The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 166: The legend of Master Lin Dong

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"Brother Yue, you have to avenge us!" The two said at the same time, there was a little accident. In their opinion, this was a disadvantage at best, and they didn't fully prepare for the injury and coma.

"Hurt my brothers maliciously, how can you let them go? Besides, you have to let them pay for your medical expenses." Zhang Yue said fiercely. Most of his team's points were spent on this treatment. You can't help but report your grudges.

"Thank you Brother Yue." The two said moved.

"You're welcome."

"After I woke up, I began to reflect on myself, and found that my mentality had not been corrected since I was promoted to Legend. The feeling of sitting on the well and watching the sky before came back. I don’t know that my own legend is in the eyes of other aliens. No." Lu Heng said a little frustrated.

"We were protected by Brother Yue very well. Every time you fight, you always eliminate the strongest enemy, and then put us in the line. In the end, there is no Brother Yue, and we really encounter an opponent with comparable strength. We almost couldn't return. Come." Chu Feng said silently beside him.

When Zhang Yue heard what Lu Heng and Chu Feng said, he was awakened suddenly. He walked through his experience after entering the battlefield of ten thousand races. Zhang Yue had to say that he, a shield bearer, did a little too well and protected his teammates. It’s so meticulous, it’s very dangerous. It seems that in the future you have to take a little responsibility, and sometimes it’s a mistake to share too much pressure.

"Well, I will give you more opportunities to exercise in the future. I will almost use the points." Zhang Yue said. He looked at his points and found that the balance points had 28454 points. Can I buy some artifacts for fun?

"Brother Yue, let's talk about it, don't wait for half of my breath to take action." Chu Feng said hurriedly. He suddenly felt that the sentence just now meant to blame Zhang Yue, so he rushed to remedy it.

"Oh, don't worry, the upper limit of our base medical system is the standard for me to shoot." Hearing Chu Feng's words, Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"························································································ The kind that can come back even if the body is gone.

"Look, Brother Yue is sad, quickly, hurry up and coax Brother Yue."

As they said, the three of them joked.

After talking with Lu Heng and Chu Feng for a while, Zhang Yue went to another medical room to see Ji Xiayun. Because of the serious loss of soul, she was still in a weak state after waking up, so she talked to Zhang Yue. After the sentence, he fell asleep.

Xu Pokong came out with Zhang Yue and said to Zhang Yue: "Sister Ji’s situation is more serious. The only better thing is that she burned pure soul matter with secret methods at the time. In the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, she can also use points. If it were in the world of our heavens, it would be difficult to make up for it."

"Are there any sequelae?" Zhang Yue asked.

"The period of weakness is estimated to be half a year."

"Okay, please take care of sister Ji."

"It should be."

In his spare time, Zhang Yue ran to Lin Dong's laboratory and found that Lin Dong was making an armor. The whole skeleton had been installed, and he was now filling various system modules in it.

"Brother Yue, here." Lin Dong said as he took Zhang Yue to the front of the manufacturing center.

"Brother Yue, look, this is my Tier 5 mechanical armor made of refined A grade titanium pole steel. This is already the limit of titanium pole steel. When we return to the world of heaven, small fragments like wasteland will be enough. It’s just that the operation technology of intelligent robots has never been improved, and I dare not improve the level of mechanical intelligence."

"You are not too courageous. Improve your mechanical intelligence, but then you are careful to return to the world of heavens and be chased by a few foreign races around you." Zhang Yue glanced at Lin Dong and said that in the world of heavens, all races have one The consensus is that it is forbidden to develop self-interested intelligent machines, so that in the end it is all for the machine family to make wedding clothes.

"How dare I, it's just talking." Lin Dong said, and began to control the mechanical armor that was being assembled.

"No way, in the end it has to be operated by humans, which is enough. After returning to the world of the heavens, the profession of mecha manipulators is expected to be popular." Lin Dong looked at the manufacturing center panel and said.

"Then after you go back, your armor manufacturer will make a fortune, right?" Zhang Yue said with a smile. Thinking that I still have shares in that chamber of commerce, I feel a little excited. After thinking about it, it seems that the bonus for completing the task after returning home will not be spent in a lifetime.

"There are also big shares of Brother Yue inside." Lin Dong suddenly looked at Zhang Yue as if he didn't care very much, and felt the seriousness of the matter. Zhang Yue is not short of equipment or money. Now he is not a magical weapon or a semi-sacred weapon. Lin Dong guessed Not less than 20,000.

At this time, after Lin Dong set up all the procedures, he turned around and said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Yue, I invite you to drink tea. This is the Qingxin Jingsi tea that I exchanged with points. The last pot has a particularly good effect."

"Alright." Zhang Yue saw that Lin Dong had something to say to him.

Tea room

The life steward robot is making tea for Zhang Yue and Lin Donghua.

"Brother Yue, I guess you have heard a little about my master." Lin Dong said slowly, moving towards what he wanted to say later. Regarding his master's matter, it is a secret among the high-level people. Most people only know that his master failed the experiment. I owe a large sum of money, but most people can’t inquire about the collective situation.

Lin Dong’s words instantly seduce Zhang Yue’s curiosity. He didn’t hear a little about it, but was very interested in it. His master almost owed all the money to the human demigod. I don’t know how he did it. The probably knows one thing, your master owes a lot of money to the demigod and is currently hiding in debt. "

"Do you know how much my master spent doing that experiment."

"60 million energy crystals, that is, 6000 trillion energy points."

"Damn!" This number directly shocked Zhang Yue, with 6000 trillion energy points. What did he do? Can he spend so many energy points to create gods?

"At the beginning, my master was also a wealthy man, a little worse than your master, brother Yue, but it's definitely okay for personal wealth to rank in the top 100 of the human race."

"But it was the experiment that brought my master back to the pre-liberation period. All the demigods of the human race became creditors of my master. Although most of the high-level human race did not blame the master, the energy points borrowed still have to be paid back."

You have been talking about the prelude for a long time, what kind of experiment your master did? At this moment, Zhang Yue felt like a cat's claw in his heart. He decided that if Lin Dong couldn't tell him what was satisfactory, he decided to take Lin Dong around underground and close the small black room for a day.

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