76 cups of green tea

Eat chicken?

Hey, lesbians, I'll think you're flirting when you talk like that!

But being able to see real green tea, and it was green tea from the 1970s, Tong Xuelu was a little excited.

Since she was called the Green Tea Queen by the people around her, she never saw live green tea in her life, which made her feel like she was seeking defeat in the East.

Tong Xuelu smiled with her red lips: Chicken chicken is so cute, that's why I want to eat it. Braised chicken yellow, braised chicken, spicy chicken, dry pot chicken, salted chicken chicken, stewed chicken, white cut chicken, roasted chicken, fried chicken, salt baked chicken, how about chicken? It's delicious!

Uncle Zong couldn't help taking a mouthful of saliva when he heard it.

Seeing Tong Xuelu's stubbornness, Sun Manrou secretly rejoiced.

Frowning, he continued to condemn: How can you be so unkind, lesbian? Seeing that Xiao Qi died, not only did you feel no guilt at all, but you also wanted to cook it in various ways. You are really too much!

Before Tong Xuelu had time to answer, there was a scolding sound from behind: It's too much, you don't raise chickens to eat, do you think chickens are family members?

Sun Manrou's tears stopped at the corners of her eyes: ...

Tong Xuelu almost burst out laughing.

Mr. Wen, well done!

Sun Manrou bit her lips and said, Grandpa Wen, I didn't mean that, but this chicken is not an ordinary chicken, this is Xiaoqi, the chicken you raised with one hand, but this lesbian gave it to...

What do you know? Mr. Wen came up and said impatiently, Xiaoqi and Xiaoba are both raised by me and given to Xuelu to eat, she can do whatever she wants! You care about so much shit !

If it weren't for her being a lesbian, and being very obedient to please him, Mr. Wen would definitely not be as polite as he is now.

But when Sun Manrou heard these words, she was so embarrassed and embarrassing that she almost cried.

I'm sorry, Grandpa Wen, I didn't know you raised it to feed this lesbian. I thought...

Speaking of which, Sun Manrou's eyes turned red again.

Mr. Wen frowned: Why are you crying? I didn't scold you! By the way, what are you doing here today? Haven't you finished the interview yet?

The expression on Sun Manrou's face froze again: Before I troubled Grandpa Wen for so long, I felt very sorry, so I personally cooked some snacks today, Grandpa Wen, try it?

Mr. Wen: Didn't I tell you not to bring things over?

Sun Manrou bit her lower lip and burst into tears: I heard that Grandpa Wen likes to eat desserts, so he learned from others.

Mr. Wen saw a lesbian being wronged like this, so he couldn't continue talking and brought the things over.

Who knows that Sun Manrou will continue to die: Grandpa Wen, don't you want to try it?

Afraid that she was going to cry again, Mr. Wen opened it and tasted a piece.

What does Grandpa Wen think of the taste? I heard that this lesbian is a cook. Compared with her cooking, who does Grandpa Wen like?

Old Man Wen: It goes without saying, of course the delicious food made by Xuelu, you are too ordinary, Xiaozong will give you some food.

Sun Manrou: ...

Tong Xuelu almost cried out from laughter.

To deal with low-grade green tea, where she needs to make a move, as long as a straight man can make her cry.

Sun Manrou was indeed on the verge of crying, but Mr. Wen never paid attention to her again.

Old Man Wen turned to Tong Xuelu, his eyes softened: Xuelu, you just said so many chickens, do you want me to raise a few more chickens?

Tong Xuelu smiled and said, No, Grandpa Wen wants to eat it in the future, so I'll go to the supply and marketing agency to buy it and make it.

Old Man Wen smacked his mouth: How can I make you spend money, just let Xiaozong buy it.

Uncle Zong nodded again and again: The sun is getting hotter and hotter, let's go in quickly. It's not good if the grass is exposed to the sun.

Mr. Wen felt the same way, so he hurriedly invited Tong Xuelu to come in and sit down.

The three of them seemed to have forgotten that Sun Manrou was still standing outside crying.

Sun Manrou: ...

Entering the room, Tong Xuelu asked calmly: Who was that lesbian just now? Is it Grandpa Wen's relative?

Mr. Wen shook his head: No, it's just a child from the military compound. She just moved back and said she wanted to interview me for a column on heroes, so I agreed to her.

So that's how it is.

Tong Xuelu smelled something different.

To please the elders is one of the necessary means of low-grade green tea.

Sun Lvcha's goal, first of all, let's eliminate it, it will definitely not be Uncle Zong, nor Mr. Wen.

There are only three men in this family, so it can only be Wen Rugui.

