The Greatest Showman

Chapter 948: Pre-sale frenzy

"The Times", "In five minutes and thirty-six seconds, Almeida Theatre's "Les Miserables" three-month pre-sale of tickets, all sold out, creating the fastest ticket sales record since the introduction of the online ticketing system in the West End of London."

At 9 am on May 21st, "Les Miserables" officially opened the pre-sale of all tickets for three months, but it only lasted five minutes and thirty-six seconds before the pre-sale work was over. All pre-sale tickets were sold, which not only created historical records, but also exploded the topic. Everyone was in shock and couldn't believe it.

Even if everything happened in reality, I still can't believe it.

A day ago, the "Times" expressed anxiously that everyone had better lower their expectations; a day later, the "Times" generously admitted that "Les Miserables" brought vitality into the West End, and perhaps this would become the development of the theater industry. Turning point.

At the moment in 2012, the British performance circle still retains the strict academic traditions, just like continuing the royal and aristocratic customs, British actors still have unimaginable stubbornness and conservativeness. Every actor, who wants to gain a foothold in the industry, or to be recognized in the industry smoothly, must go through three stages:

College professional study, any professional performance college can be used, or it can be returned to the furnace after becoming famous, but it must be professional study; London West End polishing can be a peripheral art repertoire, or a small role in a large repertoire; challenge yourself The role of breakthrough can be a reversal of the image of a breakthrough, a role of a madman, or a script that subverts oneself. The key point is to jump out of one's own comfort zone.

Every actor, literally. Of course, except for idol vases.

Because of this, almost all British actors have returned to the West End, no matter how big or popular they are, no one can be an exception.

Someone once wondered why Emma Watson is so popular, but there is not much recognition in the industry? I have never been on the stage of the West End of London, but at a young age, I chose the image route of Audrey Hepburn and Angelina Jolie of the United Nations Feminist Academy. This is the reason.

In other words, the West End of London has welcomed countless big names, and as long as the British actors who are considered to be the number one in people's minds, they can be found in the West End.

The new generation of popular actors such as Tom-Hiddleston, Andrew Garfield, Daniel Radcliffe, Keira Knightley, and Carey-Mulligan, from time to time Will leave the film industry for a period of time, not because of not being able to receive new projects, but because of going back to the West End.

However, there has never been such a grand ticket sales event-there has never been an actor that has truly driven the popularity and attention of the entire Western District; and there has never been an actor that has truly impressed professional critics and critics at the same time. Ordinary audience; there has never been an actor who pushed the Western District to the forefront.

Until today.

The pre-sale record of five minutes and thirty-six seconds, and all the tickets within three months were all sold out. Tickets that might have taken three days or even a week to complete the sale were all sold in just five minutes and thirty-six seconds.

Such a momentum is shocking; similarly, such a record is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no one in the future.

Even the Almeida Theater itself was frightened, and the official website issued an announcement as soon as possible, "Thank the audience for their strong support, and all the actors and all the staff of the entire crew once again sincerely thank you. We will do our best to devote ourselves. Rehearsal, give a more exciting performance, and return your enthusiasm."

The three-month pre-sale of tickets has just ended, and the call for additional shows has begun to spread on the Internet. Those audiences who have not been able to purchase tickets have begun to call for further additional shows and extend the performance time of the show. I can continue to see Renly's performance in the West End of London.

This is no longer unimaginable, it is simply unheard of.

"Les Miserables" has only been performed for three days so far, and there are still three months of performances planned. Most of the audience have not had time to appreciate this play, and now they have begun to call for "additional performances." It's too early.

If we say that the three-month performance is coming to an end, after the time of the last performance is determined, the audience again asked for additional performances and extensions, this is the true sign of the success of the repertoire.

Obviously, this is impulse and excitement at work, and it comes from the appeal of Lan Li.

Faced with such a voice, the Almeida Theater naturally cannot take it seriously. It is still necessary to polish every performance step by step.

Because every audience is different. Any single negligence may lead to a complete collapse of word-of-mouth like dominoes. The test of the West End of London is everywhere, corners and corners, everywhere, any neglect, the consequences are unacceptable.

Nevertheless, this still reflects the powerful appeal of Lan Li. While the members of the entire "Les Miserables" crew were extremely excited, they also felt unprecedented pressure.

