80 cups of green tea

Fang Jingyuan, who had been missing for half a month, came to the restaurant again for lunch this day.

Xuelu, get me a Mala Tang, two skewers of beef balls, no, three skewers!

Tong Xuelu stretched out her hand in front of her: Give me the money and the ticket.

Fang Jingyuan curled her lips and said, Why are you so stingy? I didn't ask you to invite me.

As she spoke, she took out money and tickets from her pocket, and Tong Xuelu took them and handed them to Meng Qingqing.

Fang Jingyuan waved to her: Come here, I have something to tell you.

Tong Xuelu sat next to her: What's the matter?

Fang Jingyuan looked mysteriously, glanced around and said in a low voice: I suspect that my brother has no more love for you!

Tong Xuelu rolled her eyes: When I was blind, when did your brother look at me?

Fang Jingyuan thought for a while: That's right, what's going on with my brother now? He didn't like you when you were chasing him blindly before, but now that you have a date, he is reluctant to part with you.

The last time he went on a blind date and said that the other party was not as beautiful as you, and last time he asked me why you changed your mind when you said you changed your mind. He has been sick these days, and I heard him call your name in his sleep!

Tong Xuelu shrugged: Your brother is purely out of his mind. Don't mention him in front of me in the future. I'll feel sick to my stomach.

Fang Jingyuan sighed and said, Okay, I don't think my elder brother is worthy of sympathy. By the way, that potato man finally told my mother that we are not suitable. Do you know what I did?

Tong Xuelu asked, How do you do it?

Fang Jingyuan lowered her voice: I deliberately ate a lot of sweet potatoes before meeting him, and then I started farting as soon as I met him. Do you think I am very smart?

Tong Xuelu: ... I don't think so.

But Fang Jingyuan looked proud: This method is really useful. If I meet a blind date person I don't like in the future, I will use this method.

Tong Xuelu asked calmly: Comrade Sun, who made a fool of herself at the gala, how is she doing now?

Hearing Sun Manrou's name, Fang Jingyuan laughed loudly: She is famous in several military regions now, people in our art troupe still want to laugh when they mention her. I heard that many people wanted to introduce her to her, but now They all lost their minds!

Tong Xuelu: There is one thing I don't quite understand, she is not from your art troupe, why can she be the first to perform on stage?

Fang Jingyuan curled her lips and said, Everyone is looking at her godfather's face!

Tong Xuelu raised her eyebrows: Grandpa? What is her status as a grandpa? Is she amazing?

Fang Jingyuan nodded: It's quite remarkable. Her godfather is the commander of the Army of the Northwest Region. Although the surnamed Sun is a god-granddaughter, but because Commander Xiao has never married or had children in his life, she is very precious in everyone's eyes. .”

Tong Xuelu nodded, but said nothing.

No wonder the other party dared to do the thing of prying the corner of the wall. It turned out that they had nothing to fear.

But it's best for the other party not to have any crooked intentions to frame others, otherwise it may be difficult for her to cover the sky with one hand.

Fang Jingyuan left after eating.

After noon, Tong Xuelu continued to practice her cooking skills. When she returned home after dark, she heard Tong Jiaxin's voice as soon as she entered the door.

Moon cake, you can't shit and pee here, you have to go outside, if you do this again, I won't give you food!

The moon cake groaned, its ears drooped, and it looked pitiful.

Seeing how pitiful the moon cake was, Tong Mianmian hugged it and said, Third Brother, don't scold the moon cake, it's still small.

Tong Jiaxin: The moon cakes are not too small. My sister said that the age of dogs is different from us. The moon cakes should be about the same age as me now!

Tong Mianmian tilted her head, blinking her big watery eyes: Then third brother, you cheated in the exam, and you often make your sister angry. You are worse than moon cakes!

Tong Jiaxin: ...

Tong Xuelu walked in and heard this, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing her sister, Tong Mianmian immediately let go of the mooncake and ran up: Sister, you're back, I really want to die!

Tong Xuelu hugged Xiaotuanzi and rubbed her head: Have you eaten yet?

Tong Mianmian nodded, I ate it, it was cooked by the third brother. Sister, why do you think the same food is so unpalatable when the third brother cooks it?

Tong Jiaxin: ...

Tong Xuelu glanced at Tong Jiaxin, who was disliked, and glanced in the hall: Where's your second brother? Has he gone to study?

Tong Mianmian shook her head: Second brother said he was very sleepy and went to sleep.

Sleep at this time?

Tong Xuelu raised her eyebrows slightly upon hearing this.

It's not yet eight o'clock, and with Tong Jiaming's character, he won't go to bed so early.

