The Greatest Showman

Chapter 941: Full release

Standing up, Jean Ajean did not take immediate steps, but slowly straightened his waist, straightened his chest, raised his chin slightly, and faced the creamy yellow light from the sky, as if embracing from The shroud of God's holy light, the alternation of death and vitality infects every cell, completing a reincarnation.

The soft halo fell on those deep eyes, and filled the sky with golden light, like a quiet lake.

Fantine’s noble and holy spirit’s singing came from my ears, "Hold my hand, and I will guide you to salvation; I have my love in my heart, because love never stops..."

"Remember." Jean-Ajean followed the melody of the song and seamlessly completed the second half of Fantine's singing. The gradually condensed singing voice is the gradually condensed energy, hidden under the skin. The soul, rejuvenated with vitality, moved forward firmly, step by step, slowly leaving Cosette and Marius behind.

"Remember, those truths that were once preached to people: Only those who love others can glimpse the true face of God." Jean-Ajean paused for a while, and looked back—

I saw Fantine bathed in the holy light, and then the light slowly went out, Fantine disappeared; I saw Cosette and Marius who were supporting each other, immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves, the light fell for a long time. On the shoulders of the two people, it went out very slowly, very slowly, and finally, Cosette and Marius also disappeared.

On the whole stage, only the lonely figure of Jean-Ajean was left standing in the center of the stage.

Turning his head, Jean Arjean looked into the distance, as if looking at the distance of a long road, and as if looking back at the past of a long life. That face that has been vicissitudes of life, old and sick, shriveled and withered; but, those pairs are bright But her eyes were so shining, reflecting the golden light, sparkling, and then dizzy little by little.

The frowning eyebrows eased, and the dry lips rose up, and even the tight body stretched out. In the end, a smile appeared at the corner of that light mouth, and in a daze, it seemed that he could see the comfort and enjoyment wandering, all the suffering and all the torture were dissipating.

On the huge stage, there is only Jean Arjean, but it is also completely owned by Jean Arjean. He just stood quietly like this, with no extra movements, no extra singing, no extra expressions, but the energy bursting from the inside out, positive and bright, but deeply affecting everyone Audience.

Marc Lacante opened his mouth wide, and the tears stayed on his eyelashes. He looked at the stage intently and blankly, looking at the figure, his eyes rounded, and capturing the light through the hazy mist. The subtle changes between the halo circulation and the interlacing of light and shadow, the dust flying up and down, vaguely outline the atmosphere of gradual joy and excitement.

He was so greedy, staring at the man greedily, with a smile on that face, so far away, yet so close, the creamy light outlines every detail of his expression, seeming to say nothing, yet again It seemed that everything was done, and the six-hour long journey was all present in those eyes at this time.

Unbelievably, he understood. Although the stage was so vast and the distance was so far away, he could clearly understand the transformation in the depths of the man's soul. The waves are magnificent and wonderful.

Sadness is dissipating; suffering is fading. But the spirit chose to stop.

Then, Jean Arang slowly closed his eyes, and began to hum comfortably and happily, "Huh...huh...huh...huh..."

This, this is the opening piece of the whole play. At the official opening of the first act, the figure hidden behind the curtain, humming softly, "Did you hear people singing", like a bard, wandering the streets and lanes, walking through the world in all manners, walking briskly With a dog's tail stalk dangling, his hands are resting behind his head, bathing in the **** setting sun, enjoying a moment of peace.

However, the humming at the opening is the tranquility before the storm and the rain; and the humming at this moment is the peace after the storm is over.

The echoes from one end to the other formed a beautiful and moving circle. The difference is that the humming this time brings out countless memories in their minds. In the past six hours, they have experienced the lives of a group of people:

The despair of Fantine’s "I had a dream", the sadness of Eponine’s "Single Shadow", the heroic of Enjolras and Marius’s "Red and Black", Shavert’s song" The paranoia of "Starlight", and... and the decisiveness of Jean Arjean's "monologue". Life is like a song. At this time, waves are spreading out in front of my eyes.

"Huh, hum, hum..." Jean Arang's expression was so peaceful, so happy, and so quiet, as if wandering in the blue of the Aegean Sea, bathed in golden sunlight, and wantonly ; The smile and joy on his face are so beautiful that it makes people feel an illusion that he has never died.