After the tickets were sold, the media reporters immediately swarmed towards the Almeida Theater and interviewed the cast members as quickly as possible. Of course, there was also the focal point, Lan Li.

Facing the recording pen that was fighting in all directions, I almost had to poke my face. Such a scene is really too familiar. After three months, Lan Li returned to the spotlight again, and Lan Li laughed dumbly, "I I thought it would be quieter in the West End."

This ridicule caused all the reporters to laugh. Lan Li is obviously making fun of the low level of attention in the West End. As a result, a reporter in the crowd yelled, "Lan Li, you should learn to accept it." The laughter instantly became more joyous.

Lan Li smiled and nodded, expressing his understanding, "Of course, I am extremely grateful to the audience for their support, otherwise, if the attendance rate is too bad, we don't know what to do." The half-joking ridicule made everyone laugh. "But, I sincerely hope that the audience will come to watch this drama blindly not only because of rumors, or just because of the excitement."

Faced with the frenzy of the pre-sale stage, Lan Li still maintained a calm heart. Because he knows better than anyone that the difference between the film field and the theater circle, and the gap between them, is not acceptable to every audience.

"First of all, this is six hours, you must be mentally prepared; second, before watching the drama, even if you don’t have time to read the original, at least read the summary of the story in Wikipedia, and then read our official brochure. There is an understanding of drama; in the end, enjoy the charm of the stage. The reason why the West End is so magical lies in the actors and the audience."

Lan Li's answer is not so much a thank you, but a guide, he intimately gave the audience some tips for watching the show, and hoped that more audiences can learn to enjoy the stage play.

The Almeida Theater version of "Les Miserables" is a starting point, but Renly does not want this to be the end. Perhaps, after watching "Les Miserables", the audience became interested in drama, and then began to watch other dramas, and even often came to the West End to join in. This is the driving force behind the art creation of the entire industry.

"Every actor in'Les Miserables' is doing their best, hoping to dedicate a top performance. Every audience is welcome to challenge us and urge us to make continuous progress." Lan Li sent out the invitation sincerely, and then nodded politely. "I have to go in for rehearsal now, otherwise, if the performance is messed up tonight, everyone will start refunding the tickets, that would not be great. If I remember correctly, the refund is now free of handling fees, right?"

After speaking, Lan Li shook his head and walked into the Almeida Theater, leaving the reporters standing on the original ground and looking at each other, and then collectively laughed.

Stage performances are brand new every day. Expectations and pressures are constantly accumulating. At the same time, they also pose more challenges to the body and mentality. The three-month performance can be called a long march; unlike movies, After it's finished, everything is over. Whether the audience likes it or hates it, everything is nailed down, and the big screens just play the same set of film repeatedly.

Therefore, there is no moment of relaxation in the stage play, and the clockwork must be readjusted every day. The pre-sale tickets are all sold out, which is motivation but also pressure. It's just that all the actors, including Lanly, especially young actors, can they withstand the tremendous pressure brought by such expectations?

No one can know.

But what is certain is that from the "Times" to the "Stage", from the "Guardian" to the "Independent", and even the "Financial Times", which has always targeted elite groups, have also published relevant reports. Became the hottest focus of attention in May.

This is a torment for George Hall.

"Financial Times he thought this was the last piece of pure land. The audience of this newspaper is the most elite and high-end small group in London, and it is even hailed as a group capable of changing the direction of the entire country; but Now, even this newspaper reports on the craze in the West End. George, there is nowhere to escape.

George tightened his muscles and suppressed his emotions. He folded the newspaper in his hand and placed it on the little table for afternoon tea, ignoring the existence of the report as much as possible, and then he saw the post in the out of his sight. Come in.

George showed a decent smile and nodded for a moment. The visitor was led by the waiter and walked over. After the other party approached, he stood up politely, "Marquis Richard, good afternoon." "

"Dear George, this is not a formal dinner occasion, there is no need to be so grand." The visitor said with a smile, raised his head and said to the waiter, "Can you give me a glass of brandy? God, the light rain today is really annoying. Now, I need to get rid of the cold."

After speaking, he looked at George, "So, is there any good news lately? Oh, yes, I just heard an interesting news that the Almeida Theatre rehearsed a brand new version of "Les Miserables" and has become a nobleman. Have you heard of the hot topic between us?"

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