The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 178: Memorial, return

"Is it an exaggeration."

"It's not an exaggeration, you'll know it later." Huntian said sighfully, remembering the terrible battlefield described to him by the patriarch of their family.

Three days later.

Zhang Yue looked at Zhanshan that had changed back to the original state, and said with a sneer: "Your death date is here."

As Zhanshan returned to its original shape, Zhang Yue's control of the earth was restored. The hands of the earth and the giant peaks all smashed against Zhanshan.

"Haha, a third-rate little race that has no experience, what a short physical death is, even if it is a soul death, I can be reborn in the kingdom of God."

"Well, Human Race, I recognize your defense, now, I won't play with you."

Zhan Shan wanted to leave the battlefield as he spoke.

"Earth Vein Power: Endless Cage"

The shield wall is interesting to enclose the entire battlefield without letting go of the sky.

"Zhanshan, did I say to let you go? I said, you must die."

"How can you be resurrected? I will kill it again."

As Zhang Yue said, a mountain passed through the shield wall at the top and smashed towards Zhanshan. He is now in a state of mind. Under the protection of the earth guard, he has recovered a lot and can still fight.

"Haha, Human Race, I know I can't leave, we will see you in the world, you hope not to let me discover the coordinates of your Human Race World, or just wait for my slaughter by the Sky Torn Bear Race."

The cold voice of Zhanshan came, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire battlefield turned into flames in an instant.

In the sky, in the orc clan's spacecraft, Huntian withdrew his gaze.

"It's really not a good way to be consumed by people to explode." Huntian sighed, as if there was a feeling of sadness.

"Withdraw, the outcome is already divided, we can't take advantage of this defender, so hurry up and hunt."


In the fierce explosion, Zhang Yue scolded the Dementor Orb prepared in advance, exuding wonderful fluctuations, attracting the surrounding souls, and a reduced version of Zhanshan was slowly attracted into the Dementor Orb.

"The third-rate races don't have much knowledge, but the general common sense is still understood. The soul wants to return to the kingdom of God to be resurrected. I don't want to make the same mistake a second time." Zhang Yue looked at the soul of Zhanshan struggling in the soul Said.

The last time he confronted the ape law, Zhang Yue understood the last sentence he blew himself up. It is estimated that the ape law can also be resurrected through the soul, but Zhang Yue is completely indifferent to the ape law now and can kill. You can kill you a second time.

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he kicked the Soul Seductive Pearl in his arms, dived underground, and dived towards Chu Yunxuan, leaving himself the position of the teleportation formation.

At the Terran base, Zhang Yue stood in a small mourning hall and presented wood spirit flowers to the six teammates whose bodies were frozen in ice.

"Xu Pokong, Meng Guozhu, Liao Chaoyuan, Ji Sining, Li Yingying, and Tang Qinghui were the first to be attacked. The power of Zhanshan's palm directly tore their souls and died on the spot."

"Lu Heng and Xu Lingxuan both have the small starlight shields you gave, and they are at the end of the Zhanshan attack, so they are spared. The rest are in a state of serious injury, and they are all trained in the medical room." Chu Yunxuan was sad. As he said, there was no trace of blood on his pale face.

After listening to Chu Yunxuan's words, Zhang Yue said with grief in his heart: "Brother Chu, my fault, if I drag you underground quickly, there will be no casualties, all are... ·········"

Chu Yunxuan waved weakly, interrupting Zhang Yue.

"Xiaoyue, the battlefield is fickle. At that moment, you can achieve this level very well. It is not your fault, but we are too weak, let alone your footsteps."

"In fact, after entering the battlefield of ten thousand races, we are all dragging you down, suppressing strong enemies, protecting teammates, those artifacts, semi-artifacts, and the leaves of the World Tree. You almost give them away for nothing. I know all of these.

"Teammates are healed, you are afraid that our mission progress will be blocked, go directly to crusade against the spirit scale clan, give me all the points you have earned, I also know these."

"You have done enough for the team. To be honest, if it hadn't been for you in the beginning, our human race might not have survived the ten thousand race battlefield for a month."

"Human race, never treat your own race's arrogance, these, you will know when you go back."

Zhang Yue did not speak, but took out the dementor orb from his arms. Under the control of anti-gravity, it floated in the air. A spirit fire appeared under the dementia and burned the dementia.

Under the burning of the spirit fire, the soul-destining orb began to vaporize a little bit, and the soul of Zhanshan in the soul-destining orb was really heart-piercing and deep, which made people shudder.

"This is the soul of Zhanshan, to pay tribute to your spirit in the sky. I hope that in the next life, you will still be my teammates. At that time, I promise that even if it is a god, you will not take your life." Zhang Yue said softly, afraid Disturbed the souls of these dead.

"Xiaoyue, sorrow." Chu Yunxuan said in a sad voice. In this short six months, he also established a deep relationship with this teammate. Even if the commanding troops were used to seeing death before, but he stayed with him day and night and fought side by side. His comrade-in-arms died in this way, and his heart was extremely sad.

"Yeah." Zhang Yue watched Zhanshan's soul burn out a little bit, then slowly nodded in response.

"I'll go and see the injured teammates first."

"Go and rest first. You just need to rest after the battle. They are all in the medical cabin and need 2 days of medical treatment to come out."

" Zhang Yue thought for a while and said.

Zhang Yue returned to his room. After taking a shower, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep deeply. In his dream, he met the giant carrying the starry sky again.

Two days later, Chu Feng and others who walked out of the medical cabin ate silently in the restaurant.

"Brother Yue, did you kill the Zhanshan Mountain?" Chu Feng asked, with hatred in his eyes. The playmate who had been playing since he was a child has died. He has been having nightmares in the medical cabin these days.

"He is dead, I returned Zhanshan's soul and burned it to pay tribute to their spirit in the sky and mourn." Zhang Yue comforted, he knew Xu Pokong's brotherly relationship with Chu Feng.

After hearing what Zhang Yue said, Chu Feng said with emotion, "Brother Yue, thank you."

"Eat quickly, recovery is the key." Zhang Yue said, patting Chu Feng's shoulder.

After eating, they all came to the meeting room.

"Now, all of us, except for the Austrians and Zhang Yue, the rest have also lost their combat effectiveness, and they need more than two months of training."

"According to the current situation, plus the return fee points for the demigod and all items, I have already made up enough. I decided to return to the world of heavens. I don’t want to force it. Those who have the strength can stay. Just be careful not to be locked into the ten thousand races. Just on the battlefield." Chu Yunxuan said and glanced at Zhang Yue.

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