The Greatest Showman

Chapter 958: Perseverance

Alfonso Cuarón, standing in front of him, was really embarrassed. A black windbreaker jacket, tightly wrapped around the body, still can not stop the raging wind, the whole person is trembling; a neat short curly hair, now messy into a bird’s nest, even the beard has become vicissitudes of life a lot of.

In just half an hour, Alfonso seemed to be ten years old rapidly, and his embarrassment could not be blocked by those black-rimmed glasses.

When Lan Li was waiting for the traffic lights on the crosswalk, he noticed the figure approaching from the entrance of the Almeida Theater from the out of his sight. The first reaction was that he was a tramp; when he realized that it was Alfonso, he was really taken aback. Mr. Caron, are you okay?" Lan Li hurriedly stepped forward, "Are you okay now?"

Alfonso waved his hand and shook his head again, but he couldn't identify what it meant. Then he said again, "I just want... Sneeze!" Suddenly he sneezed heavily, and he quickly covered it with his hands. He stopped, "Sorry, I'm really sorry, I just want to talk to you."

"What?" Lan Li couldn't help but was stunned. He didn't know if it was because he was too tired today, or because it was too cold late at night, and the brain's operation speed was obviously not too fast.

Such a scene was so absurd and funny that there was an urge to laugh deep in his heart; but Lanly knew that Alfonso’s physical condition was not a joke, so he controlled his smile, "We can talk tomorrow, and Or you come into the theater, but..."

But now it's too late to say anything.

He raised his head and looked back and forth. Now that the time is approaching two o'clock, the West End is gradually quieting down. Compared to New York, London is not a city with extremely rich nightlife. Bars are a common choice for people. Not far away, fans who have left one after another are taking taxis. , It is estimated that there will be a short shortage of taxis.

In the wee hours, everything is inconvenient.

Retract your eyes to see Alfonso's bad state. After all, the words of refusal could not be spoken. At this point, Lanly expressed his kindness, "You need to keep warm now. Otherwise, you will get sick. London is always so troublesome in April and May. You have to pay attention to your body again and again."

"Lan Li?" On the street, the engine sounded from far to near, and Matthew's shout sounded in the cold night. He asked with concern, "Is everything okay?"

Lan Li nodded and signaled, just thinking for a moment, and then politely extended an invitation to Alfonso, "Otherwise, let's get in the car first. You need to warm up. If anything happens, let's talk slowly. ,how do you feel?"

"God, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Alfonso was full of apologies, but when he was speaking, he sneezed two more and suddenly became incoherent. "Sorry. Uh, I mean, Thank you."

Lan Li waved his hand and said that it was okay; he quickly came to the car and opened the rear door, "Don't worry. You need a warm place now to relax and relax. I just raised my hand." As for the specific situation afterwards, After such a state of chaos calms down, they can communicate slowly.

After watching Alfonso get into the car, Lan Li walked around to the passenger seat and then got into the car.

As soon as he got in the car, Matthew took the initiative to hand the tissue paper to Lan Li, then turned the steering wheel skillfully, and slowly left the Almeida Theater.


After consuming more than a dozen sheets of paper, the heating gradually blowing in the compartment gradually restored Alfonso's vitality. It seems that he is just catching a cold, and it is not a major problem for the time being; however, the messy hair, red nose and haggard face can still be seen that he is indeed suffering tonight.

"Welcome to London." Lan Li joked. Although the weather in New York is also terrible, in comparison, the unpredictability of London is always overwhelming. It's hard to imagine, now June is within reach.

Alfonso let out a long sigh, and when he recovered, his brain started to turn again, "God, God, what did I do. Sorry, Lan Li, I'm really sorry, please forgive my impoliteness." I know that you will have a performance tomorrow, and you will be extremely tired tonight. You must take a good rest. My behavior has caused a lot of inconvenience. I am really sorry."

Alfonso rubbed his temples, "They always say, I was too impulsive, and now I finally understand what it means."

"Calm down, calm down." Lan Li could feel Alfonso's apology and annoyance sincerely, he couldn't help but chuckle, "For now, you didn't cause any inconvenience, just got in my car. That's it. If you feel embarrassed, you can express your gratitude. This is Matthew, my friend; this is Alfonso, an excellent director."

In Lan Li’s relaxed introduction, the flustered atmosphere gradually returned to normal. Matthew and Alfonso simply greeted him, and then Lan Li went on to say, "You have chosen to stay and did not leave. May I ask if you still Is there a problem?"

