The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 332: small world

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the shield of the heavens without injury!

"Brother Xiong, this is a good thing, how did you get it?" Ning Xiu said likes looking at the two stone **** with overweight features in his hand.

The weight is just right, so that you can exercise your wrist and arm strength.

"I have a new understanding of the law. I know that you like this stuff. I made one for you. If you need more weight in the future, you can tell me directly." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and began to look forward to future battles. What kind of effect.

At this time, everyone came around looking for voices.

"Brother Xiong, what a grudge, this power is about to catch up with the miniature electromagnetic cannon." Lu Heng said, looking at the tens of meters long deep groove on the lawn.

"Yeah, I can't understand Ning Xiu. Let's find a place to be him quietly without being the face of the big guy. That's not good." Chu Feng said sinisterly. Take fewer heads.

Zhang Yue used the law of the earth to restore the deep ditch on the ground, which is a place for others to entertain him.

"As long as you talk a lot, you have finished training." Zhang Yue said as he looked at everyone.

"It's been 10 hours, let's combine work and rest, okay?" Lu Heng said, now his strength can not be greatly improved by daily training.

Zhang Yue was taken aback, he really didn't pay attention to the time.

"The time to comprehend the law flies so fast." Zhang Yue sighed.

With a wave of his hand, there was a pile of barbecue ingredients and three barbecue robots on the ground.

"Everyone has worked hard, I invite everyone to eat barbecue." Zhang Yue said.

"Thank you, Brother Xiong," everyone said.

The barbecue robot started to move, and after a while, the smell of barbecue began to exude in the air.

Lu Heng sniffed it intoxicated, and said to Zhang Yue, "Brother Xiong, you can do it. Most of these barbecued meats are in the most quintessential position of high-level alien beasts. Where can I buy them."

"What to buy, I used contribution points to redeem, knowing that this time I'm going to travel, I have prepared a lot, with the top fresh-keeping technology, we have no problem after opening it for ten years."

Zhang Yue said that with his experience in the battlefield of ten thousand races, Zhang Yue prepared more adequately this time. For food alone, he stored enough food for him to eat for a lifetime in the Yunjian space warehouse. Money is just that wayward.

"Contribute points to redeem ingredients, great."

Xu Lingxuan, who was next to her, said enviously that although she contributed a lot, they were all used to exchange materials that needed to be promoted in the future.

Just here, a big cup appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Brother Xiong, thank you." Xu Lingxuan said with a smile. After entering the Ten Thousand Clan battlefield, she found her favorite drink, Moonlight Blessing, but due to limited points, the moonlight blessing she had exchanged has been drunk.

Zhang Yue took out a drinking device from the storage space and filled it with moonlight blessings. When leaving the battlefield of ten thousand races, Yuexi gave him a ring of active space, and he could not finish drinking it himself.

"Drinking whatever you like is a benefit provided to you as the captain." Zhang Yue said to everyone.

"Thank you Brother Yue!"

Xu Lingxuan ran to the drinking device, this time she wanted to drink enough.

"Moonlight Blessing, a drink unique to the Moonlight Elf clan, which improves mental purification. Drinking more is also helpful to the soul."

"The most important thing is." Zhang Yue paused, watching the expression of the newcomer listening carefully, and said slowly: "It's delicious."


Liu Yiyi took out his cup and made a drink next to the drinking device. After taking a sip, he was shocked and his eyes flashed. He solemnly said to Zhang Yue, "Thank you, Brother Xiong."

Illusionists have extremely high requirements for soul and spirit. Mental power can be improved by meditation and cultivation methods, but there are few methods and treasures that can improve soul power.

"Whatever you are polite, you will be good brothers who will fight side by side in the future...comrades in arms." Zhang Yue said politely.

At this time, Si Liyun's eyes flashed brightly. When he came, the clan chief just told himself that the captain who led the team this time was Wei Duntian's apprentice, and he didn't say much about the specific origin.

Wei Duntian is now the most important demigod of the human race, and the intelligence of all his disciples has long been studied in the hands of the major families, as well as his heaven-defying disciple and grandson, also known as Zhang Yue, the hope of the human race.

Regarding the sudden emergence of Xiong Ti and his ability to crush the same level against the sky, he had a guess.

At this time, the barbecue robot put the roasted meat on a plate to everyone.

With a wave of Zhang Yue, a 10-person dining table emerged from the ground, and the barbecue was placed on the table.

"Brother Xiong, when has your style of painting changed recently? It used to be crystal color, but now it has become golden color." Ning Xiu said while looking at the golden dining table.

"Is color important? I can change the color if I don't like it."

Zhang Yue mobilized the earth force field and turned the dining table into crimson red.

"Haha, I just said it casually." Ning Xiu said.

"Haha, you juniors don't want me to eat."

There was a voice like a lion, and everyone turned their heads to look. A middle-aged man with a tall stature and a firm face walked towards everyone.

"Welcome to Senior Iron Fist." Zhang Yue led everyone to stand up and said, using the law of the earth to enlarge the dining table and add another place.

"Haha, what are you polite? You will all be the pillars of the human race in the future. The future will definitely be better than my half-pull and half-god." Iron Fist looked at Zhang Yue and others and said with satisfaction. It is estimated that I will be with my group of old brothers below.

"Let's have dinner, don't be restrained, I'm here to see you, and by the way, I will tell you about the precautions during this time." Iron Fist sat down and said.

Picked up a large skewer and started to eat.

Iron Fist's eyes lit up, and he said to everyone: "Yes, incense!"

Zhang Yue took out a box of beer and put it on the table, took out a bottle, opened it and handed it to Iron Fist.

"Haha, barbecue can be less beer." Iron Fist said haha.

Everyone also started to eat and praised the taste of the barbecue.

After drinking and eating, the iron fist demigod lay on the lawn without any image and said with satisfaction: "It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant barbecue."

"Senior Tekken is satisfied, let's eat every day."

Zhang Yue and his teammates sat cross-legged on the lawn not far from the iron fist.

"That's tired."

Iron Fist half-god smiled, then gathered his expression and began to say: "In the past few months, the Tauren clan spacecraft will collect more than fifty alien trial teams."

"But there are a total of 5 small worlds on the spacecraft for entertaining, so the tauren clan decided to let the rear alien team choose by themselves. In the future, if you want to enjoy this small world exclusively, you will have to fight for it yourself."

"Our human race and the tauren family have a good relationship, so try not to kill you."

"But if the other side is murderous, don't show mercy."

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