The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 188: Space spirit

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Lin Dong touched the kissed cheek and looked at Isadele Shelley idiotically. I was actually kissed. I was still such a beautiful alien sister.

Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong who was stunned, a bit hated that iron can't make steel, and it was like that when he was kissed, and at the same time there was a little sourness in his heart.

Satiated with wine and food, Isadele Shelley returned directly to the lake with Shark Liyou, like an old friend, she was not at all polite when she left, and she had to take Zhang Yue 100 dragontail fish, and said It is rent.

"You're really welcome." Zhang Yue said while looking at the calm lake.

"Yeah, I didn't say a word, so I gave me a kiss. I'm not mentally prepared yet." Lin Dong said foolishly, his heart has been completely taken away by Isadele Shelley.

"Sea Clan, the collective name of all races in the endless sea, the Naga clan, the strength is comparable to the first-class race, and they are rich and oily. If you want to marry a member of their clan, you have to be a true **** to qualify."

"Furthermore, the blood of the Naga clan is innocent. If you have a child with him, there will be two results afterwards, either the human race or the Naga clan, all the children born are geniuses." Zhang Yue said.

"Brother Yue, where do you look at these things from?" Lin Dong asked curiously, ordinary people would not know these strange knowledge.

"This is for you." Zhang Yue handed Lin Dong a copy. This is a book he accidentally found in Wanzu Shopping Mall. The knowledge above is very interesting.

"Encyclopedia of Knowledge of Ten Thousand Clan Beauty, Brother Yue, you also read this kind of book, and there is still an illustrated version." Lin Dong looked at this thick book, like a treasure.

"This book is very interesting. It was written by an ancient dragon after traveling through the heavens and the world. The most interesting thing above is how to marry a foreign beauty home." Zhang Yue said with a smile, like this introduction to the heavens. I bought a lot of books.

"Brother Yue, great, I didn't expect that there will be such wonderful products on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races." Lin Dong said excitedly looking at the book in his hand.

"Okay, rest. Tomorrow we will continue on the road. This time we will go to the nearest orc clan to see." Zhang Yue said while looking at the map.

"By the way, remember to give it to me after reading the book. This book has been fixed by the law of time. It will not decay for hundreds of millions of years. It is very precious."


On the first day, just as Zhang Yue and Lin Dong set off, they shot two basketball-sized energy pearls from the lake.

"Pre-parting gift, thank you for your dragontail, it is also a return."

Zhang Yue and Lin Dong alone caught an energy pearl, said thank you, and then got on the speed car and drove towards the orc clan territory.

On the speeding car, Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong and said, "Why don't you go there in person."

"No, starting from today, I will work hard to upgrade, strive to be promoted to the true **** as soon as possible, and marry Miss Dai'er." Lin Dong said with firm eyes. Yesterday he saw the information about the Naga clan, and a seed was planted in his heart. , Become a true god, marry Isadelle Shelley.

According to the book, once a girl of the Naga tribe is recognized as a partner, it will be a lifetime, but if a foreign race wants to marry a girl of the Naga tribe, the true **** is just the beginning.

Zhang Yue patted Lin Dong on the shoulder.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you. You said you want to buy me a drink for three days. Now it is the next day, I want to drink the sacred juice of the Protoss."

"Brother Yue, that drink with 100 points, let's change it to a cheaper price, and drink the blessing of moonlight." Lin Dong said timidly, a drink with 100 points is too luxurious, he still has many accessories to buy.

"If it's abusive, then change it to holy water, change your taste."

"Good!" Lin Dong promised happily, he still invited 10 points for a cup of holy water.

Just as Zhang Yue was tasting the holy water, a thunder resounding from heaven and earth, almost not scared, poured out the holy water in his hand.

After a thunderstorm, a dragon yin, and the sound of earth-shaking explosions came from afar.

"Brother Yue, whether to go and watch the excitement." Lin Dong said, and called up the close-fitting armor panel he was wearing, and started the self-cleaning and self-drying function. The sound directly scared him and deducted half a cup of holy water. .

Zhang Yue carefully sensed the fighting sounds and energy coming from outside, and said: "It's best not to go. Those who fight over there are all god-level powerhouses, and we are not qualified to watch the battle."

In fact, Zhang Yue was afraid that in case he would provoke a god-level powerhouse, he couldn't protect Lin Dong, so there was no problem going there by himself.

"Brother Yue, if you get me to the ground, you can go and watch it alone, after all, this opportunity is rare." Lin Dong said. He knew Zhang Yue was afraid of not being able to protect him, so he decided not to go.

Zhang Yue's eyes lit up, he had this thought, but he was afraid that Lin Dong would think too much.

Zhang Yue directly handed Lin Dong three small crystal shields to prevent Lin Dong from being attacked by spirit and soul.

Lin Dong took out a room-sized living cabin and got in.

"Brother Yue, with this, there is no problem for dozens of kilometers underground," Lin Dong said.

"Okay, wait for me. I haven't come in 10 days. You will return directly to the world of the heavens." Zhang Yue said, making complete preparations.


After Zhang Yue dragged the living cabin to 300 meters underground, he put away the speed car, began to concentrate underground, and dived towards the place where the explosion just happened.

Converging all his breath, Zhang Yue, who seemed to be like a stone, quickly thought about going there, and the distance from the place where the thunder broke out, according to Zhang Yue's estimation, was less than 200 kilometers.

At the thundering place, the 14-meter-high Titan tribe leader, holding a huge sword composed of the laws of thunder and lightning, looked at the ancient dragon tribe not far away.

"Dragon Split ~ hand over the Space Spirit Heart, I just assume that this has never happened, and your injury to our people has also been wiped out. Otherwise, in the battlefield of ten thousand races, my Titans and your Dragon Don't stop dying." Ao Kuang, the leader of the Titans, said in a cold voice, actually getting angry.

Two months ago, the Titans discovered a mineral vein in the sand of time and space, and dug a small amount of space gods from it. Only 5 days ago, a Titan tribe dug a space **** heart. After receiving the news, Aokang returned When there was a celebration, things were snatched by the ancient dragons.

"Space spirit is very important to me, I can change the Thunder Origin Divine Stone for you." The ancient dragon clan looked at the thundercloud condensed in the sky and said, if the space spirit is not the focus of this mission, he is not willing to provoke the Titans. .

"It seems that the battle will continue, the dragon cracks, even if the fight is until the insects are cleaned, I will not let you go." Ao Kuang said coldly, his soul has been blessed by the **** king, even if he will die in the end. , Can also be resurrected in the kingdom of God, the space **** heart cannot be obtained by oneself, it is given to the Zerg race, and it cannot be obtained by the ancient dragon race.

The thundercloud covered a 50-kilometer radius, and Aokang looked towards the sky, the thunder domain was already there, and the ancient dragons could no longer easily escape from this world.

"Endless Thunder Realm"

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