She used to think that this era was so conservative that no one would do such things as poaching, but now it seems that she took it for granted, and there are garbage in every era.

But she didn't want to go to Sun Lvcha herself.

Before wearing a book, she often saw such news that her husband cheated on her, and her wife brought a group of relatives to beat up the mistress. In her opinion, it was their husbands who really wanted to beat them up.

Without the primary three, there will be primary four, five, and six.

What's the use of keeping a man if he can be taken from him?

So she didn't plan to take care of Sun Lucha herself, not to mention that she still had great confidence in Wen Rugui.

Tong Xuelu made a dish of braised chicken for Old Man Wen and Uncle Zong at Wen's house, and made two snacks for him before leaving.

I have to say that Xiao Qi’s snacks are much more delicious than the previous Xiao Wu’s. The skin is smooth and the meat is delicious, especially fragrant.

The three of them were eating Xiao Qi at the dinner table while discussing how to deal with Xiao Ba next time.

Xiaoba is trembling.JPG

When she left, Tong Xuelu carried a bag of fruit in her hand, and there was a stack of cloth tickets and food stamps in the military satchel, all of which were given to her by Mr. Wen.

Tong Xuelu took the fruit home, and saw Tong Jiaxin studying as soon as he entered.

Things that are too easy to get will not be cherished. It seems that Tong Jiaxin knows to be afraid this time.

Tong Xuelu took out some fruits and gave them to the Wei family next door.

Fruits are hard to buy these days. Occasionally, the supply and marketing cooperatives come to buy a batch, and they are sold out before they can grab it.

The Wei family accepted the fruit and gave back a pack of dried mushrooms.

Tong Jiaming came home from school that night and brought back good news to Tong Jiaxin - he can go back to school tomorrow.

Tong Jiaxin jumped up happily.

The moon cake on the side didn't know what happened, and they ran around the house together, and one of them accidentally sprained his front foot and rolled on the ground a few times.

Then, with a grunt, it bumped against the foot of the table, and Moon Cake was stunned for a long time, as if she couldn't believe how stupid she was.

Tong Xuelu was amused by its appearance, and reached out to stroke its head: Why are you so cute, moon cake?

Moon cake heard the word cute, yelled twice, got up and ran again, after running for a while, rolled on the ground by itself, and finally hit the corner of the table again.

Then it raised its head and looked at Tong Xuelu with watery eyes, begging for praise.

Tong Xuelu: ...

Could this dog be any more playful?

After taking a bath at night, the brothers and sisters studied together in the study.

After Tong Jiaming finished his homework, he patiently tutored Tong Jiaxin.

Tong Jiaxin studied very seriously this time.

Tong Xuelu looked up and saw the two brothers next to each other, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Seeing her sister smiling, Tong Mianmian ran over on her short legs, climbed up on the stool and pushed her head towards her.

Head to head, just like Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin.

Tong Xuelu hugged her face and kissed her, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew stronger.


After purchasing the ingredients the next day, Tong Xuelu took the plan to the commercial department.

Secretary Zhuo was a little surprised to see Tong Xuelu coming over.

Tong Xuelu didn't tell her about the plan, but only said that she should contact Minister Lin for some restaurant matters.

Secretary Zhuo didn't break the casserole to ask the end, went in and told Minister Lin, and let her in when she came out.

Minister Lin also felt very strange about Tong Xuelu's arrival: Why did Manager Tong come here today? Is there something wrong with the restaurant?

Tong Xuelu sat down on the chair opposite him, shook her head and said, Under the leadership of Minister Lin, everything in the hotel is fine.

In that case, what are you here for?

Minister Lin felt that it was a pity that Tong Xuelu could not be his secretary. Not only was he capable of handling affairs, but he was also comfortable speaking.

Tong Xuelu handed over the plan: Minister Lin, I heard that the Ministry of Commerce will hold a culinary competition soon. Is there such a thing?

Minister Lin took the proposal in her hand and opened it for a look: Why, do you want to participate? Don't forget, your restaurant is only at the second level, so it is not qualified for the competition at all.

To entertain foreign guests, it must be a first-class hotel, and then select the best hotel from these first-class hotels.

As for second- and third-tier restaurants, no matter how good their chefs are, the Ministry of Commerce will not allow them to participate in the competition.

Because the restaurant is so bad, no matter how good the cooking skills are, they can't entertain foreign guests. Should they be selected to allocate funds to build a restaurant?

The finance department definitely doesn't want to give this money, and he doesn't want to bother.

Anyway, as long as the first-class restaurants can entertain, why bother so much?

Tong Xuelu sighed and said, It turned out to be like this. I thought that if I could participate in the competition, I would be sure to win. In this way, the restaurant under my name would be upgraded accordingly. Now it seems that I took it for granted.