Especially before she came back, he would not leave his brother and sister alone in the hall, not to mention that according to his usual schedule, he should not have done his homework yet.

Tong Xuelu felt something was wrong, put down the military satchel, turned around and went to Tong Jiaming's room.

The lights were not turned on in the room, and Tong Jiaming's panting sound was very obvious in the darkness.

Tong Xuelu turned on the light, walked towards the bed and asked, Jiaming, how are you?

Tong Jiaming fell asleep facing the wall, and he seemed to wake up after she yelled twice: Sister, I...cough cough...it's okay.

His voice was hoarse and difficult to pronounce.

It's all right?

Tong Xuelu said: Turn around, let me see if you have a fever.

Tong Jiaming paused for a moment before turning around slowly: I'm fine, I just feel a little headache and sleepy.

As soon as he turned around, Tong Xuelu took a closer look, and his heart suddenly fell into a trough!

I saw patches of red spots appearing on Tong Jiaming's face, which looked like rashes and allergies.

Tong Xuelu was taken aback: When did your symptoms start?

Tong Jiaming thought for a while: I started to have a headache yesterday, I thought it was the wind.

Tong Xuelu looked at his face and had a bad premonition in her heart.

At this moment, Tong Mianmian and Tong Jiaxin came over.

Tong Xuelu stopped them immediately: You are not allowed to come in! Jiaxin, take Mianmian to my room, and you are not allowed to come out without my permission!

Tong Jiaxin and Tong Mianmian were stunned.

It was the first time Tong Mianmian saw her sister speak so seriously, she was so frightened that tears came out: Sister, Mianmian is very good, sister don't scold Mianmian.

Only then did Tong Xuelu realize that she was a little serious just now: Sister didn't scold you, your second brother is sick, I'm afraid I'll infect you, Jiaxin, why don't you take Mianmian away quickly? And the things your second brother touched Don't touch any of them, especially the water glass and kettle he uses!

Tong Jiaxin's face was also a little pale, and it took him half a beat to react: Okay, I'll take Mianmian over here, will the second brother die?

Tong Xuelu shook her head: No, hurry up, I'll take your second brother to the hospital right away!

She suspected that Tong Jiaming had chickenpox. Chickenpox was not a serious illness, but it was extremely contagious. If several siblings were infected together, it would exhaust her to death.

Tong Jiaxin took the teary-eyed Tong Mianmian to the east room.

After Tong Jiaxin and Tong Mianmian left, Tong Xuelu turned her head and said to Tong Jiaming, Wait here for me, I'll go over and talk to Grandma Shen.

Tong Jiaming had a severe headache and a dull pain in his stomach, and he didn't have the energy to let out an um.

Tong Xuelu closed the door, then quickly ran to Wei's house.

Shen Wanrong and Wei Guozhi heard the knock on the door in such a hurry, they opened the door and saw Tong Xuelu's pale face, and hurriedly asked: Xuelu, what's wrong with you? Did something happen at home?

Tong Xuelu: Grandma Shen, Grandpa Wei, Jiaming has a rash all over his body, I suspect he has chickenpox.

Shen Wanrong and Wei Guozhi were startled when they heard the words.

Tong Xuelu: Jiaming still has a fever. I'm going to take him to the hospital now. I want to ask Grandma Shen to help me look after Jiaxin and Mianmian.

Shen Wanrong: No problem, you go, I'll bring Mianmian and Jiaxin over here, Mrs. Zhuzhu, why don't you accompany Xuelu to the hospital.

Before Wei Guozhi opened his mouth, Tong Xuelu refused: Grandma Shen, Jiaxin and Mianmian have been in contact with Jiaming, I don't know if they have been infected, it's best not to let them come over.

I don't know if Grandma Shen has had chickenpox. If not, it's not suitable to take care of them.

When Tong Xuelu said this, for the first time, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

Since she moved here, she has troubled the Wei family many times, and there is nothing she can do this time.

The brothers and sisters are too young, and if something happens, there is no one around her who can help her.

Shen Wanrong said: Don't worry, I had chickenpox when I was young, but you yourself, have you ever had chickenpox?

Tong Xuelu nodded: I did.

In fact, there is still a chance of being infected with chickenpox, but the chance is relatively low.

But now she can't ignore Tong Jiaming in this situation.

Shen Wanrong looked back at her wife and said: In this case, you stay with Zhuzhu at home, and I will go over to watch those two children.

Wei Guozhi nodded: You go, Xuelu, you have to be careful when you go to the hospital.

Tong Xuelu said gratefully: Grandma Shen, Grandpa Wei, thank you!

