone just stands up, slaps their hands vigorously, and becomes a part of this torrent.

The mighty applause eclipsed the thunder and storm, and only the tall and stalwart figure of Lan Li remained on the entire stage, standing on the pinnacle of the world.

Crystal tears, surging emotions, shocking surrender, and moving beauty completely destroyed all defenses and reservations.

Even Elf Hall lowered his head in Forbearance, and forbearance, after all, she didn't hold it back, and the tears slipped down like this. Pure artistic enjoyment, pure soul baptism, stripped of all defenses and masks, just like a child, simply feel the shock, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry.

At this moment, Elf finally understood and read Lan Li, and the envy in his heart swelled uncontrollably, and filled his entire chest, almost breathless; but, even more The cruel thing was that she couldn't express it, she could only suppress it firmly in the bottom of her heart.

Emotion has completely gone, but reason still refuses to defend.

Because tonight she represents the Hall family, not herself. This is the reservedness and pride of the nobility. At this moment, Elf felt sad as never before.

Fortunately, no one noticed Elf's tolerance and depression. The entire Almeida Theater fell into a magnificent and majestic applause. The roar of the mountains began to shake the world, the world of Jean-Halljean and their real world.

The charm of London's West End blooms proudly!

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