The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 375: Self-styled

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Long He stopped, turned around and said to the true **** who dressed up the dragon and lion clan as the warlock, "I don't want to be so suffocated."

"Even if you want to be sincere."

"That also depends on whether he is qualified."

Speaking of stepping out of the tower, he instantly turned into a huge dragon and lion.

"Boy, don't you want to see me, I'm here."

Over the holy city of the dragon and lion clan, a ghost of the kingdom of God appeared, slowly descending over Zhang Yue.

"Is this the kingdom of God, after it comes, it will modify the laws of this place."

Zhang Yue felt the changing laws around him, and his domain was slowly weakening.

"Between the demigods and the true gods, there is an insurmountable sky."

"If you want us to surrender, it depends on your ability."

A huge dragon's roar echoed in the sky, and the dragon, who was in the form of a dragon and lion, bit at Zhang Yue and others.

Zhang Yue looked at the lion and dragon that rushed forward, with a glint in his eyes.

Hidden in the sky, the mountain-like giant sword formed by the crystal of Shield Mountain has been hovering in the air for a long time. There are still two such giant swords in the sky.

"Accept the trial of my dragon and lion clan."


Long He's huge mouth has enveloped Zhang Yue and others.

"Brother Yue, you hurry up and counter, isn't it about to roll over." Chu Feng looked at the huge abyss above with a little horror. If it weren't for Zhang Yue's protection, it is estimated that he and her group of comrades would have collapsed on the ground , The power of the true god, terrifying.

"Don't worry, I will see what he can do."

As Zhang Yue said, three huge star phantoms rose from behind Zhang Yue, forming a unique starlight field.

'boom! ! ’

Long He directly hit Zhang Yue's starlight domain, and a starlight chain popped out of the domain, tying the dragon together tightly.

The hand of the earth stretched out in the earth as big as the real body of a dragon and a dragon and lion caught the dragon.

After returning to the ground, it turned into a huge guillotine.

At the same time, the mountain-like giant sword in the sky was pulled and appeared to thrust into the earth.

In the high tower, the warlock dressed up as the true **** of the dragon and lion clan looked towards the sky with a flash of shock in his eyes.

"Is this the power of the world's top demigods in the heavens? Suppress the true gods with a finger."

"If this sword goes down, Longhe's half life is gone, don't you stop it?" said another true **** of the Longshi clan.

"Half of the divine body, Longhe falls asleep at best, please teach him a lesson at any time." said the true **** dressed as a warlock.

"Be prepared. After this Tianjiao suppresses Longhe, it's time for us to come forward." The true **** dressed as a warlock stood up and said.

At this time, Long He, who was bound by the starlight chain, was looking up at the sky in horror, and the crisis of fall emerged in his heart.

The mountain-like giant sword suddenly smashed down, directly slashing the dragon together in the state of the dragon and lion true god.

Long He turned into countless sources of light, and finally turned into its original form, looking at Zhang Yue in horror.

The phantoms of the three stars behind Zhang Yue slowly solidified, and the surrounding space felt like they were about to break, and the entire world of super-large fragments also began to turbulent.

"Surrender or perish." Zhang Yue looked at Long He and said without emotion. His kindness is not too patient with foreign races.

At this time, there was an old voice in the sky.

"Longhe, step back."

"His Royal Highness, my Dragon and Lion clan was originally the guardian of the Kingdom of God."

A true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed as a warlock and another true **** in heavy armor appeared in front of Zhang Yue and bowed to show respect.

The expression in Zhang Yue's eyes that was about to be murdered slowly eased.

"Since you are willing, you gather all the dragon and lion clan to seal yourself." 33 Novel Network

"By the way, before that, I want to hand over your divine tool Qianshen Lake. I'm useful." Zhang Yue said, promising that he would only say it once.

The true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed up as a warlock took out a circular artifact with a small lake-like landscape inside, and there was a cycle of reincarnation inside, and there were fish swimming in the small lake.

"I have lifted the upper seal, Your Highness can recognize the Lord at any time."

Zhang Yue took the imprint of the soul from Qianshen Lake and threw it to Chu Feng.

"Take it, let Zhuge Junshen make arrangements for him." Zhang Yue said casually, keeping this thing for himself is not very useful.

"Okay." Chu Feng said excitedly, this kind of opportunity to show his face must not be let go.

"Well, you guys are going to proclaim yourself, I will refine the heart of the world."

As Zhang Yue said, he walked towards the tall tower that symbolized the altar of the world in the distance.

The true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed as a warlock looked at Zhang Yue's figure, and finally sighed, and a ball of light floated in his hand and threw it towards the sky.


The ball of light bloomed in the sky like fireworks, and at the same time all the dragon and lion clan received the news from the holy city.

"Self-seal, waiting for the dragon and lion clan to recover again."

At this time, all the dragon and lion clan made the highest etiquette of their clan in the direction of the holy city, and at the same time activated the sealing technique buried deep in the soul.

In the end, all the dragon and lion clan turned into the most primitive form of seal.

The dragon and lion clan true gods dressed as warlocks let out a sigh of relief after receiving the reply from the clansmen.

Looking back at the beam of light that went straight to the sky, this was the reaction of the Heart of Refining World.

"Long He, Shi Lun, let us fall asleep too, when we wake up again, we will be the guards of the kingdom of God for this highness."

"Roger that."

He looked at Chu Feng and others.

"I don't know the name of your race yet, what is the name of this highness."

"Human, Zhang Yue."

"thank you, I know now."

Dozens of artifacts appeared in front of the true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed up by the warlock, floating in the air.

"These are the basic artifacts that I have refined for many years, and they are useless now. They are just a little gift before I proclaimed myself. I hope you can accept them."

"After this highness becomes a true god, please remind me, the dragon and lion clan are grateful."

The true **** of the dragon and lion clan said and bowed slightly to Chu Feng and other human races.

People who come casually all look at Chu Feng, which means you are in charge.

The accompanying soldiers started to look at the artifact floating in the air, but no one showed a greedy look. They knew that these things were not qualified to be contaminated.

"Okay, after Brother Yue becomes a true god, I will see his size as his." Chu Feng nodded and said.

"thank you all."

After the dragon and lion clan true gods said, they turned back and walked towards the tower, and finally turned into three golden statues on the periphery of the tower.

"This is really too generous."

"Sixteen artifacts, don't you get rich if you give me all of them?"

"Want to fart?"

After Zhang Yue and the dragon and lion clan disappeared, the people began to become more active.

"Brother Chu, this is your brother Yue, it's simply amazing."

"Yes, even if the ancestor of the sky ape is coming out of the mountain in the future, our human race will not be afraid."

"Our human race is about to rise!"


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