The corner of Minister Lin's mouth raised a mocking smile: It is indeed too natural.

I thought I would be able to participate in the competition with cooking skills, but it was still too young.

Tong Xuelu sighed again: It's because I didn't think carefully. Even if I can win, the upgrade will not only require rebuilding the restaurant, but also add two to four jobs. In this way, several people will be paid more salaries.

The sarcasm at the corner of Minister Lin's mouth suddenly stopped, and all his attention was focused on the word post.

Recently, he has been terribly annoyed by his wife, and his relatives come here from time to time to ask him if they can help arrange work.

Where did he go to arrange for them?

The positions in the commercial department are fixed, unless some people do something wrong and get fired, but even then, he may not have the right to arrange people to come in.

All positions in government agencies are always watched by people. Once someone quits, someone will fill them up immediately.

He is just a small minister of the Ministry of Commerce, how can he compete with those above him?

But if the restaurant under him has been upgraded and there are several more positions, he will have a way to arrange them.

Tong Xuelu stood up and said, Minister Lin, just pretend that I haven't been here today.

As she spoke, she leaned over to take away the proposal from Minister Lin.

Unexpectedly, Minister Lin held the proposal to prevent her from taking it away.

Tong Xuelu made a strange expression: Mr. Lin, are you...?

An embarrassing look flashed across Minister Lin's face, and he coughed and said, I thought about it again just now, and I think the plan you just mentioned is not impossible, but I have to look at the details again, and your plan will be put on hold for now. Be with me.

Tong Xuelu pretended not to see Minister Lin's embarrassment, and said in surprise: Is what Minister Lin said true? If Minister Lin thinks it is possible, this plan will definitely work!

Minister Lin's mouth twitched slightly: I think it's okay. I'll look it up and reply to you later.

In fact, 90% of his heart already wants to facilitate this matter, but because he refused just now, it is a bit embarrassing to say it now.

In order to maintain his face, he planned to delay talking for two or three days.

Tong Xuelu said gratefully: Thank you Minister Lin, then I will go back and wait for your good news!

Coming out of the office, Secretary Zhuo returned the cloth ticket I borrowed last time to Tong Xuelu: It's really thanks to you helping me choose clothes last time. Everyone said that I am different from before!

Tong Xuelu smiled and took the cloth ticket, and then gave the small package of beef balls to Secretary Zhuo.

Secretary Zhuo smiled like a flower.

Seeing the smile on Secretary Zhuo's face, Tong Xuelu's mouth also curled up.

The most stable relationship in the workplace is the interest relationship.

If you want to get benefits from the other party, you must let the other party get the benefits first.

This way others will be willing to help you.

Although Minister Lin didn't give her a definite answer just now, she is 99% sure that this matter will succeed.

Qualifications get√


After Wen Rugui returned to the scientific research center from the experimental base, he was busy for a few days before finishing his work.

Dean Zhuang saw them complete the task, so he gave them three days to rest.

When Wen Rugui received the holiday notice, he felt windy when he walked, so he immediately packed his things and prepared to return to Beijing.

Thinking of seeing Tong Xuelu soon, the lines on his face softened immediately.

It has been twenty-nine days since we saw each other for ten hours.

He really wanted to see her right away.

Seeing that he was going back to Beijing, Zhou Yan hurriedly held him back: If you return home, tomorrow is my birthday, you won't forget it, right?

Wen Rugui was taken aback, nodded apologetically and said, I'm sorry, I really forgot, I wish you a happy birthday.

After speaking, he withdrew his hand and wanted to leave again.

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth: I can't ask for leave, so I can only stay at the base to celebrate my birthday, but I've already made up my mind. Tomorrow, you and Qimin, the three of us will go to the state-run hotel to have a big meal together.

I want to go back to meet my partner. Wen Rugui shook his head, and then added, I'll bring you a gift when I come back.

The implication is that even if you treat me to a big meal, it's useless, the food in the state-run restaurant is not delicious.


Zhou Yan looked at the back of Wen Rugui walking away, and suddenly felt that his teeth were sore.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Huang Qimin was also holding a travel bag.

Zhou Yan was shocked: Huang Qimin, don't tell me you want to go back too?

Huang Qimin nodded apologetically: I also want to go back to see my partner, and I will make up for your birthday when I come back.

It's a rare holiday, he will definitely go back to see his partner.

As for Zhou Yan's birthday, I can only say sorry.

For the brother's ribs, for the sake of the target, you can stab the brother more than ten times at any time.

Zhou Yan's face suddenly turned black like the bottom of a pot: ...

Two heartless bastards!

Woohoo, he really wants to see someone.

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