The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 302: True God clone

After Zhang Luoluo finished the meal, Zhang Yue handed Zhang Xingyu to the housekeeper, the elves.

At the dining table, Li Lengzhen smiled, and Zhang Shaohui started to inquire about Zhang Yue's situation and tasks outside.

"Xiaoyue, you don't have to say before you come back, this is not your favorite dish." Li Lengzhen said distressedly.

"Haha, as long as it's mom's dishes, I like to eat them." Zhang Yue said with a smile, holding the chopsticks in his hand, and kept picking up the dishes on the table. The original taste was still the same.

"Xiaoyue, how long will you stay here this time?" Zhang Shaohui asked. Now he can't give any advice about the strength of his son and where he is.

"I will leave tomorrow and come back today. I mainly want to give you something." Zhang Yue said. Although he also wants to take a few more days at home, he really can't stand the current scene.

"You care when and what Xiaoyue does, and I'm happy when you come home." Li Lengzhen glanced at Zhang Shaohui and said.

"I'm not concerned, Xiao Yue."

At this time, Zhang Luoluo said, "Brother, do you have my share of anything you come back to give me?"

"Without your share, the college entrance examination will soon be over."

"I have provided you with such a thick foundation. If you still fail to enter the Truth Academy, then you can honestly find a class in the world of the heavens and don't harm your teammates." Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Luoluo and said .

"Brother, don't underestimate people. I'm already a Tier 1 Senior Arcanist. It's not appropriate to enter the Truth Academy." Zhang Luoluo said triumphantly. She already has several top-notch humans in her mailbox. The notice from the Arcanist Academy just didn't say anything.

"Well, after going to the Truth Academy, I have arranged a good master for you, very powerful."

Zhang Yue's words attracted the attention of Zhang Shaohui and his wife.

"Xiaoyue, what is the strength of the master you found for Luo Luo?" Li Lengzhen asked with interest. It is about her daughter's future and must be checked.

"The demigod of the wind, Yi Rujun, this is my good brother Lu Heng's aunt, he promised me in advance." Zhang Yue said, facing this matter, Zhang Yue was very satisfied with Lu Heng's arrangement.

"Yi Rujun, Deputy Dean of the Truth Academy!" Zhang Luoluo exclaimed, feeling that he was hit by surprise in an instant.

"How is this master?" Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Luoluo said, feeling very moved. After Zhang Yue entered the world of heavens, he could feel the love for her.

"Who was unwilling to serve her brother just now," Li Lingzhen hummed.

"Isn't it unresponsive?" Zhang Luoluo said hehe.

After dinner, the family was chatting in the living room. Zhang Yue hugged Zhang Xingyu. This little guy seemed to like Zhang Yue very much. After being hugged by Zhang Yue, his head kept digging into Zhang Yue's arms.

Zhang Yue held Zhang Xingyu in one hand, and took out a large box and a small box from the storage space in the other.

"Mom, this is the crystallization of the ice law. It was given by one of my elders. After you take it, you can practice normally. There is absolutely no problem in reaching the ninth rank in the future." Zhang Yue said to Li Lengzhen, and then pushed the big box. Go to Zhang Shaohui.

"Put, this is a set of semi-artifact warrior light armor, you keep it for high-level use."

At this time, Zhang Luoluo looked at Zhang Yue with blank eyes. According to the past practice, she would have some gifts more or less.

"Oh, I almost forgot Lolo."

Zhang Yue smiled and took out a book from the space, "The Way of the Heavens and the Law System to Become a God", which is one of his collection of books.

"Go back and take a good look. The solution will be given to you. Whether you can become a **** depends on your good fortune." Zhang Yue said, facing the hundreds of books in the world of the heavens that have been collected and translated into adult languages, which is long enough to give away. Time is up.

Zhang Shaohui and Li Lengzhen laughed at Zhang Luoluo's disappointed expressions.

"Brother, you are so pretty."

Zhang Luoluo has nothing to say.

The next day, in the morning, Zhang Yue took some supplements and went to visit Zhao Gaoshi's house and found that the master and his wife were both there.

"My own house, what else do you take?" Zhang Yue's mother Li Xin blamed, looking like her son spends a lot of money on things.

With enthusiasm for staying, Zhang Yue accompanied Zhao Gaohe and Li Xin for a meal, and then left under the pretext of being too enthusiastic and a little uncomfortable.

One day without incident, Zhang Yue first climbed up and flew up in the air through a flying wing. Watching Bai Yun pass by himself, Zhang Yue's mood in the world war in the heavens was relieved a lot, and his state was very relaxed.

Zhang Yue went home for dinner at noon, and spent the afternoon with his mother at home. After eating in the evening, Zhang Yue logged into the world of heavens in the eyes of his family.


King Kong Ape Clan territory, in a secret realm.

The ancestor of Tian Yuan healed with the help of Shen Yuan.

"Sky Ape, you are impatient."

"Wait for you to completely stabilize the kingdom of God and the whole race has digested the gifts of the heavens. At that time, you were attacking the human race, and you were not as embarrassed as you are today, and you were hurt by a human being who was new to a demigod."

A voice loud as a bell rang in the secret realm.

"Master Sacred Ape, it's not that I don't want to. You also know that I control the law of fate."

"It vaguely tells me that the human race must be destroyed within 20 years, otherwise our race will never come out." said the ancestor of the sky ape, with a hint of unwillingness in his tone, every time on the way to destroy the human race There was an accident, and this was the second time he was injured.

"The ridiculous destiny, Tian Yuan remembers a word, when you discover destiny and try to control it, you are already under control."

"The King Kong Ape Clan has been promoted to a second-rate race, and a new wave of development will be welcomed in the future. Your pattern is smaller." Said the God Ape, witnessing it in the world of heavens for tens of thousands of In view of the rise and demise of many races, Human Race has great potential, but wanting to resist the invasion of a second-rate race with a second-rate intermediate race is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

"I am too obsessed, Lord Sage Ape, grant me your clone, and give me one last chance." The ancestor of the sky ape asked with the last hope.

He knows the importance of the **** clone to the true god, but he still thinks about the capable Dao Sage Ape clone, to eliminate his heartache, Wei Duntian.

The entire secret realm plunged into a weird atmosphere, and the ancestor of the sky ape lowered his head, the hope in his heart was about to be shattered.

After a long time, the divine ape slowly said: "In five years, I will give you a clone of mine in five years. I wish you annihilate the human race."

"The price is that within the next 50 years of your Diamond Ape Clan, you will try your best to collect the source of God for my practice."

After hearing the words of the holy ape, the ancestor of the sky ape breathed a sigh of relief, he could accept this condition, as long as the human race was destroyed and the dream scene dissipated.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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