The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 313: spaceship

Many crew members looked like they were left behind, and thanked the senior who helped them along the way.

In the spacecraft, Zhang Yue looked at the human race behind Yunjian's buttocks and the spacecraft that had captured the Diamond Ape tribe, and said inwardly: "After reaching the sixth rank, dealing with the general high-ranking Diamond Ape tribe is not a big problem."

"Captain Xiong, you said that senior is the senior of that clan. After I went back, I went to my heart several times, and I will have the opportunity to repay the benefactor in the future." The fleet commander said just now.

He always felt that Zhang Yue was lying to him, because just before he fell into the illusion, he vaguely saw the confident smile at the corner of Zhang Yue's mouth.

As for the possibility of Zhang Yue destroying these high-ranking diamond apes, he didn't even think about it.

The fleet commander was idle, and began to look at the spaceship.

"Captain Bear, how old are you this year."

The fleet commander looked at Zhang Yue and asked. He suddenly thought that his daughter Su Su had said to himself that she was now the dispatcher of the Human Race’s newly-emerged firefighting team, and all of them were the top talents of the Human Race. He thought that his girl was already It’s 24, and I still don’t have a boyfriend.

"22 years old." Zhang Yue said.

"Dao Wei's apprentice?" He glanced at Xiong Ti's information just now, this was the most dazzling one.

"I am the last disciple of Master." Zhang Yue said casually. There is a very tortuous story in the materials. The above said that Wei Dun Tianhui saw talents and made a lot of efforts to recruit Xiong Ti as an apprentice.

This story made Zhang Yue look very nauseous, the richest man in the human race to accept an apprentice is really touching, the compilation is really a bit fake.

The fleet commander looked at Zhang Yue and nodded in satisfaction. This young man was okay. Even under the conditions of death, the young man's expression was so indifferent, without any panic, and very calm.

"Do you have a girlfriend."

Speaking of this, the fleet officer smiled cordially, the mid-level shield bearer, or the apprentice of the big guard, is simply a fighter among young talents.

"Um, the foreign race is not destroyed, why is family? I don't want to delay others." Zhang Yue said, he found that he hadn't seen Yun Shu for a long time, and he was really unqualified to be a boyfriend.

"It's a man, young man, after this war is over, you find me and I will introduce my daughter to you."

As the commander said, a photo was projected, and above it was the little girl with long pony tail who had just contacted Zhang Yue.

"So you are Xiao Su's father." Zhang Yue said.

Zhang Yue looked at the young and beautiful girl with long ponytail in the photo, and thought in his heart, if it was Xiong Ti, he would probably wake up laughing.

"Young man, my daughter is not beautiful enough." The commander looked at Zhang Yue's expression and knew that the young man was not caring.

Yun Shu is not as pretty as me.

"Not senior, I don't have this idea now."

Zhang Yue waved his hand and said.

"It's as if I forced you." The commander turned his head and looked away, ignoring Zhang Yue.

After a while, the commander couldn't help but said to Zhang Yue: "Captain Xiong, I think the style of your spacecraft is a bit more mechanical."

"Is this a mechanical clan ship?" the commander asked.

"You can see it." Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"Of course, since I was a kid, I like mechas and spaceships, so I have a little research on spaceships of all races."

"Your spaceship is not simple. It's a bit like the most basic spacecraft of the Mechanic family, and it is also the foundation of all the top spaceships of the Mechanic family."

The commander looked at everything around him obsessively and said that his ability to be a fleet commander also stems from his love for spacecraft.

"This spaceship really has something to do with the mechanical clan. I got it in a medium-sized debris world." Zhang Yue said, lamenting the commander's sense of smell for the spaceship.

At this time, the fleet commander looked at Qi Yunjian seriously.

After watching for a long time, he said to Zhang Yue a little excitedly: "Captain Xiong, I didn't intend to detect your secrets."

"You spaceship, can you carry the debris world?"

The commander looked at Zhang Yue expectantly after speaking.

"Yes, how do you know." Zhang Yue nodded and said.

After listening to Zhang Yue's words, the commander immediately ran to the spacecraft's master control position and said to Zhang Yue, "Captain Xiong, can I see the spacecraft's data."

Zhang Yue thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

As soon as Zhang Yue's voice fell, the fleet commander sat in the main control position of the spacecraft and began to operate.

At this time, a voice in Zhang Yue's heart sounded.

"Master, do you want to cover it up."

"No need to."

Zhang Yue responded that he wanted to know what the fleet commander had discovered.

After a while, the commander called up a bunch of data that Zhang Yue couldn't understand.

Zhang Yue almost frightened Zhang Yue with a cry of excitement.

Then Zhang Yue Zhang Yue's protective shield chilled, causing a wave of waves.

Zhang Yue looked at the fleet commander and said, "Senior, your ninth-tier slap is really not light."

He knows the shield of the current Earth Guard, even if it is the life-death blow of the sixth-order powerhouse, it will not cause waves of the shield of the Earth Guard.

The commander looked at his palm hanging in the air, a little embarrassed, just now excited, he used his full strength.

"I..., I just want to pat you on the shoulder." The commander said timidly.

"After you shoot me to death, then inherit this spaceship." Zhang Yue asked. He felt that the commander definitely had this idea.

Zhang Yue's vigilant vision made the commander even more embarrassed.

"No no..." the commander said hurriedly.

The commander calmed his mood, and then said to Zhang Yue: "Captain Xiong, I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now."

"I just looked at the spaceship, it turned out to be a spaceship that can evolve."

Speaking of this, the commander became excited again.

"You know what this means."

"This spacecraft is powerful?"

"It's not only very powerful, it can be said that our human race's hope of victory in the war is half of the hope that can be placed on this The commander waved and said, as if he was speaking.

"God-class spacecraft has the ability to mine outside the world of heaven."

"Do you know how much the SSS-level equipment of the Tauren clan is."

"A general weapon only needs to be equivalent to 1 billion energy points of our human race, 1 billion, and a high-level effort can buy one for a year."

"And our human race, a weapon like this, starts at least 80 billion."

"In the middle is a spaceship that can go to the star field for mining."

"Captain Bear, do you know what this means." the commander asked.

"It means that if you want this spacecraft to be upgraded to the **** level, you need all kinds of rare materials and all kinds of top resources."

"The most important thing is a matching godhead."

Looking at the excited commander, Zhang Yue couldn't bear to interrupt him.

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