The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 362: Badwater Mystic Turtle

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"Once there is a large-scale war in our human race, you will immediately notify me."

"If it's okay, I will practice here."

Zhang Yue pinched Zhang Xingyu's small face and said.

"Okay, I will notify you then." The two nodded and said.

One month later, Zhang Yue was promoted to the eighth elementary level, and the second star in the star chart in the spiritual world had become a complete body.

"It's time to verify my strength."

"Who will do it first."

"Right, that's it." Zhang Yue said with a clap of his palm.

Wanshi Mountain Range. At the top of a mountain, blue light flashed, and Zhang Yue walked out of it.

A virtual screen appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Mr. Zhang Yue, what can I do for you?" said the brain in the virtual screen.

"Help me tune out the information about the demigod monsters and evil water spinners and evil fire unicorns in the water blue area."


In less than a second, the information of the two semi-divine beasts was displayed.

"It turns out that the beast tide in Shuilan City was organized by the evil water mysterious tortoise. When I was not in the Shuilan area, it was organized twice."

"Then I'll be the first one to have the knife on you." Zhang Yue gritted his teeth and said, an animal tide did not know how many people would die. This semi-divine beast happened to organize three times.

For the semi-divine beasts, the human race's strategy has always been to win over them too well, and the human race will not trouble them if it is not necessary.

On the edge of a large lake deep in the forest, Zhang Yue's figure slowly floated down from the sky.

Looking at the huge lake, Zhang Yue stimulated his half-domain to instantly cover the entire lake.

100 kilometers above the lake, a dark crystal pillar is condensing.

As the stone pillars condensed, the surrounding mass space and gravity began to change, and finally condensed into a stone pillar with a length of 300 meters and a diameter of 25 meters.

"Since you won't come out, then I will give you a big guy a taste."

Zhang Yue's semi-domain detected the evil water mysterious tortoise located at the bottom of the lake more than 80 kilometers below the water surface.

The sleeping evil water mysterious tortoise slowly opened his eyes at this time. After knowing that Zhang Yue, who was above, closed his eyes, a high-level small bug was too lazy to do it, and he came down and said.

The evil water mysterious tortoise, who was still concerned, suddenly widened his eyes and fled from his original position at lightning speed.

"I just thought about running away now, it's too late." A trace of killing intent flashed in Zhang Yue's eyes.

In an instant, four giants of the earth appeared from the feet of the evil water mysterious tortoise, firmly wrapped around the four huge tortoise legs, the surrounding gravity suddenly increased by a hundred times, and the surrounding water element was actually driven away. .

Feeling all this, the evil water mysterious tortoise instantly retracted its body into the tortoise shell with all its strength, opened its own domain, and formed a layer of heavy water defense shield around the tortoise shell.

"Domain: Guardian of Ten Thousand Layers"

The center of the Great Lake was instantly emptied, turning into layers of heavy water defense shields.

"Only this ability." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he took a hand that was prostration in mid-air.

The black crystal stone pillar in the sky has accelerated to the extreme, and directly smashed down at the evil water mysterious turtle under the lake.

'boom! ! ’

The black crystal stone pillar slammed into the layers of the shield of the evil water mysterious turtle with an unacceptable tendency.

The evil water mysterious tortoise looked at his black stone pillar with horrified eyes, only a moment of effort, he had already broken through his heavy defenses and hit his turtle shell.

'boom! ! ’

The tortoise's shell hardly withstood the black stone pillar.

"Who are you? I have an appointment with your human race. You can't kill me at will!"

Eshui Xuangui raised his head and shouted at Zhang Yue, an attack of this level, he couldn't resist a few times.

"Is there an appointment? Unfortunately, I don't admit it. I just came to avenge. Three beast tides. The number of dead and injured soldiers in my blue water area has reached 200,000."

"So you deserve to die." Zhang Yue's tone was as cold as frost. Today the evil water mysterious turtle must die. His head will hang on the wall of Jufeng Mountain. This was the original agreement between him and his father.

At this time, a huge wave was set off on the lake and photographed against Zhang Yue. In the huge wave, there were countless strange beasts condensed by the laws of the water system lurking, just waiting for a roar.

"Struggling to death?" Zhang Yue said faintly when he looked at the huge waves that hit him. Although the power of a semi-god-level alien beast could not be suppressed by raising his hands, it would take some time.

'boom! ’

A mountain rises in front of Zhang Yue, which is firmly blocked by Zhang Yue.

At this moment, a water ball with a diameter of 10 meters exuding evil power condensed behind Zhang Yue and shot towards Zhang Yue.

'boom! ’

The water polo was less than ten meters away from Zhang Yue, and it was directly blocked by an Earth Soul clone holding a huge shield.

The sound of ‘呲~~’ sounded, Zhang Yue felt strange, and when he looked back, he found that the Earth Soul clone had been melted by the evil water in the water ball.

"There are two brushes that can dissolve my earth soul clone, you can be regarded as capable." Zhang Yue said coldly.

Pointing his hand to the sky again, the examination condenses the black crystal pillars.

Zhang Yue didn't care about the death of the Earth Soul clone. After he became a high-rank, he could condense 10 Earth Soul clones. After death, he could also resurrect through the law.

After sensing that his last resort did not work, a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the evil water mysterious turtle.

"Don't kill me, do you want to know why I set off a wave of beasts? Don't kill me, I'll tell you."

The voice of the evil water mysterious turtle begging for mercy echoed over the big lake.

"If you want to continue to live, you think too much. I know that your alien beasts have many ways to escape. Come, let me see it."

Zhang Yue's words completely angered the evil water mysterious tortoise, and the monstrous huge mass once again condensed in the sky, and slowly there was a sea.

At this time, the evil water mysterious tortoise threw all its strength and broke free of Zhang Yue's restraint in an instant. His huge body jumped out of the water, opened his mouth, and asked for Zhang Yue, the heavy water condensed in the sky. The sea also smashed down.

"That's interesting."

"Semi-Domain: Zero-Duty Virtual Realm"

In an instant the sea of ​​heavy water that hit Zhang Yue floated in mid-air, and a huge hand of the earth caught the evil water mysterious turtle in mid-air.

"You are a high-level human race, why can suppress my domain, you must be disguised by the top demigod of your human race."

"You broke the contract signed between the Human Race and the Demigod Alliance. I want to send this news. Your Human Race will fall into a beast crisis in an all-round way. Add your two eye-catching neighbors, and your Human Race will be over."

While the evil water mysterious tortoise was roaring, there was a third-order small tortoise at the bottom of the lake, tremblingly crawling out of Zhang Yue's domain.

Looking at the roaring evil water mysterious tortoise, Zhang Yue laughed.

An earth hand instantly grasped the little turtle crawling out of the field.

"In fact, as long as you don't move, I really can't tell."

"Don't say if it is right, evil water mysterious tortoise." Zhang Yue looked at the little turtle and said with a smile.

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