The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 144: Meet the sword soul again

The game city is a bit rough as a whole, and they are generally ten meters high.

Zhang Yue looked at the bizarre shops on both sides and said, "Suddenly there is a feeling of shopping for specialty products."

"Special products can't be bought. I keep the points to buy semi-artifacts." Lu Heng said, Fang Tian painted a halberd. Because it is a special weapon, it needs to spend more points to customize. It needs 3000 points. With a difference of 1,000 points, he beheaded the dark snake human squad leader and only gained 3,000 points, which made it half turned in.

"So are we." Chu Feng and Ning Xiu said together.

"I also have to buy a few important accessories." Lin Dong also said silently, because there is little time to participate in the battle, so there is only a poor auxiliary point.

"Okay, let's take a look." Zhang Yue said helplessly, suddenly he had no desire to buy anything.

The crowd was suddenly attracted by a pink store.

"This is the legendary little fan house!" Lu Heng said in surprise.

The five Zhang Yue looked at a pink storefront on the opposite street. A few beautiful-looking three fox people stood at the door, soliciting customers at the door, only to see foreigners coming in from time to time.

All the aliens who came out of it had smiles on their faces.

Knowing that Zhang Yue had translated the foreign characters above the store, he suddenly realized, and said to the other four people: "What kind of little pink house is this? The foreign characters above translated into the spiritual world experience hall, and the following also said that you can experience the five elements. The most original world, 1000 points at a time."

"Fox people, a sub-race of the Xuanjinhu alien race, good occupations, mental illusions, magicians, soul manipulators, are currently second-rate intermediate races, but their strength is definitely at the top level." Zhang Yue talked about those at the door. Information about a fox race.

"Oh, since it's not a small pink house, let's continue shopping." Lin Dong said disappointedly looking at these charming fox people.

"You are not big, and your heart is not small, beware that they turn you into a slave." Ning Xiu patted Lin Dong's shoulder and said, this little brother is a little prone to indulging in female sex.

"It's not what you think." Lin Dong said angrily. He just thought that the little sisters of the fox race at the door were very beautiful and wanted to make friends.

After that, the five people went to the weapons and equipment stores of various foreign races and found that he was much cheaper than the equipment on the Wanzu Mall.

"Thank you, I knew that there was this place, which would save a lot of points." Lu Heng said depressed looking at a private custom-made weapons shop opened by a clan of master craftsmen.

"Haha, my points are still a little bit, I go to customize a pair of metal mechanical gloves, I bought the gloves from Wanzu Mall, I always think it's almost something."

Ning Xiu happily entered the weapon shop of the craftsman clan.

"Then we won't wait for you." Zhang Yue said.

"See you at the base."

Ning Xiu replied and broke into the weapon shop.

"Let's go, let's go to the arena to have a look, that is the hottest place." Lu Heng couldn't wait to say, dreaming of earning enough points in exchange for the semi-artifact Fang Tian's halberd.

"Then go take a look."

Zhang Yue and his group asked a pigman who looked good and bullied, and got the answer from the city center.

The center of the city is a circular building called the Arena. The outer wall is not visible at a glance. The above said that the circular building is 10 kilometers in diameter.

"This is a magnificent building, I don't know how long it took those aliens to build it." Lin Dong said with a sigh, is there a sound of cheering from inside the huge wall that is hundreds of meters high.

"It takes about 10 days at the earliest. If I build it, one day is enough." Zhang Yue said as he touched the wall of the arena. He felt that this magnificent building was formed by a group of rules, just like his shield wall. Generally, this is just a stone here.

"Yue Ge Niu X!" Lin Dong praised, and as a result, Lu Heng and Chu Feng's eyes were rolled. This low-level kneeling and licking technique has long been outdated.

"Haha, Brother Yue is great. After we are strong, the mid-tier enters the battlefield of ten thousand races, how about we also build a game-supporting city. By then, it will not be a problem for Brother Yue's strength to overwhelm ten thousand races on the battlefield of ten thousand races." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"In sparring, you will definitely earn a lot of points by then." Lu Heng echoed beside him.

Zhang Yue was instantly attracted by this proposal, and then shook his head and said: "It is overwhelming and coercive. It is estimated that we are not far from Four. It is too arrogant."

At this time, a team of Lion Warriors was patrolling near Zhang Yue.

"Those alien races, the gate of the arena is over there. You can't stay here." The leader of the Lion Race team said to Zhang Yue and pointed out the direction of the gate of the arena.

At the gate of the arena.

"Tickets actually cost me 5 points. I earn this point. There is no one else." Chu Feng said with his mouth curled. This made the points that were originally not wealthy even worse.

"Just earn it back. Isn’t there an arena here? A personal competition with 100 points will be divided into betting points." Lv Heng took the arena’s brochure and said, he bought it with one point. The kind that translates into adult languages.

The entire arena is divided into four areas by the cross, individual arena, team arena, race arena, celestial arena.

"Brother Yue, let's go to the individual arena first to see if we can play a game and relax our muscles." Lu Heng said urgently. It has only been a while since he was promoted to Legend.

"Get up." Zhang Yue said.

In the personal arena at this time, a bunny swordsman and a cat assassin are competing.

"Little cat, give it up, and give your 500 points obediently. Your understanding of the laws of space is too shallow, and it's a little too close to deal with me." said the bunny soul sword.

"It turns out that is not always certain who will be the winner."

After the cat clan vinegar assassin confronted the sword soul, he immediately went to school and escaped into the void.

"Sword Force: Void Piercing"

The bunny sword soul instantly pierced through the void, and the cat assassin emerged from the void, one of his shoulders was penetrated by the sword.

"Our two clans have made a good relationship, so we stop here. Do you want to continue?" The Bunny Clan Sword Soul said that it is not necessary. He generally does not kill.

"I lost. See you at the meeting of the two races. I will definitely not lose anymore." The Cat Assassin said that there was not a trace of loss in his words, but a kind of warfare ignited in the Cat Assassin's eyes.

"Okay, see you then." The Bunnyman Sword Soul smiled and said, 500 points were obtained. Today, you can go to the Spirit World Experience Hall again to experience the Sword Heart world that makes her dreams. The spiritual illusion has led to the world of Jianxin. After waking up, she will have a new understanding of the sword in her hand.

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