The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 102: The restrained demons

Zhang Yue watched enthusiastically in the virtual mall for a long time, and finally fell in love with a Titan Great Shield, A-level top strength, strong, anti-shock characteristics, 1500 kg.

"That's it." Zhang Yue said, rubbing his hands, and at the first glance that he saw this shield, Zhang Yue fell in love with it. The combination of pale silver and black borders made people feel that there was nothing in the world. Can break this shield wall.

"Xiaoying pays the bill." Chu Yunxuan said, Xiaoying killed the last blow just now, so the points are where he and her are.

Then I bought an A-level dagger and a Qingfeng sword. The three pieces of equipment total 103 points, and the remaining 20 points were exchanged by Lin Dong for equipment.

"My Fangtian painting halberd, I am the main output." The boss Heng was surprised. He thought he would solve the weapon problem immediately, but he didn't expect his priority to be so low.

"Don't worry, isn't this being done?" After Lin Dong exchanged the equipment, he ran away and started to tinker.

"That dark snake human lost 6 sharp knives, but unfortunately the space equipment was robbed by the other two,"

"These six sharp knives, I will melt them and rebuild them for you. That is an A-level Fangtian painting halberd. Otherwise, it would be too expensive to buy from the mall." Lin Dong explained to Lu Heng.

"How can it be the same, deceive me not knowing weapons." Lu Heng said, but he also planned to accept the facts, sooner or later.

"It didn't work before, now I have this." Lin Dong took out a device.

"Metal molecule general modification instrument, under the existing conditions, changing the internal molecular structure, now it is easy to modify your Fangtian painting halberd." Lin Dong said triumphantly.

Lu Heng nodded in satisfaction

"I just looked at the terrain. According to analysis, 800 miles to the southwestern defense line, there should be a mine, where shall we go down to look. Chu Yunxuan opened a virtual map and pointed to a place.

"Then how do we find the Diamond Ape Clan?" Zhang Yue asked curiously, the ten thousand race battlefield is so big, does anyone care about finding the Diamond Ape Clan?

"Haha, Xiaoyue, when you come here, you must remember that points are omnipotent." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile. Then he asked about the mall. Finding King Kong Ape Clan requires 200 points, which is not very difficult.

"Well, it's my stubborn mind." Zhang Yue said, patted his head, he did finish this matter in time.

"Take a break, let's set off. It shouldn't be so bad this time." Chu Yunxuan said.

Two hours later, everyone set foot on the journey.

Lin Dong took the prospecting instrument and began to explore around.

"Is there really no mine nearby?" Lin Dong said puzzled.

"Take it slowly, it takes a long time. Now the ten thousand race battlefield has only started for less than one month, and there are still 11 months left." Chu Yunxuan said, he has to exchange at least one thing for the ten thousand race battlefield this time. True Godhead is impossible, after all, 100,000 points, really want to get together, that is to die.

Zhang Yue suddenly felt danger. This was ten turquoise arrows shooting at everyone at the same time.

"Alert!" Zhang Yue said loudly, and at the same time shielded everyone with a shield wall. There were three layers of shield walls, and there was no problem with resisting Tier 6 primary attacks.

"Human Race, this is the territory of our Demon Eye Clan. It is not allowed to enter." A man covered with green scales stood in front of them and said.

"The second-rate intermediate race, the Demon Eye race, is famous for illusion and archer." Chu Yunxuan said to everyone.

"We didn't have any malice. We just passed by, hoping that the Demon Eye Race will make a place." Chu Yunxuan said to the Demon Eye Race who was in the way.

"A third-rate **** race wants to pass by my clan's territory and laughs to death."

"Sink in my world!" The eyes of the Demon Eye clan in front of them shot out a strange light, like a dream.

Then an extremely embarrassing scene appeared. Zhang Yue and his party looked at the Demon Eye Clan in front of them as if they were a fool. As early as Chu Yunxuan introduced the Demon Eye Clan, Zhang Yue hit a star on his body as a spirit. guard.


When the demons on the opposite side hadn't come over, the shield wall directly trapped him.

"Let me come!" Lv Heng took the lead, holding the new Fangtian painting halberd, directly slashing the Demon Eye Clan in front of him.

"You have passed the assessment of my clan, please pass it." At this time, the strange animal that has been like a rabbit came over and said.

"Let's go, they probably have already escaped. Unfortunately, if they are hard steel, we will have an extra point." Chu Yunxuan said, a little emotional, after finally encountering a race that can be beaten, the opposite was shocked.

The few in the team who hadn't made a shot all sighed, why didn't they have a chance to make a shot.

"Go on."

After the farce just now, the atmosphere in the team was much more relaxed, Xu Pokong also found three large boxes from the space of the corpse, green arrows, and a B-class longbow, named Fengyu.

"Haha, I have made a profit. These green arrows are all D-level arrows. I can use this arrow to hit a low-level attack level of Tier 6, which is very precious. Let me say that there are 6,000 arrows. Then I will not be afraid of consumption. Now." Xu Pofeng said happily. He didn't expect the weapon to come so quickly, yet so in line with his wishes.

"When, come to a race that is good at arcane arts." Xu Lingxuan said with a pouting mouth, looking at the D-class arcane equipment in her hand, she was not used to it.

"Haha, I must be met. Those who are good at arcane arts are all second-rate or above. It is a fierce battle." Xu Wenyou said. Among the group, the only ones who are not affected are he and Ji Xiayun, who are very dependent on weapons. less.

"I know there is another race, the elves, who are good at arcane arts, assassins and archers." Chu Yunxuan also joined the topic.

"Then they are not beautiful," Lin Dong asked expectantly, his criteria for choosing a mate is the more beautiful the better.

"Well, not much with Lingxuan." Chu Yunxuan pointed at Xu Lingxuan and said.

"They are so beautiful." Everyone exclaimed.

Xu Lingxuan shyly began to look around.

"Stop!" Xu Lingxuan shouted.

"My water bird found that there were people fighting 30 kilometers ahead. It should be the Tauren and the Centaur. The fighting was very intense. The two sides added up to 200 people. The fight is hard to come by."

Ten people looked at each I felt like a big deal came.

"Helping the tauren people has a strategic cooperation. Once the black eating black is discovered, we will be finished." Chu Yunxuan said after thinking for a moment.

"Okay." Even the kindest Xu Lingxuan was a little disappointed.

Ten people dared to move forward quickly.

At this time, the Tauren and the Centaur tribe were already fighting hard to separate.

"Niu Tie, come on, I spent 500 points to redeem your sledgehammer. If you don't hammer 20 to death today, I will give the sledgehammer to someone else." Niu Dazhi shouted at Niu Tie who had just returned. .

"The people on the opposite side are really too difficult to deal with. Our clan is a bit restrained. Their spearmen and restrain us. Our shaman was robbed by a large team of bullpower."

"Mom, at this time, it would be nice if there was a human race. We are really not good at commanding this stuff on the battlefield." Niu Dazhi saw the situation in front of him deteriorated a lot and was very troubled.

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