Alfonso looked embarrassed, "Jesus Christ. I should go back to the hotel, sorry, I sincerely apologize. You put me on the side of the road, I will stop a taxi and go back to the hotel. What's the matter? , I will contact you formally through your agent later. Please forgive my rudeness and recklessness."

Alfonso Cuarón is not a random unknown person in the industry. He has been nominated for Oscars, he has directed "Harry Potter", he has worked with many big names, he is not a top director, but he is not a nationality. The unknown little director. At this moment, Alfonso's performance has no pretensions at all, showing a pure heart without any concealment.

Yes, Alfonso was reckless, impulsive, and caused chaos. If possible, Lan Li just wants to go home, take a hot bath, and rest early. Lan Li will not deny all this. But now, Lan Li is willing to give Alfonso a chance to listen carefully, acting as an actor versus a director.

"Director. Why don't you continue to apologize for the time being, but first tell me why you chose to stay? Are you waiting for me? I thought we had finished the conversation in the background." Lan Li said He raised his sight, looked at Alfonso in the dim sight through the rearview mirror, and said sincerely.

The lights inside the carriage were turned off, only the street lights outside the window were on, but in the dimness, Alfonso could feel the sincerity and seriousness of Lan Li. He raised his hands as if he wanted to express something, but Still falling heavily, slapped on the thigh, making a crisp sound.

"I... uh..." Alfonso hesitated, sorted out his thoughts, and then said.

"I just thought, I know that your current schedule is full, and I also know that you may not be able to arrange your itinerary in a short time, but I can wait. I mean, you are the best for this movie. Candidates. To be honest, I can't think of a more suitable candidate than you. So, you can safely put in the show. After the West End, Broadway, there is no problem. When you have a schedule, I will start shooting. "

After repeating the babble, Alfonso did not hear the answer, and then became a little guilty, and could not help adding, "I just want to tell you this; I'm waiting at the entrance of the theater." Subordination of the two sentences. The relationship seems to be wrong, it should be reversed, and there is no conjunction, but the meaning is still clearly expressed.

Lan Li couldn't help but opened his mouth slightly. For a while, he didn't know how to express it. Then he saw Matthew cast a meaningful sight, which made Lan Li laugh out loud and looked at Alfonso again, "Thank you." I'm serious. But... are you sure? I may not be free until September, October, or even..."

"No problem! Absolutely no problem!" Without waiting for Lan Li to continue, Alfonso said categorically, "This movie is different from all my previous works. All the focus is on the protagonist. To put it in exaggeration, the success and failure of the performance determine the quality and height of the whole work. I need an excellent actor. Now, I have found it, so it is worth the wait. You are the perfect choice."

There is such a small detail. When talking about the topic of the movie, Alfonso’s words were endless. Although grammatical errors still existed, the whole conversation flowed without pause. The excitement and excitement, the concentration and devotion, seemed to explode in the brain. The big bang is like a big bang, and all the excitement/love is vented out.

"I must admit that it is an honor for any actor to receive such praise." Lan Li smiled lightly, "You know, you remind me of another director, Drake -Doremus, the director of "Crazy Love". When he was in Telluride, he was so...enthusiastic."

Alfonso and Drake are two completely different looks, but at this time, the two people's simple and honest temperament, and the fanaticism of obsessing with the movie, have awakened the memory in Lan Li's mind.

"So, I think, maybe we should sit down and have a talk." Lan Li stretched out an olive branch. Alfonso was so excited that he could see in the rearview mirror, he was about to jump up, Lan Li quickly added, "But not need to rest tonight. So let's make an appointment on Sunday, Sunday, and then sit down and talk."

Immediately, Lan Li thought of Sunday's agreement, Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland, they will all come over.

"On Sunday morning, let's have brunch together, can you?" Lan Li made a decision on the spot.

"Of course, there is no problem! All my time is open, just choose according to your itinerary." Alfonso still looks like he is actively cooperating, the excitement between words can no longer be hidden, and he starts to sharpen his fists. Rub your palms up.

Although it was only the first time we met today, Renly had already begun to like Alfonso. This director is kind of cute.

"Director, where is your hotel? We will take you back now." Lan Li said with a smile. Before Alfonso refused, he continued the topic, "Taxis are not easy in the early hours of London. Since it is early in the morning in London. Now that I’m in the car, why not just drop in. At least, let me have a chance to express my gratitude.”

Alfonso seems to have no reason to refuse.

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