The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 326: Demigod alloy

Latest website: The body of the mountain giant with its head disappeared crashing to the ground, and another burst of landslides.

"It's done." Zhang Yue said, looking at the fallen mountain giant and clapping his hands.

The ship of the earth quickly passed by the mountain giant.

Shen Manjin looked at the ground below the mountain giant's blood-stained ground and its half-remaining body, feeling that none of this was very real, was it muddled?

Half an hour later, the Earth Ship finally reached the altar at the center of the Fragmented World.

Below the altar, there is a small beast like a fox lying on the ground.

After seeing Zhang Yue's earth boat, the little beast slowly stood up, shook his body, and escaped into the gap in the space.

Suddenly, a cold light flickered in front of Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue's protective shield lit up, waved the microwave, and then disappeared.

'tooth! ’

An angry voice sounded, and countless cold lights began to flash across Zhang Yue's body, but he still couldn't break the shield of Earth Guard.

Shen Manjin looked at the shield around him curiously.

Shen Manjin wondered when the shield was activated.

At this moment, a ten-meter-long giant claw appeared in the sky and patted Zhang Yue and Shen Manjin.

'boom! ! ’

The earth boat at Zhang Yue's feet could not bear the huge force and collapsed directly, and the earth protection shield also began to vibrate.

"It's worthy of being the last beast to guard the heart of the world, it's kind of interesting."

Zhang Yue looked at the giant claws oppressing the earth guard and slowly said, in his opinion, he could only get here.

With a ‘bang’, a deep purple earth hand appeared from the earth and inserted it into the void. After a while, he grabbed the little fox from the gap in the space.


The caught little beast started squeaking in horror and looked at Zhang Yue with pitiful eyes.

"It turned out to be a mink." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He was far away just now, but Zhang Yue didn't take a close look. He mistakenly thought it was a fox.

"Boss Shen, what kind of strange beast is this." Zhang Yue asked.

Although he read a lot of books about alien beasts in the world of heavens, but because of the variety of alien beasts in the world of heavens, he dare not say that he knew them all.

"I don't know this either."

Shen Manjin looked at the mink beast whose fur was as red as silk and said.

"Then I will leave a whole body, you can go back and study it."

Zhang Yue said that he directly activated the shield force and severely suppressed the little mink monster.

In an instant, the horrified eyes of the little mink monster began to become hollow, and the hand of the earth handed it to Shen Manjin's body.

"Mental consciousness has been permanently suppressed by me, and now it's almost like a vegetable." Zhang Yue said.

Shen Manjin put the mink into the secondary biological space equipment, which he often brought into the debris world.

After putting away the small mink and alien animal, Shen Manjin stepped onto the altar and began to refine the heart of the world.

"Hey, another half an hour of boring time."

Zhang Yue stood by the altar and looked at the distant scenery and said, and then fell into deep thought, thinking about the trial of the Divine Grace Alliance secret realm.

In the evening, Zhang Yue took Shen Manjin to open up wasteland to finish the last medium-sized fragmented world, and declined Shen Manjin's gracious request for a meal, and returned home to have dinner with his family.

In Zhang Yue's view, the delicacies of the mountains and the sea are not as good as the meals made by his mother at home.

The next day was Sunday, and Zhang Yue took Zhang Luoluo to play crazy for a day.

I met my good brother Zhou Jie on the third day.

On the fourth day, I took Zhang Xingyu at home for a day.

Five days later, Zhang Yue lay in the register of the world of heavens early and disappeared into the original universe.

The world of heavens, the No. 1 main city.

Zhang Yue looked at the pedestrians on the street and sighed. It is worthy of being the No. 1 main city. He glanced around on the street. At least four of the ten people are high-level professionals, and the rest are medium-level excellent. Level evaluation of professionals.

At this time, Zhang Yue was stopped by a middle-aged arcanist wearing a robes.

"Little brother, you must be a top shield bearer, depending on your aura."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yue said while looking at the middle-aged arcanist who stopped him. If the next sentence doesn't interest him, then he will probably be uncomfortable for a while.

"Little brother, do you want an artifact?" The middle-aged arcanist tempted, shouting in his heart that he must succeed this time, and finally came across a shield holder who looked like a master.

Hearing this, Zhang Yue's eyes flashed a little joking, there is still some time before the assembly, and it's good to have fun.

"Of course I want." Zhang Yue said with interest.

"The little brother come with me, let's talk carefully." said the middle-aged arcanist.

"it is good."

So Zhang Yue followed the middle-aged Arcanist around and went to an equipment forging factory.

"Does the little brother think that I am a liar and want to see what tricks I do?" The middle-aged arcanist looked at Zhang Yue and said calmly.

"Do you still dare to do it in the No. 1 main city?"

Zhang Yue said lightly, now in the human race, that is, the demigod can make him value it.

"Little brother, dare to follow me in and have a look." The middle-aged arcanist said with a smile, his face looked like I had discovered a major secret.

"Why don't you dare?" Zhang Yue said.

The middle-aged arcanist opened the door and walked in with Zhang Yue.

As soon as he entered the equipment forging factory, Zhang Yue saw several high-level shield-holders who were talking happily with each other.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yue became more curious about the content behind.

Several high-ranking shield bearers all smiled when Zhang Yue was taken in by the middle-aged arcanist.

"A lucky little guy." A high-level shield bearer said.

"Lao Huo, I always feel a little sorry for the ancestor Wei, this price is still interest-free loan to our equipment, it was sold by us to exchange the artifact, is it a bit too much." Another shield holder faced just now Said the talking shield bearer.

"A set of SSS-level equipment, exchange for a divine weapon big shield, no loss, besides, we are also fighting for the human race." said the shield bearer called Lao Huo.

"Otherwise, let's report the situation here," said a strong shield bearer.

The words of the strong shield holders caused the other high-level shield holders to roll their eyes.

"You didn't hear the people inside say that the strange purple mine is limited, and there are not many magical shields. Let's digest it internally."

"It makes sense."

Many high-level shield holders nodded and said Zhang Yue was taken into a refining room.

A black alloy was removed from the shelf by the middle-aged arcanist and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue looked at this alloy for a long time, but Yunjian Smart Xiaoyun reminded Zhang Yue that it was a demigod alloy.

"What do you mean." Zhang Yue said while looking at the black alloy in his hand.

The middle-aged arcanist cleared his throat and said, "Some time ago, the shield bearers' union began to give benefits to high-level shield bearers on the front line. Interest-free loans and zero down payment to purchase SSS equipment are still complete sets."

"We accidentally discovered that this star iron suit is very rough to make, and it is still a mold synthesis, but the only advantage is that it is easy to recycle."

Zhang Yue looked at the middle-aged arcanist, the power of law brewing in his hands.



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