Jean-Ajean opened his eyes again, took a slow step, and sang briskly, "Do you hear people singing, the valley of the night, the singing echoes."

There is no accompaniment, no accompaniment, only Jean-Ajean’s voice sings, like a call from the depths of his heart, indomitable shouting, thick and hoarse voice with a shallow smile, the audience Close your eyes and you can see the ballet shoes dancing lightly above the black and white keys of the piano. The bright red dancing shoes dance on the cold piano keys to create the most beautiful and moving trajectory in the world.

"This song belongs to those who are striving to climb to the light, the people who are suffering on the earth, the flame of hope will never go out, even the darkest night will eventually go away, and the sun will eventually rise!" The heart is turbulent; it is not a stormy sea, but it is thrilling, unimaginable, a folk song, a cappella, but it has such energy and charm.

The blood began to boil bit by bit; the emotions began to rise bit by bit.

Jean-Ajean stopped singing and stood at the forefront of the stage, listening quietly, as if waiting for something. Marc Lacante has an impulse, the impulse to sing, the impulse to agree, join Jean-Ajean's singing, join the wave of revolution/fate, and join the torrent of the times.

However, Mark was a little unsure. He looked around grandly, not knowing what to do. The next moment, Mark looked closely at the stage again, lest he missed the excitement in the blink of an eye. That kind of impulse ran rampantly in the body, but couldn't find an outlet for catharsis.

From sadness to excitement, from grief to excitement, from despair to new life. Within a short span of tens of seconds, the emotional change went from a lowest point to a highest point. It was so natural and harmonious, and it showed the greatness of life vividly and vividly, even more magnificent than an era or a period of history.

listen. Mark heard the noise.

"Do you hear people singing, the dark valley, the singing echoes." The sound came from all directions and corners of the Almeida Theater. Mark looked around in a panic, not only him, but even Aristel. The head looked around, looking for the source of the sound, such resonance, it is absolutely impossible to create the sound effect.

However, they found nothing. In the dark theater, there was still only the spotlight on the stage, shrouded in the figure of Jean-Ajean.

The singing continues, and more and more people join in it, as if the trickle gradually converges into a torrent of water, the gradually rising voice is hitting the chest of every audience, waiting for six hours All of his tiredness and sleepiness were wiped out at this moment, and he couldn't help but start to become excited.

"This song belongs to those who are striving to climb to the light, the people who are suffering on the earth, the flame of hope will never go out, even the darkest night will eventually go away, and the sun will eventually rise!"

Appeared, those singing voices appeared, the four corners of the theater lit up with a faint halo, outlined the outline of the aisle, and then those voices appeared, in different corners of the theater, one by one, one after another They continue to appear in sight, their feet are firm, tall and straight, and their singing voices are loud and condensed into a powerful force, centered on Jean-Agen on the stage, sweeping.

"They will regain their freedom. In the garden of God, they will drive the ploughshares hand in hand, they will put down their swords and guns, the shackles will be broken, and everyone will be rewarded!"

The calm and powerful singing, vast and ferocious, and then the lights of the entire stage were all lit up, Enjolras raised the red flag in his hand, dashed out, stood behind Jean-Ajean, and waved vigorously and vigorously. At the same time, the sonorous symphony is played, and the accompaniment from zero to one hundred bursts out infinite energy instantly, detonating the boiling and excitement in the body of every audience.

All the actors sang in unison, all the souls sang in unison you join our jihad? Who will be strong and walk with us side by side? Sometime, somewhere, over the barricade, is there a world you desire? "

That powerful momentum swarmed from corners of the world, and the entire Almeida Theater was immersed in a stormy sea. The heart was surging and majestic, causing the whole body to tremble gently, even the soul Started to crawl on the ground, shivering. Mark was so, even Aristel couldn't help but open his mouth, eyes full of hot tears, watching the stage impassionedly.

wonderful! wonderful! wonderful!

Standing at the forefront of the stage, Jean Agen has once again become the focus of everyone's attention. He raised his right hand high, clenched his fist, and sang loudly, becoming the hospital in the torrent of this era.

"Do you hear people singing, hear drums coming from afar? That is the future brought by the dead, waiting for the dawn of tomorrow! Will you join our jihad? Will you walk with us strong? Sometime, somewhere, Beyond the barricade, is there a world you desire?"

The roaring sound resounded through the audience; the excitement filled the chest; the boiling blood was surging!

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