Shen Wanrong: You child, don't say such kind words now, let's hurry over.

Tong Xuelu nodded.

On the way back, she also told Shen Wanrong that she might be infected, and told her not to touch the things Tong Jiaming had used.

Shen Wanrong waved her hand: You don't understand that, as long as you get chickenpox once, it won't happen again in the future.

This is generally true, but not absolute.

In the case of low immunity, it is possible to be infected again. Another situation is that the produced antibodies disappear. Of course, this probability is very low.

But this is not the time for popular science.

Tong Xuelu once again told her not to use the water cups and bowls and chopsticks that Tong Jiaming had used, and then ran into the house to make Tong Jiaming put on a thick padded jacket, and then wrapped her head and mouth with a face towel, leaving only her eyes outside.

Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital now.

Tong Xuelu also wrapped her mouth and nose with a face towel, and then helped Tong Jiaming up.

Tong Jiaming was helped onto the bicycle in a daze.

Tong Xuelu: Do you have the strength to sit still? If you can't sit still, hug my waist!

Tong Jiaming paused, and tightly grasped her clothes with his hands: I can do it.

Tong Xuelu kicked her foot, and the bicycle flew out.

The wind at night was very strong, blowing on the face like a knife, Tong Xuelu shivered all over.

Sitting in the back seat, Tong Jiaming clearly felt a tremor on her body.

When going out, Tong Xuelu tied a flashlight to the front of the bicycle, but the place where the flashlight can shine is very limited.

She didn't dare to ride too fast, worrying that if there was a pothole in the road, the two of them would fall badly.

But remembering that chickenpox seems to be unable to blow the air, she was also a little anxious: Jiaming, hide your face behind my back, you can't blow the air now!

Well, I see.

Tong Jiaming watched her stepping hard on the bicycle, and her voice trembled in the wind, which made him feel very complicated emotions.

It usually takes an hour to get from Tong's house to the hospital, because it was night, it took Tong Xuelu an hour and a half to arrive at the hospital.

But fortunately, there was no danger, and the two of them were not killed by the fall.

After entering the hospital, Tong Xuelu told the nurse about Tong Jiaming's symptoms, and then Tong Jiaming was taken to the emergency room for examination.

The result of the examination confirmed her guess: Tong Jiaming had chickenpox and had a fever.

Tong Xuelu didn't even want to choose to be hospitalized.

What she is worried about now is that the medical level in this era is too poor, and she is also worried that Tong Jiaming will have complications. .

Chickenpox is not very harmful, but once complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and meningitis occur, it may be life-threatening.

Because chickenpox is contagious, they can only live in a single room, and the cost is much higher than usual.

But now is not the time to save money.

The doctor gave Tong Jiaming an antipyretic injection and took antipyretic medicine.

Tong Jiaming fell into a drowsy sleep, woke up and vomited twice, and the chickenpox on his body was also very itchy.

If it was the past, Tong Xuelu really wouldn't take care of others like this.

But now she doesn't want to take care of it.

Fortunately, in the middle of the night, Tong Jiaming's fever finally subsided.

Tong Xuelu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that her whole body had been hollowed out.

She fell asleep leaning back in the chair.


Commander Xiao arrived at Beihe Railway Station in the middle of the night.

Before he came over, he notified his nephew to come pick him up.

Xiao Yanghua and his son Xiao Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time when they saw Commander Xiao walking down from the train station.

Xiao Yanghua received a call from Commander Xiao two days ago, and was shocked when he heard that he was coming.

Especially when he heard that the ticket he bought arrived in Beihe Province in the middle of the night, he was even more worried about what happened.

Xiao Yanghua: Uncle, we borrowed a car from the unit, and the car is outside now, let's go there quickly.

Commander Xiao nodded: Thank you for your hard work.

Xiao Yanghua: It's all as it should be, but uncle, you came here in such a hurry this time, did something happen in the army?

Commander Xiao shook his head: No, I came here this time for a private matter.

Xiao Yanghua and his son looked at each other when they heard the words.

Commander Xiao: I received a call a few days ago saying that I have a son in Beihe. I came here this time to meet him.

There was a thunder on the ground!

Xiao Yanghua and his son were even more shocked when they heard this.

Commander Xiao has never been married in his life, where did he get his son?

Commander Xiao sat on the train for two days and two nights, without a trace of fatigue on his face: It's a long story, I'll tell you later, but I need you to help me investigate some things.

He wanted to recognize his son, but he was not an idiot, he would believe anything anyone said.

And when he went to Tong's house, Manzhi's sister-in-law clearly said that she had remarried, so why did she become pregnant and die of dystocia now?

He must investigate the matter here first!

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