The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 321: the holiday is over

Latest website: Wang Ling rushed to the bear of the earth in an instant, the space around her body began to twist, and shallow footprints began to be formed under her feet.

When Zhang Yue saw this scene, his expression began to get serious. The ground under Wang Ling's feet was strengthened by Zhang Yue with shield mountain crystals. Although it was a ground that was strengthened by hand, it is not a Tier 3 professional who can walk out casually. Footprints come.

The Earth Bear looked at Wang Ling who had hit him, and swept the sword directly.

'clang! ’

The huge metal collision sound rang, shaking the ears of people around.

"It's interesting, Yun Shu, your teammates are starting to explode." Zhang Yue said as he looked at Wang Ling holding a shield in front of the Bear of the Earth.

"Brother Yue, do you say that Zhuang Ling will pass it?" Zhao Yunshu said worriedly. Since Wang Ling started fighting, her heart has been rectifying this, for fear that Zhang Yue's summoned beast accidentally killed Wang Ling. Kill.

Zhang Yue patted Zhao Yunshu on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, as long as there is a breath, I can pull it back."

"Between life and death, there is great fear, a shield bearer, this kind of scene will be commonplace in the future, you can't help her for a lifetime." Zhang Yue said.

"I know."

Seeing Zhao Yunshu's expression, Zhang Yue was secretly relieved, and he helped Wang Ling just to let Zhao Yunshu have a stronger teammate in the future, and also meant to support the younger generation.

Zhang Yue smiled. He has been a shield bearer for more than two years, and now he has the meaning of supporting younger generations. She is mid-level and Wang Ling is low-level. Of course, she is a junior, and the master is first.

Wang Ling took three steps back with the shield, looked at the bear of the earth, a glimmer of joy flashed in her eyes, she did not expect to realize the'heavy gold power' she dreamed of at a critical moment. At this time, she was already heavy under the influence of the heavy gold. Up to more than ten tons.

"Big Bear, I am no longer Wang Ling who you can fly freely." Wang Ling said fiercely to the Earth Bear.

'boom! ’

The anti-gravity was directly blessed by the bear of the earth to Wang Ling, swept the sword, and Wang Ling flew out again.

Wang Ling got up again, vomited a mouthful of blood, turned her head and shouted at Zhang Yue on the high platform: "Brother-in-law, you are too much. You have seen so many different beasts of Tier 5 strength."

Zhang Yue was taken aback. It seemed that the strength of the current Earth Bear was a bit abnormal. Although they were all Tier 5 standards, they did have a little more means.

"This is the battlefield, and it changes rapidly. How can there be so many things? You should figure out how to survive." Zhang Yue said.

Wang Ling looked at the Earth Bear rushing towards him, gritted her teeth, and slammed into it with her shield.

An hour later, Zhang Yue recalled the Earth Bear, and looked at Wang Ling's **** body with satisfaction.

"What if you meet this strange beast in the wild?" Zhang Yue asked seriously.

"I stay, they go."

"What if I can't stop it."

"Before I die, I won't let the alien beast break through my defense."

The **** Wang Ling's mind was already a bit vague, but the tone of answering Zhang Yue's question was extremely firm.

"You are dead, they are still alive, are you willing?" Zhang Yue asked the last question.

"I am a shield bearer."

Looking at the **** Wang Ling, the other teammates took out healing medicine to treat Wang Ling, but Zhang Yue stopped him.

Zhang Yue took out the water of life and the water essence of the galaxy, and also took out the healing medicine unique to the tearing bear clan.

"You are all skin trauma. These medicines can restore your state to peak, and then take the promotion medicine."

Wang Ling was not polite, and took the potion in Zhang Yue's hand and entered the quiet room next to the training ground.

"After your teammates come out again, there will be a perfect level, Yun Shu, you have to come on." Zhang Yue said, touching Zhao Yunshu's hair.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be better than you when the time comes." Zhao Yunshu said proudly, pulling the big hand off his head.

"Haha, I look forward to that day." Zhang Yue said with a smile, thinking that if someone like his girlfriend really wants to fight, it's probably useless.

An hour later, Wang Ling, dressed in casual clothes, walked out of the quiet room with a look of excitement. After her promotion was perfect, she took a shower in the bathroom attached to the quiet room and walked out energetic.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"Same as shield holders, this is what it should be."

Zhang Yue said that he took out another book from the storage space and gave it to Wang Ling.

"Detailed Explanation of the Law of the Gold System"

"I hope it will be useful to you." Zhang Yue said, this is the print of his book in the Primary Library of the World of Heaven.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Wang Ling took the book and turned a few pages, and suddenly felt that she had received a practice secret.

"You are welcome."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he found the look of expectation from Zhao Yunshu's other teammates.

"Haha both."

They can also see it behind the print anyway.

Now the Primary Library of the World of Heavens brought back by Zhang Yue from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races is currently conducting data entry in a dense place for the Human Race. Because the World Map of the Heavens Embassy is too large, it has not been completed yet. Books that are in dire need.

At noon, Zhang Yue took everyone to a meal at the hotel, and then took Zhao Yunshu to leave.

Three days later, at the center of the teleportation formation, Zhang Yue and Zhao Yunshu reluctantly separated, and set foot on the cross-region teleportation formation to Yanwu City.

When Zhang Yue thought of leaving, his agreement with Zhao Yunshu filled his heart with a taste of happiness.

In Yanwu City, Zhang Yue returned to the temporary station of the fire brigade.

After entering the station, he found that he was the last to arrive.

"Haha, Brother Yue, you are late, tell me what to do." Lu Heng said with a smile, he has completely passed the trial space and obtained the halberd technique he dreamed of.

"This stuff is floating again."

Everyone looked at Lu Heng's state and thought.

"How about training with you."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he directly activated gravity to increase the force field bonus.

When gravity touched Lu Heng for an instant, he quickly took out Fang Tian's painted halberd, put it on the ground, and held it with his hands. The whole body tended to be crushed.

Zhang Yue patted Lu Heng's shoulder lightly, and a law of gravity appeared in Lu Heng's mental space and adjusted the gravity of Lu Heng's body.

"Twenty times I hope you like it, this state can last for ten days." Zhang Yue said with a smile, this is his new small method after reaching the sixth rank.

The gravity of Lu Heng's body began to slowly slow down, and finally returned to the level of 20 times the gravity.

"Brother Yue, I was wrong, I don't like this." Lu Heng shouted in the joking eyes of everyone, only Cai Celadon had burnt a light in his eyes.

After everyone chatted for a while, Ji Xiayun asked, "Xiaoyue, let's go on the task of destroying the enemy."

"No, the current war situation has eased a lot, and there are a lot fewer aliens in the war zone. It is estimated that this will become a buffer zone in the future."

"If we are all right now, how about going to wasteland in the world of medium-sized fragments."

"Maybe there is still something like a Taoist artifact." Zhang Yue said, this was what he thought before he came.



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